HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
APRIL 2, 1980
Roll Call: .Members present were Storlie, Holston, Kennedy and
Lovelace. Park Directox Steve Michaud and sfudent
intern, Kari Boss, were also present.
The next order of business was the approval of the minutes of the
March 19, 1980 Committee meeting. Storlie introduced`a correction
under 80-20 where it reads ''Kati Boss needs 400 hours to complete
her degree" it should-read. 300 hours:.
80-22 It was then moved by Storlie,:seconded by Kennedy to .approve
the March 19, 1980 Committee: minutes as corrected.
Motion passed..
The next order of business was the Park Director's report.
Steve updated the Committee on the Valley Park Bike trail,
• stating that the. application specifications cost estimates had
been submitted to the D.O.T.-for application for .funding.. We
should hear from them within the next month.
Steve had planned a summer program review, but because of the
length of the agenda, we would table this matter until the next
meeting when Sandy .and Kari could both put together a program for
the Committee.
Steve then updated the Committee on the progress of West
Park, which is a piece of property west of 35W along 172nd St.
that we are considering buying as park property. Steve stated
.that the architect is in the process of putting. together a site.
plan and .that there is an appraiser working on appraising the
The next order of business, Steve presented the Orchard Lake
Park site plans. Three concept plans were presented.: Steve
explained all three concepts, highlighting .Concept C which was the
best site plan. Steve also explained that some aspects of Plan A
and Plan B would be incorporated into Plan C making it an overall
acceptable plan. .The Park Committee was in .agreement..
:Steve then presented the Valley Lake site plans.. Once again,
there wire three concepts to look at. .Steve explained the situation
as far as the property around the lake and existing outlots. Steve
• stated that he didn't have time to review the Valley Lake-Park site.
plans in detail and asked for comments on the three concept plans.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
April. 2; ..1980
Page 2
Plan B seemed to be the most favorable to the. Committee members
but the development of existing outlots would have a great deal
to do with how that park would be developed. This matter was
tabled until further consideration could be given to the' ite
Item number four was a review of the. recommendation of the:
.five-year capital improvements program. Steve stated that he-
was about half complete with this program and that he was going
to meet with Betty Sindt and Bob Nelson and any ...Committee members
who would like to join the meeting to review the five-year: capital
improvements program for the park system.
-Item number .five was a review. of the 1980 park maintenance
development program schedule. Steve explained that this was an
annual report, put toghther.to help in the`coordnation of work•
schedules and development projects between all departments.
Item number six_was a brief review of the major projects.
Steve went through this as it'stated in •the report, highlighting
the major projects, those being the Antlers Park parking lot, the
parking lot and roadways in Aronson Park, the completion`of the
• LAWCON grant in Orchard Lake Park and several small projects down
the line.
Item number seven was a review of the recommendation of the
1981 LAWCON grant. Steve explained that the only viable projects
worth submitting to the state'were'West Park and Orchard Lake
Beach. Steve explained the advantages of possible point rankings
that.. both .these parks would score. Kennedy questioned the system
of LAWGON and how it worked. Park-Director explained preliminary.
application right through thesfinal application.
80-23 After further discussion, it was recommended and moved by
Storlie, seconded by Holston, to recommend to City Council that
the Park Director be authorized to ubmit two applications for:
consideration for funding through the 1981`LAWCON grant process.
The two projects will be West Park and Orchard'Lake Beach projects.
The total cost figures will be determined and will be ready by the
next meeting._
Motion passed.
Park and Recreation Committee minutes
April 2, 1980
Page 3
Under old business, Steve Storlie gave a brief update on
the Archery Club. It is progressing, by-laws and constitution
are being developed, and it looks like this will be a good
Under .Item number nine, there was no new business.
80-24 After appropriate motion by Storlie, seconded by Holston,...
.this meeting was adjourned.:.
Motion passed..
Respectfully subm'tted
Steve Michaud, irector
• Park and. Recreation
GSM: j r