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FEBRUARY 3, 1982
7:30 p.m.
-.Roll Call:. Storlie, Cramer, Norden, Carrick .and Lovelace were
present. Park Director, Steve Michaud, was also present..
First order of business was the approval of the. January 6,.1982
Park and Recreation Committee minutes.
82-7 It was moved. by Storlie, seconded by Carrick,:ta approve .the.. minutes
as read.
Motion. passed.
The next order'of business was the park director's report:
Steve reportedahat-ahe maintenance crews were .just getting back,to
normal. this week, after a1:1 ahe heavy snowfalls we had. It took approx-
imately three to four hours to clear off each of the rinks, which were
completely full of snow..: Steve had received a complaint from a Valley
Park resident with respects to the rinks not .being cleaned. Steve ex-
planed to the resident that'the rinks were being cleaned as quickly as
possible with the amount of manpower and".equipment.. that was available to
Steve reported that the ski'trails'and the snowmobile trails were in
pretty good shape. As of this writing, ski trail operations had taken'in,
approximately $'900.00. Steve thought this was good-revenue, considering
the amount of snow and cold weather we`ve had. Steve. expects the remain-
ing season, through he month of March, oproduce substantial amqunts
of revenue fore. the operation, if~a11 goes well.
The eighth annual broomball-tournament, held last weekend, was once
again successful. The: upcoming weekend is the first annual Winter Wing- _
Ding; sponsored-by the 'PISA and the. Park and Recreation Department.. A
.host. of various winter activities' are planned. It should be a fun event,
far the :Middle School children:
Steve reviewed-the skating rink policy. established last year for
Country Vew:Mobile'Home Park. A copy of :.the policy was passed out to
all committee members. Steve explained the request for flooding at this
particular mobile home park had not'been followed up, nor had they been
present at arty of our meetings. With this in mind, the.. issue was tabled.
Mr. Glenn Klotz was in the audience, so item number five was moved
up for .discussion. Mr. Klotz explained the situation with the railroad
property and the vacation of the street proposed.
After same discussion, it was moved by Cramer,- seconded by Norden,
to recommend-to the. City Council the park director"s recommendation of a
cash contribution in the amount of $2,:.800.00...
Motion passed:
Park and Recreation Committee Minutes
February 3, 1982
Page -2-
Item number four was to review the Linder Plat.. Steve explained that
he had talked to the architect and the engineers and also explained that
he had reviewed the comprehensive plan. Based on the policy of half-mile
service xadiuses for neighborhood parks, he felt Dodd Park park would
provide adequate services for this development. within its ,half-mile ser-
vice area. Steve went on o explain that the developer may be interested
in-installing a playground and possibly an open area for skating in the
:winter. As Steve explained to the developer, work of this fashion completed
by the developer in the past has been credited towards the calculated cash
contribution. Steve suggested to the developer, and to•the committee,
.that this possibility did exist and we were flexible and open for discussion.
82-9 At'ths point, it was moved by Storlie,.seconded by Carrick, to'
recommend to City Council the park director's recommendation of cash in
the amount specified by the park dedication ordinance at the time of final
platting. Also, the Gity would consider credit against the cash contri-
bution for areas developed `for recreational purposes and open space by the
Motion passed.
• Item .six was a review of. ....the update"of Foxborough Park dedication
requirement budget. Steve explained to the committee this is just an
informational item to keep them updated with this. particular project.
Item number seven was the comprehensive bike trail discussion. Steve
explained that we-would put .this on the agenda of .the next meeting for
discussion as a single item.
Item number eight was old business. Steve passed out the 1982 YETP
budget. This was also an informational .item.
Item number ...nine was..neca business. Steve informed the committee that
Dennis.Miher had resigned for a new position with the Planning Commission.
-This opened-a committee vacancy and if there were any names to be sugges-
ted ,committee members should call Steve and he would send an application
to the potential member.
.Steve explained also thata Mr. .Joe-Neidemeyer was requesting the
.use of Antlers Park for a' ailing program. Mr. Neidemeyer called Steve
and Steve explained the regulations for the use of the park. Mr. Neidemeyer
was supposed to be present at tonight's meeting, but apparently couldn't
make it.
Continuing under new business, Steve brought up aproject being
reviewed_by the City now, which. is the Kodiak Avenue Improvement Project.
This particular .project. is the installation of sewer and water and a
paved street by Orchard Lake Park.; They will be constructing a lift
station in the southwest corner. of the park, .which-shouldn't infringe
on the park usage. too much: A suggestion was made to widen the street
along. the park. fora parallel parking.. Steve explained to the committee
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
February 3, 198.2
that this particular park was just completely redeveloped and new parking.
areas provided. within the park .area., The .park itself is not designed
for very large crowds and Steve would recommend that we not have exterior
parking along the roadway outside the park.:
Steve al so~suggested, since the sewer 'and water was being installed,
that the City stub in city sewer and. water to the .rest room facility.
which exists-within the. park. Presently, that system 'is operating on
the drainage system, which is :many .years old:. and could fail at any. time.
Steve explained~to the committee that he would keep them updated as to
how this project lead progressed.
Chairman Cramer instructed the park director to write aletter to
Dennis Miller,_tharakrng him for his time served on the `committee.. The
rest of the committee members concurred.
82-10 Beim there was nc other business.,. it was .moved by Cramer, seconded
by Storlie to adjourn.
Motion passed.
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Gerald S. Michaud, .Director
Parks and Recreation