HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-25-97 WSCITY OF LAKEVILLE
NOVEMBER 25,1997
The work session was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Administrative
Conference Room.
The following individuals were in attendance: Mayor Zaun; Council Members Sindt, Mulvihill,
Holberg and Johnson; Council Member-Elect Ryan; Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Char
Friedges, City Clerk; and John Hennen, Administrative Assistant.
Mrs. Adrian participates in many of the activities offered at the Lakeville Senior Center. She has
worked at craft sales and assisted in the kitchen serving meals. She is interested in serving on the
committee because she believes seniors do not realize the importance of a healthy diet.
The Council directed staff to place the appointment of Helen Adrian to the Meals-on-Wheels
Advisory Committee on the December 1, 1997, City Council agenda.
Mr. Erickson indicated Charlene Friedges has been helpful in sorting through the tobacco license
process. Ms. Friedges indicated that staff is proposing a draft ordinance which meets the minimum
State and Federal law requirements. Currently there is no deadline established by the State and
Federal government of when the ordinances have to be in place. Staff has provided tobacco
licensees with information on the newly enacted federal and state laws and the efforts by the city
and Dakota County to develop a uniform county-wide ordinance.
The proposed ordinance would include conducting one unannounced compliance check of all
licensed premises with the use of a minor. Mayor Zaun indicated that after speaking with Lakeville
students, the students would prefer to have a minor from outside the community participate in the
compliance check.
Council Members and staff discussed the penalties and/or fines involved with the illegal sale of
tobacco. Cigarette vending machines would also be prohibited from any establishment unless
minors are at all times prohibited from entering the establishment. Council Members are in favor of
a county-wide tobacco ordinance.
City Council is in support of a county-wide tobacco ordinance.
At 6:35 p.m. the Council proceeded to review the 1998-99 budget.
In attendance: Mayor Duane Zaun, Council Members Betty Sindt, Bob Johnson, Mary Liz
Holberg, Lynette Mulvihill and Council Member Elect Tom Ryan.
Also in attendance: Robert Erickson, City Administrator, Dennis Feller, Finance Director,
and Brian Kempa, Senior Accountant.
November 12,1997 Budget Work Session: A question was raised regarding the Police Chief's
duty weapon. Mr. Erickson informed the Council that the Police Chief and all Officers currently
use department authorized and issued weapons in the course of their duty.
Dennis Feller began by providing the Council with an overview of the 1998: General Fund
Revenues, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Projects Funds, Municipal Reserves Fund, and
Enterprise Funds. A significant amount of discussion followed regarding these budgets, and
among the many budget items discussed, the following were the most significant:
• (1) Mr. Erickson commented that the City of Lakeville continues to have one of the lowest tax
capacity rates in the metropolitan area.
(2) Council Member Elect Ryan inquired as to what property does Dakota Electric Association
have which entitles them as the largest taxpayer in the City. Mr. Feller explained that DEA
is taxed on their numerous electrical substations and transmission lines that run
throughout the entire City.
(3) Mayor Zaun questioned why the building permit revenue in the 1997 estimated budget are
approximately $242,483 lower than the 1997 adopted budget. Mr. Feller explained that the
1997 adopted budget was premised on 450 single/multi-family building permits and the
revised 1997 estimate is based on 300 permits.
As a result of permits issued for the Senior High School, and CommerciaVIndustrial
projects, the 1997 revised estimates can be increased by an additional $186,621. (As
noted on the proposed budget adjustments).
The 1998 building permits and plan review fees can be increased $109,660 as a result of
the pending improvements to Kenwood Junior High School, the new Junior High
School and new Elementary School.
(4) Mr. Erickson indicated High School Officials would like Lakeville Building Inspectors to
provide inspection services related to the Senior High School expansion project.
• Council Budget Work Session
Tuesday, November 25,1997
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Discussion: (continued)
(5) Council Member Sindt questioned what is the term of the dispatching agreement with the
City of Farmington. The agreement for dispatching services will remain in effect until
written notification is received from the City of Farmington terminating the
agreement. The reimbursement agreement for the dispatching equipment with the City
of Farmington will expire and be paid in full on December 31,1999. Mr. Erickson
noted the Police Chief s recommendation to replace the police dispatching console at a
future time after the year 2000.
(6) Mr. Erickson indicated that an exhibit (map) is being prepared which shows where recreation
program/Athletic Association participants live in relation to the City of Lakeville/ISD 194
boundaries. Mr. Erickson also stated that the City does not subsidize adult programs, but
does subsidize youth programs.
• (7) Council Member Sindt stated that John Morrison is currently paid by Marcus Cable to assist
in the City's Cable TV department as a cablecaster. The contract with Marcus expires on
February 16, 1998, however current terms will remain in effect until the new contract settled.
Mr. Morrison is expected to continue as cablecaster at no direct cost to the City until the new
contract is agreed upon. Appropriations have been allocated in 1999 in the event Mr.
Morrison is unable to provide assistance under the new contract.
Mr. Erickson stated that the Cable TV will fund the startup cost of the web site; maintenance
is accounted for in the General Fund. Lakeville will be the first city to have messages and
council meeting agendas published on the web site.
(8) Mr. Erickson commented that the City of Lakeville will be one of the first cities in the
metropolitan area to have street lights integrated within it's GIS system. Dakota Electric
Association has their street lights integrated and NSP currently does not.
• Council Budget Work Session
Tuesday, November 25, 1997
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Discussion: (continued)
(9) Council Member Sindt inquired as to the age of the grader that is proposed to be rebuilt in
1998. The Cat Grader is a 1986 with over 10,000 duty hours.
Council Member Elect Ryan asked what components are proposed to be rebuilt.
According to Don Volk, Director of Operations and Maintenance, the graders engine,
articulation joint, mold board and circle bushings, and steering components are
proposed to be rebuilt at an estimated cost of $26,000.
(10) Mr. Erickson explained the State of Minnesota Legislature imposed city levy limits for
taxes payable in 1998 and 1999. The levy can be increased for inflation (2.2 percent) and
growth in population. Special tax levies are permitted for debt payments. The levy limits
have a punitive impact on growth cities in that it restricts their efforts to provide basic
services. Mr. Erickson noted the Council's long-standing goal of being debt free by 2003,
however levy limits will force the City to issue Certificates of indebtedness for the
purchase of capital equipment which otherwise would be purchased with cash.
(11) Council Member Elect Ryan asked if the City is aware of the lobbying efforts by retail
grocery stores to allow them to sell wine in their stores. Mr. Erickson explained that the
League of Minnesota Cities keeps the City abreast of all lobbying efforts pursued by
special interest groups. Mr. Erickson noted that the liquor bill comes up for
discussion in State Legislature about every two years. Its passage is not likely due to
the strength of the Minnesota Beverage Association.
Mr. Erickson stated the Liquor Store Manager has never submitted for mileage
reimbursements for use of a personal vehicle. A $250 per month allowance was
recommended based on documentation recently submitted by the Liquor Store
(12) The Council discussed the current Senior Discount program which provides water, sewer,
and street light discounts to senior citizens of Lakeville. The Council noted that there are
numerous seniors using the discount program that may not have a genuine need of it.
Council requested more information concerning the current participants.
• Council Budget Work Session
Tuesday, November 25, 1997
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Discussion: (continued)
(13) Council Member Elect Ryan questioned why there was not a provision for depreciation in
the utility budgets. Mr. Feller explained the City's annual financial reports are
prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The
Enterprise Funds (Water/Sewer and Liquor) are reported in the same basis as if held
by a private corporation. Depreciation is recognized as an expense for all fixed assets
including water mains, towers, lift stations and other infrastructure improvements.
Budgets however, are prepared based on a working capital. Working capital includes
current assets (cash, inventory and receivables) less current liabilities (less than one
year). Depreciation is not recognized as an expense because the improvement or
replacement of the infrastructure is financed by trunk funds rather than the water
and sewer operating funds.
The Council was provided with a list of proposed adjustments to the budget with an explanation
of each given by Mr. Erickson and Mr. Feller.
• (14) Upon meeting with the Economic Development Commission (EDC), Mr. Erickson
informed the Council that the landscape corridor study is a top priority with the
Commission. The EDC further stated that it is appropriate to complete the study in 1998
so that the landscape design criteria is established prior to any additional development in or
around major intersections or gateways in the community.
Council Member Johnson suggested the EDC conduct a joint workshop with the Council to
review work plans and goals of the EDC.
After discussing the landscape corridor study at length, the Council decided to split
the cost of the study over atwo-year period, $12,000 in 1998 and $12,000 in 1999.
The Council further stated that the Council and EDC joint workshop shall occur
prior to Council approval of the study.
(15) Council Member Holberg recommended the City provide an appropriation of $3,000 to
fund the cost of an intern for the Downtown Business Association. The City would also
offset certain legal fees relating to the creation of a business improvement district.
(16) Mayor Zaun stated he would like to see the General Fund balance grow to forty percent of
total expenditures. The December 31, 1998 ending General Fund balance percentage is
proposed to be approximately 35.4 percent.
. .
Council Budget Work Session
Tuesday, November 25, 1997
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Discussion: (continued)
(17) Mr. Erickson explained to the Council that Liquor Store Manager Judy Perron has been
using her personal vehicle to travel between liquor stores while conducting business
without mileage reimbursement from the City. Mr. Erickson proposed that Ms. Perron
receive a monthly car allowance of $250 beginning in January of 1998. Mayor Zaun
requested staff to provide information on the vehicle reimbursement policies of other
cities that have similar liquor operations.
(18) Council Member Holberg inquired as to when will the installation of the library
construction sign be completed? Staff informed the Council that the temporary sign
used for Liquor store # 4 will be converted and placed along 202nd Street and
Heritage Drive informing residents of the future library site.
The work session adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
The public budget hearing will be held on Monday, December 15, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Council Chambers.
The subsequent public budget hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 7:00
p.m. in the Council Chambers.