MAY 18,.2009
Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Holly Dahl
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Bellows
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney
Steve Mielke, City Administrator
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
Keith Nelson, City Engineer
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
David Olson, CED Director
Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Directors
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mr. Mielke had no additional .agenda information.
Senior Center President Ted Billy asked the City Council to proclaim May
27, 2009 National Senior Health and Fitness Day. Council Member Bellows
read the proclamation.
Steve Michaud presented the April monthly report of the Parks &
Recreation Department.
Chief Vonhof. presented the March/April Police Department monthly
Keith Nelson provided an engineering project update.
Citizens' comments
Colin Lee, 17372 Jalisco Lane, and Harley Horsager, 17141 Jaybell Court,
addressed the City Council on behalf of the Lakeville Friends of the
Environment and announced a special event that is being planned for
Sunday, September 20, at East Park. This family event is called, Pedal the
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Parks, and encourages people to support the environment and live
Todd Bornhauser, Executive Director of Lakeville Area Chamber of
Commerce, addressed the City Council regarding the level of economic
stress presently experienced by the business and development
community. He urged the Council to forego any zoning ordinance
revisions or budget adjustments that would put additional financial
burden on the .business community.
Mr. Mielke stated the City Council and Staff understand and share the
concerns expressed by the Chamber and look forward to a dialogue with
the Chamber of Commerce on the concerns over building materials.
Consent agenda
09.31. Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Bellows to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the May 4, 2009 City Council meeting and the April 27,
2009 Council work session.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
- Parks, Recreation 8~ Natural Resources Committee, May 8, 2009
Planning Commission, May 7, 2009
d. Instructor agreements for classes and programs offered at the
Lakeville Area Arts Center with JoAnne Andres, Tammy Brand, Dar
Brooks, Maureen Carroll, Barbara Courtright, Roger Holm, Mark
Lusardi, Cindy Murphy, David Perez, Tina Sheppard, Jesse
Stevenson, Judy Van Slooten anal Andy Wilkens.
e. Resolution No. 09-33 revoking and redesignating County State Aid
Highway 5, CSAH 70/I-35 interchange, Improvement Project 99-23.
f. Resolution No. 09-34 accepting donations to the Engineering
Department for the annual roadside/watershed clean-up day.
g. Resolution No. 09-35 authorizing the sale of forfeited vehicles.
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h. Resolution No. 09-36 amending the 2009 Schedule of Fees.
i. Cost Sharing Agreement with Metropolitan Council for Elko/New
Market interceptor sewer.
Mixed municipal solid waste & recyclable material collection
license (Class B) for Troje's Trash Pick-up Service.
k. Amendment to liquor license for Porterhouse Steak & Seafood Grill
to allow sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on an
outdoor patio, subject to final approval of the fence and
emergency exit gate and payment of Metropolitan Council SAC
units and 50% of the additional city sewer and water connection
.charges for the additional seating.
Set special Council meetings to be held on May 27 and June l 1.
m. Resolution No. 09-37 authorizing improvements to the Maple Island
sanitary sewer lift station.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 -Minnesota School of Business
John Myhre, representing Globe University/Minnesota School of Business,
requested Council approval of a conditional use permit to allow the
operation of an adult education facility in the Lakeville Office Building
located at 17685 Juniper Path.
David Olson, Community 8~ Economic Development Director, explained
that Minnesota School of Business plans to purchase the entire 36,981
square foot Lakeville Office Building and work with the four existing
tenants to phase in the growth of their school over a three year period.
Enrollment is projected to be 150 students in the fall of 2009, with 600
students anticipated by 2011. He explained that a comprehensive
parking analysis was completed and outlines the calculations
demonstrating sufficient onsite parking. The Planning Commission held a
public hearing and unanimously recommended approval of the
conditional use permit subject to two stipulations.
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09.32 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to adopt Findings of
Fact and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of an adult
education facility at 17685 Juniper Path.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
New Business None
- Memorial Day activities at the Veterans Memorial at Aronson Park,
followed by a pot luck lunch at Lakeville VFW
- Bird banding project at Ritter Farm Park -North Central Bird
Observatory -May 31
- Next .regular Council meeting -June 1, 2009
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, Cit~ Clerk