HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-09City of Lakeville
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2009
Marion Confierence Room, City Hall
Members Present: Comms. Matasosky, Sta~eld, Schubert, Erickson, Emond, Brantly,
Vlasak, Tushie, Ex-officio member Mayor Holly Dahl, Ex-officio member .City
Administrator .Steve Mielke, Ex-officio member Chamber of .Commerce Executive
Director Todd Bornhauser.
Members Absent: Comm. Smith
Others Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Penny
Brevig, Recording Secretary.
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Matasosky called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Marion Conference
Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota.
2. Approve January 27,2009 Meeting Minutes
Motion 09.03 Comms. Erickson/Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the
January 27, 2009 meeting as presented. Motion carried
3. Presentation of 2008 Annual Report
David Olson presented the 2008 Annual Report with a PowerPoint presentation,
including commercial and residential development, housing trends, specific
commercial development that occurred in 2008, CSAH 70/1-35 interchange
improvements, transit, and EDC initiatives. Mr. Olson stated that this will be
presented to the City Council on March 2"d and Commissioners Matasosky,
Schubert, and Brantly plan to attend.
Mr. Olson stated that the State of the City will be held on April 28, 2009 and will be
held at the recently expanded Brackett's Crossing Club House.
4. Update on Status of Broadband Feasibility Study
Mr. Olson provided an update on the broadband feasibility study. He indicated that
the City Council approved a contract with CCG Consulting, LLC at their February 17,
2009 to conduct a revised broadband feasibility study and also look at the feasibility
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
February 24, 2009
of extending fiber to provide broadband services to the Airlake Industrial Park area
and possibly the Fairfield Business Gampus areas only. CCG will begin work on the
revised study in early March.
Mr. Mielke commented that Lakeville is looking at mainly Internet service. We are not
pursuing a telephone voice system. He indicated that we are tied in with the school
district which is already in the ground. It's restricted to government use now and we
would have to figure out how to bring the private sector in. Security would be an
issue. Mr. Olson stated that we have heard from Charter and Frontier and they are
very interested in what Lakeville is looking at doing.
5. Director's Report
Mr. Olson. reviewed the Director's Report. In mentioning the Dakota Electric
Association Partners in Progress Event, Mr. Bornhauser commented that this is the
same day as the Business Day a# the Capital event, but people should still have time
to attend the DEA event if they choose.
There was a short discussion regarding the foreclosure update. Mr. Mielke indicated
that approximately one percent of the homes are being monitored.
Mr. Olson handed out a copy of the Spotlight on Business memo that was presented
at the February 16tH City Council meeting. Life Time Fitness was featured.
Regarding business retention visits in Lakeville, Mr. Olson commented that he, the
27 n or, and Mr. Mielke will be meeting with the new CEO of Ryt Way on February
Mr. Bornhauser indicated that Governor Pawlenty will be attending a Chamber
Luncheon on March 30tH
6. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Penny ig, Recording Se etary
Attested to:
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R. T. Brantly, Secretary