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JULY 21, 1982
7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Members present were Lovelace, Storlie, Cramer, Lewis,
Norden and Grenz. Park Director, Steve Michaud, was also present.
First order of business was approval of the May 18, 1982, Park and
Recreation committee minutes.
82-32 It was moved by Storlie, seconded by Norden, to approve the minutes
as read.
Motion passed.
At this time, Chairman Cramer discussed the committee resignation of
Butch Carrick. Butch has informed our secretary that because of work
schedules, he would not be able to continue on the committee. The commit-
tee directed Steve to draft a letter thanking Mr. Carrick for the time he
did spend on the committee.
Next order of business was the Park Director's report. Steve informed
the committee that revenues from Antlers Park parking. lot were coming in
very good. Revenues in all other areas are coming in on an average pace.
. Item B was a recreation programs update.. Steve informed the committee
that all programs are going well, especially Kamp Kermit, which was a great
success this year.
Item C was maintenance update. Steve informed the committee that the
parks. were back in excellent order. The department has received many com-
pliments concerning the conditions of the parks and their facilities.
Item number four was, the annual bus tour. After discussion, the
committee decided that on July 28, the committee would meet at the Public
Works Building at 5:00 p.m. and tour the major facilities in the park system.
Item number five was a review of the Oakridge Heights preliminary plat.
Steve reminded the committee of the discussions held on this plat in the
past and showed members the new location and how it related to the park
comprehensive plan. As discussed at previous meetings, a recommendation
of cash had been made by Park Director Steve Michaud.
82-33 It was then moved by Cramer, seconded by Storlie, to recommend to City
Council that Oakridge Heights preliminary plat be required to pay a cash
contribution in the amount equal to the ordinance existing at the time of
final platting.
Motion passed.
Item number six was not discussed.
Item seven, Steve informed the committee of the Minnesota Park and
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
July 21, 1982
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Recreation Association appointment of himself to represent the State of
Minnesota on the Great Lakes Regional Council. The Great Lakes Regional
Council has been established as a liason between the regional National
Park and Recreation Association and the State of Minnesota.
Number eight, sub-committee reports, Jeff Cramer reported that there
had been no meetings or discussion concerning the lake and that review
of lake usage would probably be coming after the swimming and boating
Item number nine, Park Director Steve Michaud gave the committee an
update on Pan-O-frog which turned out to be one of the better Pan-O-frogs
in years.
Item ten was new business. Steve showed the committee a site plan
of a convenience store to be located north of Highway 50 and east of Dodd
Blvd., at the corner. .The parcel is a small piece of a total larger
commercial area. Steve recommended that the convenience store plat be
required to pay park dedication fees as assessed under the category of
commercial 1 and .
82-34 It was then moved by Lewis, seconded by Grenz, to recommend to City
Council that the convenience store plat be required to pay commercial rate
• to satisfy its. park dedication-fee requirement.
Motion passed.
Continuing under new business, Steve informed the committee of the
We11s Fargo grant and City Council's generous cooperation in assisting
in fronting the money to tE~e three civic organizations in town to be able
to purchase this for installation in Aronson Park this fall. Steve
explained to the committee that the Lakeville Jaycees, the Lakeville Lions
and the Lakeville-Chamber of Commerce have all chipped in one-third the
cost in purchasing this jogging/exercise course. The City Council will
pay the up-front money, which will be $4,300.00, which will then be re-
turned by the civic groups before the end of the fiscal year.
Under old business, Steve informed the committee that the maintenance
of the park system has been going very well. Orchard Lake Beach LAWCON
project is progressing on schedule. All other major tasks and projects
are also on schedule.
Steve informed the committee also that the Planning Commission was
was interested in having another combined meeting to go over the compre-
hensive park plan. Steve suggested that a second combined meeting, either
at their meeting or at our meeting, be scheduled.
Steve informed the committee that water samples were taken at Valley
Lake Beach..- The. water quality tests came out very favorably.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
July 21, 1982
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Chairman Cramer brought up a point .concerning the ball field mainten-
ance and problems on the school fields at Parkview Park. Steve informed
him that those fields ar out of Lakeville park department's jurisdiction
and most maintenance is the responsibility of the Rosemount school district..
Steve offered to help in contacting the appropriate people to see if
maintenance of these fields could be kept at a playable standard.
It was also a concern mentioned concerning the water in the pools.
Steve informed the committee that very shortly the pools will be disman-
tled and those holes would be filled in with sand.
$2-35 There being no more business, it was moved by Norden, seconded by
Lewis, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
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Gerald S. Michaud, irector
Parks and Recreation