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SEPTEMBER 19, 1984.
7:00 P.M.
Ro11 call: Cramer, Olmsted, Gramstad, Anderson, Lovelace and Grenz were
present. Lewis was absent due to a death in .the family.
Park Director Steve Michaud was also present.
The next order of business was the approval of the Park and Recreation
Committee minutes of September 5, 1984,
84.47 It was moved by Gramstad, seconded by Grenz, to approve the minutes
as read.
Motion passed,
Item number three was the Park Director's report, The Park Diree-tor
.went through several development projects. and updated. the committee,
Oak Shores seeding and grading had been completed,. Installation of
playground equipment at Parkview Elementary .School was complete, Chairman
Cramer and committee member Grenz `both commented that the new playground
area was being used extensively by .children in the neighborhood.. Steve
commented that he had had several calls from parents in the neighborhood
. thanking us for the installation,
As of the writing of these minutes, Parkview rink has been installed
and the crews will be moving to Bunker H11 Park to begin installation of
that rink as soon as the grading is complete,
Park Director outlined the remaining projects to be completed this
season,-weather permitting,. Installation of a roadway and parking lot and
a pleasure skating rink at Foxborough Park; the grading and surfacing of a
parking Iot at Dodd, Meadows, Oak Shores and Foxbor®ugh; the installation
of backstops at the Meadows, Oak Shores and Dodd; infield material at Oak
Shores and completion of two rinks at Parkview and Bunker Hill and the in-
stallation of playground equipmenti at Independence Park,..
Along with all the development,. it was explained that the men were
still. maintaining ten soccer fields, four football fields twice a week, plus
restroom and trash clean-up twice a week also... There are also several areas
in need of 'grass cutting which will have to be squeezed in between projects.
Under item number four, bike trail update, Park Director displayed a
city map, on which were outlined the various designated state, county and
city bike routes. It was explained what changes existed since the original
drawing of this comp plan, the most significant change being the loss of
the proposed railroad abandonment. for trail usage. The railroad tracks
from downtown Lakeville headed west were supposed to be a major trail corgi-
• dog. Unfortunately, the. .property, when abandoned, was lost to citizens who
purchased the land for personal uses.. Several .high priority areas were
pointed out by committee members which included a main transportation route
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
September 19, 1984 -Z-
far bicycles and. pedestrians from downtown Lakeville to Antlers Park and to
the High School. It was .suggested that rather than following Dodd Boulevard
all. the way to Highway 50 that the possibility of placing a trail on High-
view Avenue be considered. Member Grenz thought that Highvew Avenue would
someday become a major throughfare for .the.. city. of Lakeville. Member Love-
lace questioned why there was not a trail built on 175th Street during road
construction. Steve explained that the road was widened considerably and
the potential of a line being painted on either side of the road still existed.
Lovelace and Grenz agreed-that some areas designated as trails through
developed areas could be designated on-road trails at this date. These trails
would be designated by signage.
At this time the Park Director updated the committee relative to the
35W/Highway 50/County Road 5 interchange project. The Park Director explained
two alternatives being requested of the county for funding, Committee member
Anderson questioned why the trail did not extend north to the city's boundary.
It was explained that the trail was originally planned only. to 172nd Street
and there. was an extension up to County Road 444. From County Road ~~44 north
it becomes very difficult because of sharp banks into wetlands. This would.
require mayor, expensive construction. Steve explained that someday, when
the cities of Lakeville and Burnsville and the county come together for the
upgrading of this road that a-trail will be installed.
• It was further explained that developments, as they come in along Highway
50, will be required. to set aside bikeway easements the entire length of High-
way 50. Copies of the city maps were distributed to the committee for members
to take home.. Members are to draw potential high priority areas from which
they represent that would be most feasible for bikeways. The Park Director
explained to the committee that at the next meeting they will begin to final-
ize a: comprehensive trail system plan for implementation to the five year
comp plan.
Item five, committee members received a report from Erkkila and Associates
outlining specific goals and recommendations for Ritter Farm Park based on the
citizen input meeting held September 5, 1984. Steve informed the committee
-that he and Tim Erkkila would be inspecting all the buildings at Ritter Farm
Park and trying to determine potential uses. Once this is complete, mare
specifio site plans may be developed. Committee members were urged to read
through the report and be prepared to discuss recommendations and goals at
the next meeting.
Under old business, it was a comp plan update which included the comple-
Lion of the bikeway system which is in progress and finalizing the recreational
goals and policies. Also, there has to be a review of the development goals
and policies. Steve informed the committee that Council authorized a payment
to Leonard Benison to hold off on him selling his land for. six months. This
time is needed to coordinate the development and planning of George Warweg's
Park and Recreation Committee minutes.
September 19,.1984 -3~
The Senior Citizen Center and .construction project is coming along
fine. Plumbing, heating, footings and parking lot area had all been comple-
ted. On Friday, September 21st, the concrete crews move in and begin work
to install the slab.
Item number seven was new business. Steve informed the committee that
Mr. Bill Traiser was: offering to donate 1.6 acres of land next to the Lake-
. ridge park addition
Steve informed the committee .that he had received. a call from a lady in
Valley Park complaining about the condition of the water at Valley Lake Beach.
She went on to say that there were several people in the neighborhood who
were unhappy and that they thought a municipal pool was needed.
Steve informed the committee that there was a vacancy on the Planning
Commission and-that anyone interested in applying should contact Citv Hall.:
A proposal from Erkkila and Associates was then passed out to the com--
mittee, The proposal was for architectural plans and research relative to
George Warwe~'s vronerty which surrounds Antlers Park. There were several
questions concerning the relocation of the boat launch and the redesigning
of the parking lot, utilizing the additional two acres.
.48 It was moved by Olmsted, seconded by Anderson, to recommend to City
Council approval of the proposal.
Motion passed.
Gramstad and Cramer both were happy to have received minutes from the
City Council, Planning Commission and Natural Resources Committee.. All
committee members felt that receiving the rnin~stes of the other major com-
mittees were very helpful for keeping an open line of .communication.
Grenz suggested that there is a definite need for access work along
Dodd Boulevard and Flagstaff coming from the north and headed to Dodd Park.
84.49 There being no further business, it was moved by Grenz, seconded by
Gramstad.,. to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respec u y ubm' ted,
Gerald S. Michaud, irector
Parks and Recreation