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CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 1, 1984 7:00 P.M. Roll Call: Grenz, Cramer, Anderson, Lewis and Gramstad were present. Lovelace and Olmsted were absent. Park Director Steve T~ichaud was also present. The next order of business was the approval of the July 18, 1984 Park and Recreation Committee minutes. 84.38 It was moved by Grenz, seconded by Anderson, to approve the minutes as read with one correction. In the last paragraph on page 1, middle of the paragraph, where it reads they wanted hockey instead of the pleasure skating area, it should be scratched. The committee voted to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed. Park Director's report. Steve informed the committee that the main- tenance department had begun to rem©ve the boards from the hockey rinks in both Parkview and Bunker Hill. Both these rinks are scheduled to be re-built. The crews have been doing clot of work out at Ritter Farm Park clearing the trails and working in one of our replanted areas. The crews have been keep- . ing up with all the cutting chores in all the parks. There have been a .few vandalism repair jobs, but nothing serious. The fencing project at Orchard Lake Beach has been completed and several other daily maintenance chores are being accomplished. The recreation programs have been going very well. This week is the last week of the summer playground program, Preparations. are being concluded for the August 12th Concert in the Park. Aronson Park is being prepared for three major state tournaments which begin the weekend of August 11th. Steve has met with. some of the other Park Director's that assisted with the Zoo concert in planning for other types of events such as a trathalon or some major recreational program. Steve informed the committee that bids would be opened for the Senior Citizen Center on Friday. As of this writing, bids had been opened and received and a recommendation given to City Council on August 6th. Council approved the recommendation of the low bidder, Morcon Construction, in the amount of $239,000.00. The project should commence as soon as possible, Steve informed the committee that he is preparing several presentations to various civic groups to assist with the development of the interior rooms of the Senior Citizen building. No word has yet been received on the Antlers Park grant ranking. Play- ground equipment for Parkview park is due any day. Park and Recreation Co~?ittee minutes August 1, 1984 Page -2- Item four is a review of The Meadows North plat. Mr. Jack Lankas was present to give a presentation on his proposed development. The committee had a long discussion on the development of this plat relative to bike trail access to Antlers Park. After much discuss~.on, Mr. Lankas agreed to a bike/pedestrian easement through one of his lots to a proposed bikeway trail. It was discussed of the possibility of having a north-south easement on his east side property line. The committee decided to designating a trail corridor in the area of 207th Street and Dodd Blvd., cross Country to the Lankas property and north to Antlers Park. 84.39 The committee then recommended to City Council that a cash contribution and a 30 foot easement between lots to provide access to the east side of his property be approved to meet the requirements of the park dedidation ordinance. Motion was made by Cramer, seconded by Lewis. Motion passed. Item number five was a review of the bike trail plan for Lakeville. The committee discussed the continuing need for a trail from downtown Lakeville to Antlers Park and on to the High School. It was suggested that a special meeting be planned to be dedicated only to the planning of this particular bike trail. Steve will secure overhead photography for planning purposes. • Item number six was an update of the playground purchases and installation. Steve informed the committee that the playground equipment for Parkview school was due August 1st. To date, it has not been received. Bicycle racks and benches are due this week. Specifications for the purchase of the playground equipment in three of the parks will be completed and bids received by August 17th. Item number •seven was a review of additional land purchase for Antlers Park for parking. Steve explained the situation of Mr. Bentson's offer to sell the land next to Antlers Park. It was also explained that this purchase was added as an addendum to the Antlers Park grant. An appraisal of the prop- erty is being conducted and we should have those reports within two weeks. The property, together with Mr. Warweg's property, have a value to Antlers Park for additional parking areas. Mr. Bentson's property,. by itself, does not offer very much additional parking. Steve will keep the committee informed as to the appraisals and the grant process. Item number. eight was a review'of the Master Plans for. Dakota Heights, Independence Park and Cedar Highlands Park. Steve informed the committee that he had met with the architect the day before and had reviewed all the comment from the .committee at their last meeting, plus the citizen input. Together with those comments and additional renditions from the architect, Steve presented some new concept plans.. to the committee. After much discussion, all revisions were generally accepted by the committee. Steve will contact the architect t¢r prepare the final renditions which should be available for inspection at our next. meeting. Park and Recreation Committee minutes August. 1, 1984 Page -3- Under new business, Steve informed the committee that he was in the process of completing the 1985 budget. If the budget is entered into the computer and available by the next meeting, copies will be made available to the committee. Committee member Anderson questioned procedure and policy relative to the Adopt-a-Park Program. Steve gave a brief update as to how the program has worked in the past. Steve explained the situation between Mr. Ernie Peterson and the city. Under old business., Steve explained the situation surrounding National Electronics, Inc. and their permit request for storage of hazardous waste. Same committee members had time to read the report and others did not. Steve brought up discussion relative to Valley Lake Beach lifeguards coming to our last committee meeting. There was a discussion relative to the drainage problem on the Valley Park bike trail. As of this writing, the building inspector has sent a writen letter to the church involved requesting the trail be cleaned and drainage problems. repaired immediately. Committee members brought up the fact that there had been some truck or tractor traffic across private property going into Hershey Park. Steve • said he would look into this. Committee members reminded Steve that the bouys an Lake Marion had been installed. 84.40 There being no .other business, it was moved by Lewis, seconded by Gramstad, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Resp ct ull s mi ed, era d S. Michau , Director Parks and Recreation GSM: jr