HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 1984 7:00 P.M. Roll call.: Cramer, Lovelace, Grenz, Lewis and Storlie were present. Olmsted was absent. Park Director. Steve Michaud was also present. First order of business was to approve .the January 18, 1984 Park and Recreation Committee minutes. 84.6 It was moved by Lewis, seconded by Grenz, to approve the minutes as read. Motion passed. Park Director's report.. Steve reported that the new one-ton truck had been delivered to the public works building. The. dump box that is to go on the back of the truck will be ready for installation in approximately three weeks. Steve reported that the hockey rinks and pleasure skating rinks are up and down this year. The weather gets warm and the rinks become bad, the weather gets cold and the park maintenance. department brings them back. Ta date we have had very few complaints relative to the quality of the ice. Park maintenance will continue to keep this as a prioritq as long as the weather is conducive to making ice. Steve informed the committee that he will be preparing specifications for the purchase of playground equipment for plannedi.nstallation in the summer of 1984. Steve requested the committee members to suggest any par- ticular pieces of equipment that are necessary for any certain playgrounds. Committee member Grenz suggested the need for bicycle racks at Valley Lake Beach. Steve informed Mr. Grenz that bicycle racks were also needed at Orchard Lake Beach and Antlers Park Beach and that that would be part of the bid package. Steve informed the committee that in working with Dennis Feller on the capital improvements program that additional funds had become available to the park dedication fund. .Recommendations for expenditures for the park dedication fund .would be part of the recommendations for capital improvements expenditures fox 1984. Item number six was a discussion of the capital improvements plan, but Steve informed the committee that the capital improvement program is now being typed and wasn't available for this evening. A review of the capital improvement program will be made at .the next Park and Recreation Committee meeting, February 15, 1984. Two residents of the. Valley Park area were present, a Mr. Don Weisler, telephone number 432-1271, and Mr. Larry Carterman, 432-0307, to discuss various ideas concerning Independence Park a Both were interested in working Park and Recreation Committee minutes February 1, 1984 Page -2- with the Park and Recreation department when the Master Plan is to be developed on Independence Park. Item .four. was a recommendation to council on the closing of the high school. hockey rink. Steve referred to his January 26th letter recommending to the city council and committee the closing of the rink and siting the several reasons for ..this. 84.7 After little discussion, it was moved'by Cramer, seconded by Lewis,:.. tc~ recommend to city council that the high school hockey rink be closed permanently and that the warming house facility be moved to The Meadows Park. Motion passed unanimously.. As part of item number four, the hockey rink discussion, there was some discussion concerning the ice arena. Steve updated the committee as to the citizens committee working on the ice arena. As of these minutes, city council had a meeting with-.the arena committee at' a work session and it was determined that a random sample survey taould be conducted of the registered voters within the city of Lakeville. The survey would ask whether the citizens-were in favor of the proposal. • Together with the input received as a'result of the article in the city newsletter, the city council would then make a decision tahether or not to authorize a band issue for the ice arena in 1984. Under item number five, Steve disco sed the various options and work that had been completed on the Open Space System Plan review and update. Steve also offered to the committee an updated fee structure from Tim Erkkila, who is working with the committee and Steve to update the Park and Open Space System .Plan. The committee reviewed the new fee structure .plan and recommended to council approval of the updated fee schedule. and to continue with the project, but not to exceed the original amount budgeted of $3,100.00. Under discussion, Steve informed the committee that the $3,100.00 maximum figure would be utilized for all technical work and staff would do the remaining work to complete the review and update. 84.8 The question was called and. the motion passed unanimously. .Item six and seven were tabled for completion of the capital improve- ment program, which includes the park dedication fund expenditures which should be ready by the February 15th meeting. Item eight was old business. Under old business, Steve updated the.. committee with the progress of the senior citizen center. Steve informed the committee that the possibility of receiving the total grant for the • construction of .the project looked bright. One additional meeting of the Park and Recreation Committee minutes February 1, 1984 Page -3- Dakota County task force developing the criteria to disseminate the money wi11 be held February 17,.1984, at which time a final. recommendation wi11 be prepared-for the county board. Once-the county board approves the recommendatiions of the task force, the grants would be awarded and. the projects started. Under item nine, new business, committee member Steve Storle officially resigned from the committee. Steve will be moving to Alaska in April and ~i:s time in preparation-for his move is very limited to date. The committee wishes to go on :record as thanking Steve for .his many gears of service to the Park and Recreation Committee and the park and recreation department. $4.9 There being no further business,. it was moved by 5torlie, seconded by Lovelace to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. espectf 1y sub it~t c1, L~.1 Michaud, bisector arks and Recreation GSM: jr