HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
MARCH 17, 1982
7:30 p.m,
Roll Call: Storlie, Cramer, Lovelace, Lewis and Norden were present.
Councilman Bob Nelson was also present, along with. Park Director, Steve
First order of business was the approval of the Park .and Recreation
Committee minutes of March 10,.1982.
82-17 It was moved by Lewis, seconded by Norden to approve the minutes as
Motion. passed.
At this time, Steve passed over item number three and moved to item
number four, which was a review of the Orchard Lake Estates plat.. Steve
reviewed the plat with the committee and explained its relationship to the
comprehensive plan. Steve explained that the comprehensive plan identifies
the area known as West Park, directly east of the proposed plat, as a
future park site to serve the needs of the people in that area. Steve
presented a letter with his recommendation. The letter was dated March
17, 1982, and basically recommended to City Council the cash contribution
• be assessed this development in the amount of the existing cash contribu-
tion per lot at the time of final platting.
82-18 After some discussion,. it was moved by Norden, seconded by Storlie,
to recommend to the Lakeville City Council that a cash contribution be
accepted from Orchard Lake Estates plat in the amount required by the park
dedication ordinance at the time of final platting,
Motion passed.
Item five was a review of the Council action on the Antlers Park moor-
ings proposal, Steve explained to the Committee that the proposal was
approved by the Lakeville City Council on a vote of three to one. Nancy
Enright, Betty Sindt and Duane Zaun voted for the proposal. Mayor Bob
Jensen voted "no." Councilman Bob Nelson .had to leave the Council meeting
and was not there for the vote.
Steve explained that there was discussion for at least an hour on the
proposal. Many of the citizens present expressed their feelings. There
were no bad feelings about the concept of the moorings proposal, but rather,
concerns with the total comprehensive lake usage. Citizens were concerned.
about the influx of many boats on the lake without proper enforcement of
existing rules and regulations.
Several other comments v,~ere presented with respects to the total lake
usage and a second motion was offered by Nancy Enright that the Park and
Recreation Committee and the Natural Resources Committee come together and
• prepare a proposal for City Council with respects to a plan for improved
controls or enforcement of existing uses of Lake Marion..
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
March 17, 1982
Page -2-
Steve explained that in a third motion, City Council established a
fee per mooring for a season at $300.00 per boat. The motions passed.
Item six was a review of a proposed policy with respects to .the park
dedication payment. City Administrator, Pat McGarvey, received a letter
from Mr. Brian Watschke of Fortune Realty, requesting an optional program
by which he would be able to pay the park dedications required of him
through the Lake Villa Golf Estates, which is now due.
Mr. McGarvey responded by suggesting a policy to the Lakeville City
Council :which, in effect, would allow some flexibility in the means. by
which developers may pay. I had received comments from Public Works Dir-
ector, Jim Robinette, and Planning Commission Chairman, Pat Harvey, of
their concern with respects to receiving park dedication fees at the time
of occupancy by homeowners. Steve explained to the committee that he thought
it would become a problem and even difficult to restrict a family from
occupying a home which they have just spent many thousands of dollars to
build, because they have not paid the park dedication requirement..
Steve went on to explain that he wouldn't object to writing into the
ordinance an alternate route, if requested by the developer, to require the
• park dedication fee during the application for the building permit.. The
committee. and Steve then went on to add that the first priority would be
to collect the monies as established in the existing ordinance today. The
second priority would be to add the flexibility in when paying for building
permits, if a hardship by the developer can be justified.
After further discussion, Steve explained to the committee that since
many options of park dedication payments are available, further thought
should be given to the proposal before adopting it.
Steve asked for volunteers to put together a sub-committee to prepare
a report and recommendation to the Lakeville City. Council concerning the
payment of park dedication fees. Bob Norden, Kathy Lewis and Jeff Cramer
volunteered o assist on this committee. -City Council/Park and Recreation
Committee Liasons, Betty Sindt and Bob Nelson, would also be asked to assist
at the meeting.
Under item seven, new .business-, Steve presented a letter he received
from the. Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization, requesting the reduc-
tion in non-league team .tournament fees in Aronson Park. Mr. Bob Lambert
has requested the use of Aronson Park for afund-raiser for the Big Brothers
and Big Sisters organization and. requested that there be a reduction in the
normah fee as outlined in our existing ordinance. The committee discussed
the financial situation of the department today and found it difficult to
reduce any fees at a particular-crisis time..
. Park and Recreation Committee minutes
March 17, 1982
Page -3-
82-19 At this time, it was moved by Lewis, seconded by Cramer, to let there
be no reduction in the fee schedule as outlined.
Motion passed.
Steve told the committee that he would inform the representative of
the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Association of his decision and if-they
still wish to use the park, paying the full fees, we would schedule the
Under new business, Chairman Cramer asked if there were any special
projects the Valley Park scouts could be involved in and receive payment
for. Steve explained that many scouts, campfire girls, etc. did volunteer
work in the parks but generally, without pay. Steve went on to explain
.that we do not. have any funds available for projects of this sort. Steve
explained to Chairman Cramer that there are many opportunities for groups
such as his to become involved in for making money.' Steve suggested that
concessions at certain tournaments, Pan-O-frog, etc. are available and
sometimes need people to .come in and run the concessions. Steve would
keep Jeff informed of any potentials that the scouts could get involved in
that may produce some revenue for them.
. Under oid business, Bob Nelson brought up the fact that. the fishing
bridge area was in need of clean-up and possible upgrading. Steve men-
tioned that he would take a ride out there and inspect the site and come
up with. some recommendations.
Steve returned to item number three on .the. agenda, the Park Director's
report.. .Steve explained to the Committee that the maintenance crews were
actively working on several projects at the Public works Building such as
refurbishment of equipment, preparation of equipment and tractors for the
upcoming summer, repainting of signs and beach equipment, and one especi-
a11y interesting project - the removal of the pickup box of unit #301,
which is our old International pickup truck, and transforming that into a
pickup dump box. The park maintenance department has requested a dump box
type truck for many years., but lack of funds has prevented us from getting
one. The pickup box on unit #301 was in bad shape and :needed to be replaced.
The crew, with existing steel and other parts, have developed a new box
with a scissor dump lift which would work very well this summer in hauling
dirt and other materials to development sites.
The repairs have been completed on the hockey rink sites after the
season and preparations for the boat moorings have already progressed..
Another item brought up by Kathy Lewis was consideration of-the "Ban
the Bottle" ordinance. Steve explained to the committee that he would put
Bud A1ich on the. next agenda to speak of the merits of banning glass in
• the Lakeville park system.
• Park and Recreation Committee minutes
March 17, 1982
Page -4-
82-20 At this time, being there was no further business, it was moved by
Lewis, seconded by Norden to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed.
Respectf ly su itt d,
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Gerald S:' ichau , D rector
Parks and Recreation