HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-31-98 WS• CITY OF LAKEVILLE
AUGUST 31,1998
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall North Meeting Room.
Individuals in attendance were Mayor Zaun; Council Members Holberg, Mulvihill, Ryan and Sindt;
Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; Mike Sobota, Community and
Economic Development Director; Steve Michaud, Parks and Recreation Director; John Hennen,
Administrative Assistant; Lt. Dick Schwartz, Police Department; Ron Mullenbach, Planning
Assistant; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; David Licht, Northwest Associated Consultants; Jon
Ridge, Hostelling International; Tom Sullivan, Pro-Events International; Dennis Eyler, SRF
Consulting Group; and Jon Lloyd, SunCurrent newspaper.
Mr. Michaud indicated that discussions with the Dakota County Sheriffs Department and
neighboring communities involved with the event began sixteen months ago. The event consists of
three different bike routes all proposed to start and end at Lakeville Senior High School. Staff has
met with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Association and the
Lakeville Convention and Visitors Bureau. All are excited about the event.
• Jon Rid e, Executive Director of Hostellin International indicated that 1999 will be the thirt -
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third year the event has been held. Tom Sullivan of Pro-Events International mentioned the event is
proposed to be held on April 25, 1999 with over 6,000 estimated riders participating. All
participants will bike through Lakeville's downtown. Mr. Michaud indicated that the streets will
not be closed off from vehicular traffic but key roads and intersections will have to be policed.
Council Member Ryan indicated that the Downtown Business Association is very excited about the
event and suggested the finish line be established downtown so the riders would patronize the
businesses after the event. Council Member Holberg asked if the organizers received approval and
commitment from the School District regarding the use of their facility and was concerned about
vehicular traffic and bikers along the Kenrick Avenue frontage road going south of McStop.
Council directed staff and organizers to prepare and distribute a detailed map which would
indicate the exact streets and roadways the bikers will travel. A parade permit will also have to be
obtained by the organizers.
Mr. Nelson indicated SRF has completed the I-35 and County Road 50 Interchange Area Traffic
Study. The study includes a preferred and secondary alternative on each side of I-35 with the
• preferred .alternate based on the comments received from neighborhood meetings. Mr. Eyler
mentioned the recommended alternative east of I-35 includes relocating the existing northbound I-
35 on-ramp to the park and ride lot and realigning the existing Kenrick Avenue intersection on
City Council Work Session Minutes - flugust 31, 1998 Page 2
• CSAH 50 with the north bound I-35 exit ramp. Council Member Holberg believes there could be a
safety issue along County Road 50 where traffic is proposed to go from two lanes to one lane near
175th Street. Council Member Ryan doesn't believe the recommended alternative will address all
the traffic issues at the intersection and recommends the construction of on and off ramp loops
serving north and southbound interstate traffic which he believes would eliminate some of the
traffic congestion at the intersection. Mr. Eyler presented the constraints with constructing the loop
roadway system and businesses that would have to be removed. Mr. Erickson indicated that
property owners in the area are waiting for the results of the study so they can anticipate impacts on
their businesses or effect of the development of vacant property. Mr. Eyler recommends re-striping
County Road 50 under I-35 to create three separate lanes; one for a thru-lane, a second for an
eastbound left turn lane and a third for westbound traffic. Mr. Eyler indicated that MnDOT does not
consider this intersection a high priority.
Mr. Erickson recommends SRF complete a scope of services agreement which would include
estimating costs of the .proposed alternatives along with pursuing a lobbyist to assist our State
Legislators in obtaining funding for transportation projects.
Council directed staff to have SRF complete a scope of services agreement which would include
the costs of the proposed alternatives and directed the City Attorney to provide a lobbying
proposal to obtain funding for transportation projects.
Mr. Sobota informed the City Council that State law is requiring that cities ensure that subdivision
and zoning ordinances, including zoning maps, must be in conformance with the updated
Comprehensive Guide Plan. David Licht of Northwest Associated Consultants presented two
scenarios (A and B) for bringing the zoning map in conformance with the 2020 Land Use Plan.
Scenario A would involve rezoning all the land in Lakeville in a manner consistent with the 2020
Land Use Plan. The City would then need to amend each of its zoning classifications to identify
permitted uses that may be allowed on a parcel within or outside of the MUSA. Mr. Licht stated
that NAC recommends Scenario B which would involve establishing zoning reflective of existing
land uses. All MUSA Expansion Areas would be zoned as Rural Transition Zone which would
identify only land uses that would be permitted for non-sewered land. Urban Reserve and
Permanent Rural areas would be zoned according to their existing rural uses. As the MUSA
expands, urban zoning districts would be established consistent with the 2020 Land Use Plan.
Mr. Knutson and Mr. Erickson indicated Scenario A would pose the difficult task of defining zoning
district boundaries in advance of actual development. Mr. Erickson prefers creating a zoning map
with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan superimposed on it in lieu of having two separate
documents. Discussion .occurred regarding the types of uses allowed in Rural Transition Zones.
Mr. Licht indicated that some communities have allowed reduced building standards in Transition
• Zone areas with the understanding it is an interim use which would eventually be terminated. The
Rural Transition Areas could have different divisions such as residential, commercial and industrial.
City Council Work Session Minutes -August 31, 1998 Page 3
• Council Member Ryan believes residents understand a zoning map but do not necessarily
understand Comprehensive Land Use Plans. He believes it would be a mistake having the zoning
map and Comprehensive Land Use Plan inconsistent with one another. Mr. Licht indicated that the
map should convey to the public what is allowed on a piece of property today and what could
possibly be allowed in the future when sewer and water is extended to the area. Council Member
Holberg indicated that it is too problematic to determine zoning on property which won't be
developed for another ten to fifteen years and suggests creating a zoning map which denotes the
Transition Zone in one color and the Urban Area in another. Council Member Ryan reiterated he
prefers Scenario A while the Mayor and three Council Members prefer Scenario B.
Council directed staff to present a recommendation to the City Council with a proposed zoning
map at the second meeting in September.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submi
Hennen, Administrative Assistant