HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-97 WSCITY OF LAKEVILLE • CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES JUNE 17, 1997 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 7:00 a.m. in the City Hall Administrative Conference Room. Individuals in attendance were: Mayor Zaun, Council Members Holberg, Johnson, Mulvihill and Sindt; Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; David Krings, Building Official; John Hennen, Administrative Assistant; Joni Hubred, Lakeville Life & Times and Darrel Gonyea, Gonyea Land Company. Item No. 1-Personnel Committee Recommendationsfnr Additional Staf mg: Mr. Erickson discussed the current workload of the Engineering and Planning Departments and the need for additional staffing. The Engineering position would be responsible for street opening permits, street lighting and traffic counts. In addition, the position would off-set the increased workload within the department and assist individuals seeking information. The Planning Department is in need of an individual to coordinate with NAC regarding updating the Comprehensive Plan and assist in other special study and high management projects. • The Council directed staff to begin advertising for an Engineer-in-Training and to prepare a draft contract for the Planning Department position. Item No. 2 - Appointment of City Health O,~' acer: At previous City Council Work Sessions, the City Council and staff discussed the possibility of appointing a City Health Officer to inspect possible future adult use and tattoo and/or body piercing establishments. Mr. Hennen was asked to review Lakeville's City Code and Zoning and Subdivision ordinances to determine which codes reference a health officer and if the City or Dakota County would be responsible for the administration/enforcement of the ordinances. Two ordinances were found and in both cases Dakota County Public Health Department indicated they would be responsible for the administration/enforcement of the codes. Mr. Erickson indicated that he recently spoke with Dakota County Administrator Brandt Richardson who indicated that Dakota County Public Health Department will not expand their duties to include the administration and inspection of adult use and tattoo and/or body piercing establishments; therefore, each City would have to be responsible for such administration. Mr. Erickson recommended appointing someone who lives and has a practice in Lakeville (i.e., Dr. Emond). Discussion occurred regarding contracting and paying the appointed individual on a monthly or . yearly basis or on an as-needed basis. The City Council directed staff to have City Attorney prepare a draft contract agreement for services rendered, as required, in performance of the duties as health officer. Council Work Session Minutes June 17, 1997 Page 2 Item No. 3 -Status Update on Proposed Noise Ordinance: Mr. Hennen indicated that Police Chief Martens informed the Council at a previous work session that his department has been receiving complaints regarding noise due to early morning construction activity. As per Council's direction, Mr. Hennen presented a proposed ordinance that not only addresses construction activity but also the use of any power tools for building construction along with the use of powered domestic maintenance equipment by individual homeowners. A list of exemptions was also included in the proposed ordinance. Mr. Erickson indicated that the ordinance should define weekday and weekend. The Council agreed that weekend shall mean Saturday and Sunday with weekday being Monday through Friday. Council Member Johnson recommended that the word "annoys", as it relates to noise, be defined in order to make is measurable (i.e., decibel level). Council Members agreed that before the ordinance is adopted, an article should be written in Messages informing residents of the proposed ordinance. Also, a utility bill stuffer should be created after the ordinance is adopted. The Council directed staff to define the word "annoys" in the proposed ordinance along with writing an article in Messages prior to adoption and creating a utility bill stuffer after adoption informing residents of the new ordinance. .7 Item No. 4 -Right-o, f Way Needs. I-35/185th Street Interchange -Southbound Ramps: City Engineer Keith Nelson presented alternative sketch plans for a full interchange at I-35/185th Street. Although the project may not be completed for another 5-10 years, staff felt it was appropriate to discuss acquiring the right-of--way for the project. Mr. Erickson indicated that by purchasing the property on the southeast quadrant of the intersection, the City can preserve the existing hill which acts as a noise barrier for residents in the area. If the area were to develop for residential use, the removal of the hill would most likely occur. He suggests meeting with the homeowners in the area to inform them of the plans for the interchange which will provide residents advance notice of the project. Darrel Gonyea of Gonyea Land Company representing Mr. Jim Shiely, owner of the property in the southeast quadrant of 185th and I-35, informed the Council the City would benefit by purchasing the property now in lieu of purchasing the property at a later date from a developer at a higher price. Mayor Zaun indicated that Scott County Wlll once again benefit from the interchange project without having to fund any of the project. Mr. Erickson mentioned as part of pursuing the purchase of the land, the City should contact Dakota County to get them to agree to participate in the purchase of the property. The City Council directed the City Administrator to meet with residents of Great Oak Shores subdivision regarding the proposed I-35/185th Street full interchange project. Council Work Session Minutes June 17, 1997 Page 3 Item No. S -Planning Commission Appointment: Council Members discussed the appointment of Sharon Kot to the Planning Commission. Mr. Erickson mentioned that staff has received one application from an individual for the vacancy on the Environmental Affairs Committee and also has received an application for the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Committee. The Council directed staff to place the appointment of Sharon Kot to the Planning Commission on the next City Council agenda. Item No. 6 -Presentation of Pr~osed Development Projects: Mr. Sobota highlighted special study and high management projects. A few of the projects which were discussed in some detail and at length are as follows: 1. Comprehensive Plan Update Process - 387 letters were sent out to homeowners in the rural service areas regarding three neighborhood meetings scheduled for the week of June 23rd to discuss the Comprehensive Plan update. • 2. Downtown Inventory/Intern Project -Ryan Kraft has recently been hired as an intern to create a land and building inventory database of all the properties located downtown. 3. Fuel Facility Study/Moratorium - Mr. Erickson indicated that representatives of Fleet Farm mentioned they would like to establish a convenience store in the parking lot of their site. Mr. Erickson informed Fleet Farm that the City staff has concerns with the proposal due to access issues, parking and increased traffic the project would generate. Scott County/Credit River/New Market Plan -Staff informed Council Members that Kathy Bongard of the Scott County Planning Department indicated that New Market Township will present their proposed township comprehensive plan to Scott County/City of Lakeville within the next two to three weeks. Mr. Sobota then reviewed residential related projects. • Town and Country Homes Townhome proposal - 165th Street and Jaguar. Scott Johnson is proposing a townhome project which would preserve a significant percentage of the trees on-site. The project would have to be rezoned from R-2 to PUD in order to allow construction of townhomes. The density of homes proposed on the west side is lower than on the east side. Special assessments for 165th Street, Jaguar Avenue, Ipava Avenue and County Road 46 create a significant burden for the underlying property. Mr. Erickson proposed a scenario whereby the City would negotiate with the developer to lower the unit density on the east side of the project by offering the developer a decrease in assessments. The Council directed staff to negotiate with the developer to lower the density of units in the east portion of the project by offering to abate special assessments on the property. Council Work Session Minutes June 17, 1997 Page 4 i Item No. 6A -Zweber Farm Plat Issues, ISD 194: The Zweber farm plat is adjacent to Cherry View Elementary School. The City has asked the developer to stage the project to prevent overcrowding in the elementary school. The proposal includes platting 23 lots in 1997, 53 lots in 1998, 38 lots in 1999 and 29 lots in the year 2000. Mr. Erickson indicated that City Attorney Roger Knutson is confident that the City would prevail in legal proceedings if the developer challenges the City for requiring the phasing of the project. On a side note, Mr. Erickson indicated that representatives from the cities of Elko/New Market and New Market Township indicated at a recent ISD 194 meeting that they anticipate a significant increase in the construction of single family housing units. The Council directed staff to work with the developer to phase the project and obtain a letter from ISD 194 which indicates they agree with the phasing of the project. Item No. 7 -Status Update: Proposed Certificate of Grading for Single Fami~ Lots: Mr. Krings informed Council Members that he and Mike Sobota met with representatives of five building contractors to discuss final grading inspections for single family homes. Mr. Krings will • send a letter to all excavators asking them to call for final grade inspection prior to leaving the new home site. A letter will also be sent to each new homeowner when a certificate of occupancy is issued requesting them to call for a final grading inspection prior to the installation of sod and a letter will be sent to call single family home builders regarding the new final grade procedure. Mr. Krings indicated that the representatives present at the meeting supported the new procedure. The Council directed staff to proceed with the steps which Mr. Krings highlighted. Item No. 8 -Status Update: Agreement for Urban Plat Review and Site Inspection Services with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District: Mr. Erickson indicated that City staff and the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) staff met, which resulted in the decision that the DCSWCD will continue to review preliminary plats at the established fee rates but final plat reviews will occur only at City staff direction and will be charged at an hourly rate of $39 per hour. The DCSWCD will only be responsible for site inspections at predetermined sites specified by City staff. Council directed staff to proceed with signing a contract agreement with the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District for urban plat review and site inspections. New Business: • Mayor Zaun, Council Member Holberg and Mr. Erickson will be participating in the "Kiss the Pig" contest which is a being sponsored by the Lakeville Women of Today as a fundraiser for the new library. .' ~^ Council Work Session Minutes June 17, 1997 Page S • • Mr. Erickson indicated that Lakeville has a good supply of water in the City reservoirs and until now has been able to avoid a water ban. Staff is drafting a resolution in case there is a need for a water ban. Other communities in the metropolitan area do not have the water supply that Lakeville has because they do not have enough wells in their communities. Lakeville will have another 2 million gallon reservoir in the City once the water treatment plant is completely constructed and operating. • Mr. Erickson indicated that the Utility Department recently repaired a private water service line for Kathy and Les Kingen. The Kingens are appealing the costs associated with the repairs. • Mr. Erickson indicated that Dakota County is requesting representatives from the City of Lakeville to be on the County Road 42 Advisory Committee. Discussion occurred regarding appointing Dan Callahan, Mary Liz Holberg and Karl Drotning to the committee. The Council decided Mary Liz Holberg and Karl Drotning should be Lakeville's representatives. • Regarding the commercial/industrial/institutional project list, Council Member Holberg recommends that staff include the date of when staff first started to review the project for each listing. • Mr. Erickson indicated that developer Jim Stanton is considering purchasing Airlake Industrial Park from the Regan family. • Mr. Erickson mentioned that Mr. Lonnie Smith has been hired by Independent School District 194 as the new Business Coordinator. Mr. Smith was previously employed by the Austin School District. • The results of the community survey will be presented to the Council at the second meeting in July. Council Members discussed taping a round table discussion regarding the results of the survey. Council Members requested a video tape of the 1995 round table discussion they completed regarding the community survey results. The work session adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Administrative Assistant w