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• CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARR AND: RECREATION. COI~iITTEE FETING MINUTES MARCH 19, 2980 Roll~Callz Members present were Storlie, Novak, Cramer, Trued and Lovelace.: Mr.'Van Holston and Mr. Jeff Rennedp called - 'they had pravaEous committemnts and could not make it thin evening. Mr, Bob Nelson, Mrs. Bettq Sindt, and Mr. Hank Rice were also present in the audience. The next order of business was approval of the March 5, 1980 Committee meeting minutes. $0-19 Notion was made by Trued, seconded by"Storlie to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed. The next order of,busness was the Park Direclaer's report..... 1. Steve reported:to.the Committee .the 'progress on the development of the Lakeridge Paric in the Lakeridge Addition. He mentioned that::.. he hadhad a meeting with thirty or sa residents of Lakerid$e and that their main concern waa the development of the Park. Steve explained. • that there had been $2,000.00 budgeted for plagground equipment and after further discussion, it was decided that the $2,000.00 be used to develop a site plan and possiblq begin same of the grading that would be necessary. within that park. Steve went on to explain that after initial engineering and planner's reports, the park is mostlq a balding'pond and that: it would be very difficult to develop any extensive facilities: The preliminarq reports-show that ne heve approximatelq two ::acres that could-be developed.. Steve also contacted the D.N.R. and found. out that this particular area is designated as a class #~3 wetiaud. Class ~3 wetlands ..:require special permits fox anp type. of work. Stave will continue to work with the plannera,;tike engtneeers and the neighborhood to decide the best usage fer,this"area within the budgeted amount. 2, Steve discussed Antlers Park develc?gment plans. He updated the Committee on the plans to completa the parking lot which should be the- fir?al phase of the .Antlers Park total development plan. Steve is t~+orlx.ing with the Street Dept. to coordinate the hauling end development of that particular ,area.: 3. .Steve then updated the Committee on the Valley Park bike trail. He stated that he had been working with.;:'.. the engineers in developing a plan of where :the bike trail will go, the amount of material that will be necessary and hew much the project will cost. Steve has three or four sources Chat he will be applying to, for cost-share funning. °They include the Department of Natural Resources, the Department. of 'Eranagor tatdnn, LA'WCON and ~takota County, Stem will keep the CommitteRe updated as to the progress of this project. -2- 4, Steve. then went ou to explain same preliminary work that was being done on the acquisition of park property in two areas of town. He identified an area west of the present Lakewaq P.U.D. property which is being considered for park acquisition. This area is identified in the comprehensive plan as a potential site. The other area being a site dust worth of Lake Villa Golf Estates which is also a potential site as identified in our comprehensive plan. Steve irili be working .with the engineers and the planners as to the feasibility of acquiring these lands for future. park sites. The next order afsbusness on the agenda was the recommendation o~ Lakeway P.U.D. Steve went through his recommendation with the.Commit- tee. 8020 Motion was made bq Trued, seconded by Storlie after some discussion, to recommend to Council a cash contribution in lieu of land as calculated in the attached ~aemo glue the other written requirements as stated in Stewe's memo dated`Ma~ch I7, 1980. Motion passed. Next e~rder of business was an update on ~axisting plats .and future place', Steve explained that most of the large plats that had come through in the last month or sa were still existing but had slowed down somewhat because of the economy:.. Steve stated that he would keep the Coanaittee members updated ©n any,~progress ar sew plats that would be introduced to the. City. The next order of<business was new bus#ness. Steve explained that the. Fork and Recreation department had taken on a reereatiQn program student intern. Rer name is Karl Boss and she will be working in the recreation ~ department with Sandy developing recreation programs for the 39$O summer. She needs 400 hours. work to complete her degree in recreation-at p'inona .State: College. The entire time for her internship will be at ao cost.;:. to the City. Under old business, Steve Storlie;had`a meeting of the newly formed Archery Club, and it'was quite successful. He feels that this can, develop into a fine program for many people within our. City and hopes to continue with;the progress and will keep the Caimnittee informed. $0-21 Upon proper motion by Novak, seconded by Lovelace, the meeting was adjourned. Motion passed. Respeuctru2ly Sub tte it Stevek Michaud, Dir ctor Parks and Recreation • GSMs jr