HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-96 WSCITY OF LAKEVILLE
• AUGUST 12,1996
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 5:00 p.m. in the North Meeting Room.
Those present: Mayor Zaun, Councilmembers Holberg, Johnson, Mulvihill, Sindt; R. Erickson,
City Administrator; M. Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; D. Feller,
Finance Director; K. Nelson, City Engineer; S. Michaud, Parks and Recreation Director; D.
Volk, Director of Operations and Maintenance; F. Dempsey, Associate Planner; D. Barth, MIS
Coordinator; B. Cooper, GIS Technician; M. Leopold, GIS Intern; J. Walston, Assistant City
Attorney; Gary Tushie, member Economic Development Commission; D. Licht, Northwest
Associated Consultants, Inc.; D. McCarthy and D. Carlson, Black & Veatch; Lisa Raduenz,
LJR, Inc.; Joni Hubred, Lakeville Life and Times; Leslee Gustafson, Deputy Clerk Elections.
ITEM NO. 1: GIS Demonstration
Mr. Feller presented an overview of the Geographic Information System, which began in 1992
when the Council approved the GIS Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. He stated the
primary users are the Police and Fire Departments, Community Development, Public Works
and the Engineering Department. GIS is a mapping system along with a database which has
many layers available. These layers include sewer lines, property lines, gas lines, as well as
watermain, street and storm sewer locations, and other data. The City's comprehensive plans
for transportation, sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer have initially furnished much of the
information for the GIS system. Mr. Feller reviewed exhnbits of various current maps and data
which are being created and utilized by the GIS function.
Mr. Dempsey demonstrated how the Community Development Department currently uses the
GIS system. Arc View enables them to quickly identify property information, such as area,
value, owner, TIF Districts, watershed districts, MUSA boundaries, and zoning. A practical
application was demonstrated showing how property within 500 feet of a given location can be
identified for public notification purposes.
Mr. Feller stated future GIS projects could include pavement management, street sign
inventory, street lights, TIF parcel information, E911 dispatch mapping, easements, and
Mr. Feller demonstrated the GEOSPAN product, which is a video taken of all property located
along public roadways and linked to the GIS system. Mr. Erickson stated this would be an
invaluable resource for the building inspections and public. safety departments. All new
developments are video taped each year; all parcels would be videotaped every three years.
Mr. Erickson commented that much progress has been made at a minimal cost. He stated the
staff is excited about the applications and the opportunity to use the technology. GIS is a wise
• investment and with careful steps could pay substantial dividends for the City. There are very
few cities as advanced as Lakeville. Keeping the City's Comprehensive Plans updated is a key
factor and critical to the integrity of GIS.
City Council Work Session Minutes
August 12, 1996
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ITEM N0.2: Water Treatment Plant bid analysis (Black & Veatch)
Mr. Nelson introduced Mr. Dan McCarthy and Mr. Dave Carlson, from Black & Veatch, and
Mr. Gary Tushie. He stated that Mr. McCarthy has met with Bor-Son Construction to discuss
value engineering alternatives for the project in order to reduce the total cost. Mr. Nelson
commented that water usage this summer has reached almost eight million gallons a day and
the projected usage in the year 2015 is twenty-one million gallons a day.
Mr. McCarthy said as a result of analyzing the bids, the City received very competitive bids for
the market conditions which currently exist in the metro area. The major differences between
the opinion of cost and the bids were in the areas of concrete, masonry, structural steel, and
instrumentation. Black & Veatch has concluded as a result of interviewing various contractors,
that the construction market is not competitive due to the shortage of certain materials and the
abundant number of contracts currently in progress. Areas in which they believe the City could
save money include seeding (versus sodding), and fencing (versus masonry walls). .Also, Mr.
Tushie stated they looked at significant savings by replacing the standing seam roof over the
garage and treatment plant (not over the main entrance), with a flat roof. This could produce a
three to four hundred thousand dollar savings. Mr. McCarthy stated they are looking at a
$600,000 to $800,000 overall savings. Bor-Son Construction is assisting them in pursuing
additional savings.
• According to Mr. Tushie and Mr. McCarthy Bor-Son Construction is a quality contractor and
is experienced and skilled in water treatment plant construction. The superintendent slated to
work this project if the City Council awards Bor-Son the contract is very experienced. Mr.
McCarthy stated that they have received excellent references about Bor-Son. They feel this is
a strong bid from a good contractor and that the sub-contractors are also highly satisfactory.
Mr. Erickson said he had discussed rebidding the project with Keith Nelson and whether the
market conditions would improve by January. There could be some risk involved in rebidding
the project. If the City Council is comfortable with the aforementioned approach, he suggested
allowing the consultants to spend an additional two weeks to investigate the various options to
reduce the cost. Mr. McCarthy stated that Bor-Son would be ready to proceed if the Council
elected to award the contract to them.
The City Council directed Black & Veatch to work with Bor-Son to detail proposed
changes to reduce the cost of construction.
ITEM N0.3: Ipava Avenue speed zone survey/stop sign installation policy.
Mr. Volk stated that he would like Council's consideration to approve a resolution asking
MnDot to consider reducing the speed zone to 40 mph at the Eastview Elementary School on
Ipava Avenue. By reducing the existing approved speed limit of 50 mph to 40 mph, the school
speed limit of 20 mph could be established at the Eastview Elementary site.
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August 12, 1996
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Mr. Erickson commented that Mr. Volk will contact the principal of Eastview Elementary and
the City's Police Chief, requesting them to send letters to MnDOT recommending the
reduction in the speed limit.
The City Council directed Mr. Volk to prepare the resolution and place this item on the
August 19th agenda.
Mr. Volk stated his department is inundated with requests for stop signs. There are currently
26 locations throughout the City requesting all-way stops. The main emphasis of the requests
received are citizens looking for a method to reduce traffic speeds in their neighborhoods.
Traffic studies indicate stop signs do not slow speed. The only way to guarantee a 30 mph
speed is to place stop signs every 500 feet. Mr. Volk asked the City Council to consider
establishing a City policy to develop strict guidelines for the installation of stop signs.
Mr. Erickson suggested appointing a committee to develop a policy for the City. The
committee could consist of a Councilmember, a police lieutenant, Mr. Volk, Tim Hansen,
Assistant City Engineer, and SRF, the City's traffic consultant, be appointed to develop a
policy for the City. Mr. Volk could send a letter to the property owners he has been dealing
with asking if they wish to serve on the committee.
• The Council authorized staff to prepare a resolution establishing a committee for
consideration at a future Council meeting.
ITEM NO. 4: Discussion regarding a joint four-city cable franchise renewal process.
Mr. Erickson presented a memo from Chris Oace, Cable Coordinator, discussing the options
available for the Council regarding multi-city franchise renewals. Mr. Oace's memo dealt with
what the four cities, Apple Valley, Farmington, Rosemount, and Lakeville, share and where
they differ. The major item that the four cities have in common is sharing a public access
facility. The biggest difference is how the cities utilize their franchises. Lakeville is the only
city to dedicate 100% of its franchise income towards cable operations. Mr. Oace's memo
outlined the pros and cons of a full legal union, a joint powers agreement to manage resources,
a joint agreement on wording for all four separate franchises, joint sharing of costs for research
and legal assistance, and joint meetings to recognize mutual areas of concern.
Mr. Erickson stated that some level of dialogue should be kept open, but staff would not be
comfortable with a formal agreement. Lakeville would have the most to lose and any
agreement would need to be examined closely by the Council. Councilmember Sindt stated
that she is not ready to concede there is any merit in changing current city policy.
Councilmember Johnson said there appears to be no advantage in being aggressive in the
pursuit of a jointly negotiated franchise agreement. Mr. Erickson stated the City has an
• excellent working relationship with Marcus Cable.
The consensus of the Council was to continue a dialogue with the other cities.
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August 12, 1996
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ITEM NO. S: Cable Board recommendation to purchase public access equipment
Mr. Oace was unable to attend the work session. His memo to Council stated the Cable Board
recommended the City use the $5,000 in franchise fee funds to purchase additional public
access equipment for Marcus Community Television. The Cable Board has documented a
marked increase in responsiveness by Marcus Public Access to their customers and feels that
cable personnel are trying harder than ever before to make access viable in the community.
This is why the Board recommended rewarding their recent efforts by purchasing additional
Mr. Erickson pointed out that by agreeing to the purchase of equipment, a budget amendment
would need to be authorized. Councilmember Sindt voiced her concerns about items not being
available for Lakeville citizens. Mr. Erickson responded that there would be residual benefits
for both the City and the School Districts.
The City Council directed staff to place this item on the agenda as a budget amendment.
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that Officer Dave Watson is receiving an award from the
International Narcotics Officers Association.. The award for attaining a high level of excellence
would be given to him at their conference held in November in San Diego. Officer Watson has
• had many arrests and was responsible for solving a serious problem in downtown Lakeville.
The cost for Officer Watson to attend the conference would be approximately $1,000.
Councilmembers voiced their approval for Officer Watson to attend. Mayor Zaun said it would
be appropriate for him to give a written evaluation of the event when he returns. Mr. Erickson
suggested the award could be presented to him at a Council meeting.
The Council authorized Officer Watson to attend the conference and receive his well
earned award.
ITEM N0.6: Status update on open house meetings for 205th Street and Klamath Trail
pedestrian trails.
Mr. Michaud stated that based on feedback received at the neighborhood meetings people do
support the trailway projects in one form or another. Approximately forty residents
participated in the 205th Street meeting. Preliminary findings appear to support building an
off-street trail along 205th Street on the south side in a permanent location that would allow
for the future upgrading of the street without affecting the trail. He commented that the
residents would also like a berm constructed between the trail and back lot lines at this time so
when 205th Street is upgraded, a mature landscaped berm will exist.
• The Klamath Trail meeting had fifty or more residents in attendance. The residents seemed to
support the need to construct a safe off-street trail. Alternative B, anoff-street trail the length
of the proposed project, was favored by most residents. Mr. Michaud stated the one-way
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August 12, 1996
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proposal was not favored, with many residents strongly opposed. A second neighborhood
meeting will be held with the Kingswood Estates Homeowners Association on August 20th at
the Kenwood Trail Junior High auditorium. Residents most directly affected by the trail
project have been invited. Mr. Daryl Gonyea has sent letters to residents living on Klamath
Terrace, Knolls Path, Keystone Court, and residents in Kingswood Estates. The Mayor felt
staff should meet with Mr. Gonyea ahead of the neighborhood meeting to focus on design
Mr. Erickson commented that the City has benefited from holding these neighborhood
meetings. He stated it is important to explain to residents what is being proposed. The trail
design favored by residents is estimated to cost more than was budgeted in the 1994 Park Bond
Referendum. Mr. Michaud mentioned that discussion has taken place regarding supplementing
existing bond fund proceeds trail fees.
Discussion followed regarding both projects. Mr. Erickson suggested standazd low level
lighting for the 205th Street trail and Mayor Zaun responded that the lighting would be
beneficial for all the residents who have driveways unto that road.
The City Council directed staff to pursue both trail projects. However, they
recommended taking a more cautious approach with the Klamath Trail project because
• of expressed concerns by residents.
ITEM N0.7: West Park land acquisition -status update
Mr. Michaud stated that since the approval of the bond referendum several meetings have been
held. During discussions, the possibility of relocating the Orchard Lake neighborhood pazk has
been mentioned. Due to the uncertainty of the realignment and extension of Keokuk Avenue,
and the wet, hilly azea involved, staff began to reseazch alternative sites. Three sites were
looked at closely, the Mullenhart property, the Roselyn Wilson property adjacent to
Mullenharts, and the MidAmerica Festivals property. MidAmerica Festivals property is located
south of Lake Villa Golf Estates 7th Addition and north of 185th Street West. They have been
negotiating with Lundgren Brothers for the sale and development of their property.
Mr. Michaud said the City could consider two options in acquiring this property, either outright
acquisition of a portion of the property or waiting for the development of the property and then
obtaining the land by dedication for park purposes. Mr. Erickson indicated that the sanitary
sewer trunk needed to serve MidAmerica involves a major lift station and neazly one mile of
twelve-inch force main to the Lake Marion interceptor sewer.
Some concern was expressed by Councilmembers about West Pazk being constructed on the
MidAmerica Festivals property rather than in the Orchard Lake area. Residents of the Orchazd
Lake area may not be in favor of a pazk which is not located in closer proximity to their azea.
• Mr. Erickson suggested that Councilmembers, Steve Michaud, Barry Warner, SRF, and Mr.
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August 12, 1996
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Walston tour the area bounded by County Road 5 and 185th Street West and west of the
interstate for the purpose of identifying sites for the proposed West Park.
The City Council was in favor of this suggestion and will delay making a decision until
all alternatives have been examined.
ITEM N0.8: Highview Heights park acquisition/development alternatives -status update
Mr. Michaud informed the Council that the two acres which were to be dedicated as part of a
plat owned by Mr. George Fredrickson will not be available at this time for the Highview
Heights Park. Mr. Fredrickson has removed his plat from consideration for final plat approval.
Mr. Michaud stated staff has proposed redesigning the park on the existing eight acres which
the City purchased from the Eisele family. Many of the City's neighborhood parks are four to
eight acres in size. New park concepts that meet all standard neighborhood park needs were
prepared and presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The committee
members supported the contingency plan.
Mr. Michaud stated that Friedges, Inc., is under contract to construct the park in 1996.
Friedges, Inc. will be given the change order, which is less than the original bid. Friedges must
review and then agree with the change order and the associated contract price changes.
• Mr. Walston told the Council that staff has tried to help Mr. Fredrickson with his development.
Mr. Erickson stated the staff has sent many developers to Mr. Fredrickson; however, Mr.
Fredrickson wants to net in excess of $20,000 an acre which many developers have indicated is
excessive. Mr. Walston suggested Mr. Fredrickson be contacted and informed that the City
needs to know by August 15th if he intends to proceed with his project. If by that date Mr.
Fredrickson has not responded, staff will be prepared to recommend a change order to
construct a revised park design at the City Council meeting on August 19th.
Mayor Zaun and the Councilmembers agreed staff should proceed as stated.
ITEM N0.9: Western Dakota County Ice Center Task Force proposal
Mr. Erickson commented that Mr. Kirk Detlefsen, LHA, has proposed a concept of building a
four-sheet indoor ice .arena facility among the Apple Valley, Burnsville/Savage, Eagan,
Farmington, and Lakeville hockey associations. He is currently meeting with area community
leaders providing information on the merits of a shared community facility. Springsted Inc.,
has been retained by the "Task Force" to prepare a feasibility report for this type of facility and
the Task Force intends to make application for state "Mighty Ducks" funding.
Mr. Erickson stated that there is a significant demand for ice, especially with the growth of girls
• hockey. The preliminary feasibility study calls for four sheets of ice, although Mr. Erickson felt
that two sheets were more feasible. This may be the opportunity to acquire a second sheet of
ice, save two million dollars and avoid a bond referendum. He said Apple Valley has offered
City Council Work Session Minutes
August 12, 1996
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two sites for the arena; one site would be next to the new Eastview High School, the other is
on the north side of 160th Street West, across from Valley Park. Both have granular soil and
sanitary sewer is available. These locations would be advantageous for Eagan, Farmington,
Apple Valley and Lakeville. Mr. Erickson pointed out that collaborative efforts among cities
represent a growing trend. He recommended the City continue its involvement with the
concept. Mayor Zaun agreed the City should be involved.
Mr. Erickson asked if the City Council would consider using a half million dollars from the
Liquor store profits. Councilmembers stated their concern over whether citizens would be in
favor of this especially if the facility was not located in Lakeville. The application for "Mighty
Ducks" funding has to be sent in October so the Council has approximately sixty days to
determine the amount of our involvement and ways to fund the project.
Mayor Zaun suggested the City not commit funds from one source entirely but have a financial
plan in place. Mr. Erickson stated an option the Council could consider would be to allocate
the City's share from the Park Dedication Fund and then make transfers. The feasibility study
for the four-sheet ice arena facility will not be finished until sometime next month. The Council
requested staff keep them updated on developments.
ITEM NO. 10: EDC letter
• Mr. Sobota presented the revised "draft" letter from EDC Chairman Bob Brantly which will be
sent to ISD 194 and asked for any questions from Council. The Council approved the revised
letter and approved forwarding it to the school district.
ITEM NO. 11: Credit River Township/New Market Township zoning
Mr. Sobota commented on the proposed rezoning in Credit River and New Market Townships.
He stated the Planning Commission has reviewed the report from NAC and discussed the long
range financial impacts on the City if the proposed 2.5 acre rezoning was allowed to proceed
and recommended the Council hold firm on the issues. He introduced Mr. Dave Licht from
NAC, who highlighted the process Scott County needs to follow to address the proposed
rezoning. He stated these issues and policies involving the townships axe challenging. The Met
Council may have to pursue legal action to enforce the Regional Blueprint. Mr. Walston
reviewed the legal recourse the state statutes provide. He stated Mr. Knutson advises the City
not to rely on the Met Council to enforce amendments.
The Council directed Mr. Licht to draft a resolution being proactive and opposing the
Townships' amendments to their comprehensive plans to be scheduled for the August
19th City Council meeting.
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August 12, 1996
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ITEM NO. 12: Presentation regazding express commuter transit service
Mr. Erickson presented Lisa Raduenz of LJR, Inc. who was engaged to evaluate the potential
of initiating transit service within or from the City of Lakeville. Ms. Raduenz stated she has
concluded that now is not the time to spend resources to make transit service available. She
informed the Council that it does not appear to be a wise investment on the part of any bus
provider or the City to subsidize commuter express services, circulator services, or
intersuburban services at the present time.
However, the City may want to negotiate with the MVTA for future route extensions to
Lakeville, specifically the Airlake Industrial Pazk, and for reverse commute services. Schmitty
& Sons Bus Company may be willing to provide regulaz route or dial-a-ride service through
residential azeas prior to arriving at the Burnsville Transit Station in time for the morning
MVTA route to Bloomington and the I-494 azea.
Mayor Zaun commented that the City would like to continue to utilize the services of Ms.
Radeunz to outline Lakeville's transit plans. Mr. Erickson mentioned that under that scenario
Ms. Radeunz would author a Messages page, and an article for Airlake Pazk News and prepaze
a mailing to all businesses in Airlake .Industrial Pazk outlining her report. The Council
commended Ms. Radeunz for the report she presented.. The Mayor felt her recommendations
were supported in fact and should provide residents with a definitive understanding of the
current status of transit demand.
The work session adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslee Gustafson
Deputy Clerk Elections