HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 20, 1984 5:30 PM This evening's meeting started at 5:30 P.M. at the City Council Chsmbers, where the committee members met with Park Director Steve Michaud for a tour of all major park development projects, developments from last year and .proposed developments for the future. The committee left the Public Works Building about 5:40 P.M, and arrived back at approximately 7:45 P.M. .Parks which were visited were Aronson Park, Antlers Park, The Meadows Park, Orchard Lake Park,. Orchard Lake Beach, Oak Shores Park, Valley Lake Beach, Ritter Farm Park, Dodd: Trail. Park, Independence Park, I'oxborough Park, Cedar Highlands Park and Hershey Park. We also taent by Lakeville Jaycee Park. The committee enjoyed the tour very much and many new insights were provided for our new committee members. Upon arriving back at the .Public Works Building, the committee commenced with their meeting. Ro11 call was taken. Lovelace, Lewis, Anderson, Cramer anal Gramstad-were present.. Park 'Director_Steve Michaud was also present. • The next order of business was .the approval of the June 6,.1984 Park and Recreation Committee minutes. 84.31 It was moved by Gramstad, seconded by Anderson to approve the minutes as read. Motion passed. Next order of business was the Park Director's report-:: Steve. reported on several projects from the maintenance department.. He informed the commit- tee that Oak Shores west side had been completely. final. graded and seeded and it was thought by the department that it was a little bit late to get the seed on the east side. The park department will .keep the area groomed through- out the. summer so the weeds. do not grow up. Steve informed the committee that Aronson Park benches had all been painted and several lines for foul lines and out-af-bounds lines were being burned in and several other major projects in preparation for Pan-O-Prog's big softball tournament .,were being completed. Steve informed the committee that Independence Park, which was also a topic on the tour., had been completely landscaped along its northeast boundary and around the ponding area. The entire area has been seeded and it should make this entire area more pleasurable. Steve informed the committee that Dodd Trail Park seeded area was coming in very well and the entire area was turf. right now, almost ready for a cutting. Park and Recreation Committee minutes June 20, 1984 Page -2- Steve informed the committee that the Dakota Heights .drainage ditch project has started and that the pipe should be completed within a week or so for the entire park area. The committee also viewed this on the tour and thought. this would be a great addition to the park, making the area much more usable. Steve informed the committee that the Orchard Lake restrooms were experiencing blockages in the .sewage system and within one week's time, the system-had blocked three times. Steve is going to secure .quotations for hooking up to .city sewer and water, which had been stubbed into the park when the project went down the roan. Under item B, Steve wept on to pass out a preliminary floor plan and exterior plan of the Senior Citizen Center. The plan had been approved by City Council with some minor changes, including the exterior of the building to be brick. Steve is working closely with the Senior Citizen group build- ing committee and the Zack Johnson Architectural Firm to come up with the final plan. The next meeting of the building committee will be Wednesday,: June 27th at 11:00 AM in City Hall. Under: item C, Steve. informed the committee that Pan-O-Prog ^was well • on its way. The only things that remained were a few minor details to be put together. This year's program seems to be as good as all programs of the past. .Steve went on to .item D and informed the committee that the lake situation remained the same. Steve has staff on board every weekend, trying to keep people off the beach and out of the water areas that have been designated "No Trespassing". Buoys have not yet been received, but are due this week or next and will be installed immediately. .Item E was an update of the Parkview Elementary School playground development program. Steve had met with the principal of Parkview at least two more times and the committee had came to a consensus of the type of playground equipment they needed and a cost estimation. The Parkview principal will be putting out bids to four playground companies that should be received in the next couple. of weeks and installation will begin in early August. Item four was an update of the recreation programs. Steve informed the committee that all four of the recreation sites were going well. Special programs and trips and senior citizen trips were all being well attended. There have been no problems to date. Steve informed the committee that action on the beaches had been slow due to weather, but we could anticipate a rapid increase in usage as the weather becomes warmer. Valley Lake. Beach seems to be more of a problem area this year, with several .young teen-alters causing problems for many of the users. To date, three people have been issued letters, informing them Park and Recreation Committee minutes June 20, 1984 Page -3- that they are no longer allowed within any of the park properties in the Valley Park area. There has been some loittering in some of .the parking lots of some of the beaches but to this point it has not caused any great deal of problems. One call was received concerning drinking and hanging around in the parking lot of Antlers Park, The police and staff are going to be watching this very closely. Item five was an update on the Park Master Plans and the Park. and Open Space System Plan. Steve talked to Tim Erkkila the day before the meeting and was informed that the master plans and. the Park and Open Space System plan-were going along very well, Something should be ready for. us to review in concept stage by our second meeting in July. Item six was special issues for discussion. "A" was the Hershey Park access. Steve explained to the committee that the normal pedestrian access to Hershey Park has water being pumped down the access by a local citizen's basement which is under high water." The public access has been closed due to the slippery conditions due to the water. In order to open that access, some sort of drainage system off the public access would have to be utilized. Several residents are expressing concern that there are no accesses to that park, especially :over the ditch, which is full of water. Steve is working with the engineer to try and get an access further down to • the east, with the new plat development that is going in just on the edge of the park a Steve will keep the committee updated as to the progress on this. Steve informed the committee under "B" that vandalism had been sporatic and no great costly instances had occured this year. It does seem that the smaller, continuous type of vandalism is prevalent. Under "C", Valley Lake Beach and parks, Steve .informed the committee that. several young kids are travelling in gangs and. have been giving many citizens verbal problems, A couple of .people have been assaulted. These are the people we have issued letters to and as we can find out who these young .people are., we will have them removed from the parks as soon as possible. The police department is cooperating with the park department and hopefully some of these early ejections of trpuble-makers will solve the problem. Under "D" Steve informed the committee that Dennis Feller had recently handed out budget sheets for 1985 and the budget process would probablq start after Pan-O-Prog. Committee members .are to bring any suggestions for park development or changes in the 1985 budget to the second meeting in July. A question was asked by a committee member concerning a report on the channel outlet of Lake Marion. Steve will forward the question to the engin- eers and try and get an answer by the next meeting. Another question asked was if there were any aerial pictures of Lakeville or more specifically of downtown Lakeville that would assist in any bike trail planning .processes. Several citizens are beginning to express concern Park and Recreation Committee minutes June 20, 1984 Page -4- over the lack of .trails from downtown Lakeville to Antlers Park and to the High School.. This, as every year, becomes a major issue and the committee will begin to address this problem as soon as possible. After some discussion about the Next meeting scheduled for J ly 4th, the committee cancelled their first meeting in July and will re-c nvene on the 18th. 84.32 There being no .further business, it was moved by Lewi eco ded by Lovelace to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. ' Respe t ul y s bmi to , w r Gerald S. Michaud, Director Parks and Recreation GSM:jr •