HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 16, 1980 Roll Call: Crater, Storlie, Novak and Kennedy were present. Park Director, Steve Michaud was also present. The neat order of business was the approval of the June 18, 1980 Committee minutes. 80-38 Motion was made by Storlie, seconded by Novak, to approve the minutes as read. Motion passed. The next order of business was the Park Director's Report: Steve informed the Committee of Mr. Van Holston's resign~- tion letter. Van had talked to Steve and. stated because of personal business, and other committments, that his time had become very short and he would. not be able to serve in the capacity he would wish to serve on the Park and Recreation Commi- ttee. . The next order of bisiness was the Valley Park bike trail. Steve informed the Committee that he had xeceived information from the state authorizing the City to begin the final construc- tion plans and preparations for the actual installation of the trail along Valley Park on-Cedar Avenue. As soon as these plans are completed and approved by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, bids will be let for the construction of the project. The neact order of business was the LAWCON preliminary rankings .for 1981. Steve explained to the Committee that of the two grants submitted, Orchard Lake Park scored the highest. This particular project was ranked number three out of seven or eight projects submitted under the category of free standing growth centers. This ranking is encouraging but depending upon what the Federal government does with the 1981 LAWCON allocations will determine whether we get funding. In a normal year this grant would be funded. The Committee will be informed as to the status of this grant as news becomes available. Our second pro- ject, the West Park did not score enough points to become-eligible for ranking. The neat order of business was an explanation of the water tests recently taken at Valley Lake Park. Steve explained that Park and Recreation Committee minutes July 16, 1980 Fage -2- the tests proved that Galley Lake Park water is as clean as, or cleaner than, host lakes in our area. This report was encouraging and plans will continue or proceed for the construction of a beach and park at Galley Lake Park. Item four was a review of Dodd Trail Park and Dodd Park combined site plans. Steve presented four conceptual master plans for the Committee. After much discussion, several aspects of each conceptual drawing were incorporated into one particular plan. Steve will meet with the architects to design and imple- ment the mayor features recommended by the Committee. Once this revised concept has been completed, it will be presented to the Committee at a later meeting.. There was no old business at this time. Item six, new business, Steve gave a brief report of the storm damage. The hardest hit park was Antlers Parka We Lost twenty to thirty large trees, approximately twenty large picnic • tables, the south side of the pavillion was blown out, the support beams on the pavillion were blown out, barbecue grills were uprooted, all ma3or power sources, lines and telephone poles were down, the ticket building was completely smashed by a large pine tree that was uprooted and landed on the building, plus a tremendous mess that has taken almost two weeks to clean up. Aronson Park suffered minor damages compared to Antlers Park. Several trash receptacles were blown. out of the Park and have yet to be found. Several picnic tables were destroyed and three or four trees were uprooted. The remainder of the park system only had minor damages. Some warming houses had damages to the exterior of the buildings. A total report will be compiled on the entire storm damage in the next two weeks. 80-39 There was no further business and a motion was made by Novak, seconded by Kennedy to ad3ourn. Motion passed. t pect "~.ly. sub to f~ Gerald S. Michaud Parks and Recreation Director • GSM: j r