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DECEMBER 1, 1982
7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Cramer, Storlie, Norden, Grenz and Olmstead were all present.
Park Director, Steve Michaud, was also present..
Item number two was approval of the Park and ~tecreation committee
minutes of October 6, 1982.
82-46 It was moved by Norden, seconded by Olmstead to approve the minutes
as read.
Motion passed.
Item three .was the Park Director's report. Steve gave the committee
an update on the 1982 National Congress that he attended in Louisville,
Steve went on to explain some of the maintenance and development
projects that have been progressed through the fall and towards the end.
of the summer. He reported that the Orchard Lake Beach project was almost
complete except for picnic area which has to be landscaped and trees plant-
ed. The maintenance. department completed installation of the fence around
• field. three at Aronson Park.. Steve informed the committee of the donation
of maple trees from Bob Jensen which were planted in Aronson and Antlers
Parks, Somewhere around fifty trees were donated by Mr. Jensen.
Steve reported. to the committee that the final language for the agree-
ment Dakota County and the City of Lakeville with respect to trail mainten-
ance and development of trails in county right-of-ways have been completed.
Steve reported that all the repairs on most of the rinks have been completed
and preparations were being made for the cold weather flooding. Steve
wanted to inform the committee that he .had just come from a meeting with
the L.A.A. and the Hockey Boosters relative to providing funds for the
support facilities such as satellites, heating, electricity and telephones.
Steve informed the committee that the L.A.A. had consented to payment for
the support facilities. Maintenance of the ice would be as it has been in
years past. .Steve also received word from the Rosemount Hockey Association
that they would not be able. to afford support facilities and that they would
not be using the Lakeville hockey rink facilities. The Lakeville Athletic
Association also informed Steve that they would not be using the Lakeville
High School rink. The rink will be developed with ice and maintained for
public skating and also to be used by the varsitg and B-squad teams at the
High School. Steve has negotiated a fee of $1,500.00 for .providing ice to
the. Lakeville High School hockey teams.
Steve. informed the committee that the ski trails at Ritter Farm Park
had all been cut and are ready to be maintained when the snow comes.
Steve went on to explain that the Board of Directors of Pan-O-Prog
had started their meetings for the 1983 Pan-O-Prog and Steve invited any
committee members to become active or to offer any input concerning any Pan-
0-Prog programs.
Park and Recreation committee meeting
• December 1, 1982
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Steve reported to the committee about some pending legislature that
may develop with respects to the Park Dedication ordinances, Steve explained
to the committee ..that Bloomington was beginning to sponsor a bill in the
legislature to have some of those funds diverted to other types of uses
such as low .income housing.. Steve went on to explain to the committee that
the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association, representing many of the
municipalities in the state of Minnesota, are opposing this plan or anything
connected with .any legislature that would affect the park dedication statutes
as they exist today.
Steve went on to discuss with. the committee the potential impacts of
state revenue short-falls which has. recently occurred. Steve gave the
committee an update on the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association fall
conference. Steve stated that is was a very interesting and informative
conference .
Item four was a review of the attorney's letter concerning Dodd Trail
Park. Steve reported to the committee that earlier, Chicago Title Company
reclaimed ownership of Dodd Trail Park but the City of Lakeville contends
that the park belongs to the City and that it will remain that way. Steve
informed the committee that the attornies are working on this and as more
. information become available, he will inform the committee.
Item number five was a budget update. Steve informed the committee
that the. 1982 budget was going along as planned.
Item six was a review and request by the Barrett Subdivision plat.
Steve informed the committee of the change in the plat layout from duplexes
and quads to single family dwelling units. This is a result of citizen
pressures put on the developer from Dakota Heights to change from duplexes
to single families. In doing so, a line of single family homes along the
school park complex, the new elementary school at Jacquard and 175th, poses
a problem to the developer with respects to providing adequate. access to the
park without school users travelling through private property. The
developer requested that the park dedication funds be utilized to purchase
and install a chain link fence the entire length of the school property.
Steve explained to the committee that he had talked with the developer and
stated that the park dedication funds were for the development of park
properties and acquisition of land and not to be used as a means to increase
the. value of certain. lots along the school properties. According to the
plat, there shall be adequate accesses into the school property from the
west and the necessity of a fence at this point, and being paid for by park
dedication fees., is not realistic. If .the developer himself wishes to in-
stall a fence, the park and recreation committee would have no problems with
82-47 At this point, it was moved by Cramer, seconded by Grenz, to recommend
• to City Council that all park and recreation dedication fees from the Barrett
Subdivision be used for the purpose of developing area parks and their facil-
ities and not used for the installation of a barrier fence between the lots
and the school property.
Motion passed.
Park and Recreation Committee meeting
December 1, 1982
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Item number seven was a review of the committee. assignments. and terms
of office. Steve did not have a list at that time, but it will. be entered
into the official minutes of this meeting so that committee members can
review the terms of office. Working on three-year terms, the following
are terms of office as approved by City Council:
Member Term Expires
R. Norden 1/1/83
H. Lovelace 1/1/84
J. Cramer 1/1/84
S, Storlie 1/1/85
K. Lewis 1/1/85
G. Grenz 1/1/83
L. Olmstead 1/1/84
R. Norden and G. Grenz's terms will be expiring as of the First meeting in
January. Both committee members should give some thought for a reappoint-
.Item eight was a review of the 1983 development plans. Steve explained
• to the committee that the two high priorities for development would be
Jacquard Ave. Park and Dodd Park. Steve explained that there are some park
dedication monies being deposited into the fund and hopefully, the more
priority Jacquard Avenue Park would begin this spring with the installation
of turf .and possibly parking. lots.. Depending on how much park dedication
funds we receive, Dodd Park hopefully would have the same turf development
as a start this spring.
Under old business, Steve informed the committee that he had received
approval for a $24,000 Y.E.T.P. - C.E.T.A. grant. The grant provides for
3,600 hours of park maintenance work at $6.00 per hour. Steve plans to put
two maintenance workers on to assist his crews this winter and hopefully
still have 1,300 hours remaining for summer employment this summer.
Under new business, Steve brought up anew plat. as being proposed to
the City Council and Planning Commission called the Cedar / 70 Development.
Steve laid out the development plat on the bulletin board and explained to
the. committee its location, amount of acres, etc.. Steve informed the commit-
tee that he had done research on the project and recommended that the commit-
tee approve a cash contribution.
82-48 With this, it was moved by Cramer, seconded by Grenz, to recommend to
City Council that the Cedar / 70 Development project be required to pay a
cash contribution as stated in the park dedication ordinance. It was further
recommended by the committee that, according to the park dedication ordinance,
this particular plat and other outstanding plats still owing money to the
• City through the park dedication ordinance, be required to pay the interest
on the unpaid amounts of park dedication fees as outlined in the ordinance.
Motion passed.
• Park and Recreation Committee minutes
December 1, 1982
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82-49 There being no new business, it was moved by Larry Olmstead, seconded
by Bob Norden, to adjourn.
Motion passed.
espect s i ed
G raid S. Michaud, D rector
Parks and Recreation
NOTE: The next scheduled meeting of the Park and Recreation Committee
will be January 5, 1983.