HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-95 CITY OF LAKEVII,LE PLANNING COMNIISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chair Holberg at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Luick, Holberg, Skipton, Amborn, Miller. Absent: Whitehouse, Steigerwalt. Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; Mira Holliday, Recording Secretary. Chair Holberg welcomed newly appointed Commission member Howard Amborn to the Commission. The minutes of the December 8,1994 Planning Commission meeting were approved as printed. • ITEM 4 The election of officers for 1995 was held as follows: 95.01 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Miller to nominate David Luick for Chair. 95.02 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Holberg to nominate Skipton for Vice Chair. 95.03 Motion was made by Holberg,. seconded by Miller to nominate Amborn as Secretary. Nominations were closed. Roll call was taken on the motions. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 5 The public hearing to consider the application of the City of Lakeville for a major Comprehensive Plan amendment to revise the generalized. land use plan for the I- 35/C.R. 46 freeway interchange was continued from the November 17, 1994 . Planning Commission meeting. Michael Sobota presented an overview of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, outlining a memo dated December 8, PLAr1TTING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1995 PAGE 2 1994 prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants which addressed issues raised by the Planning Commission. He also discussed a letter from the City of Burnsville outlining a number of concerns. Mr. Sobota recommended that the item be tabled pending further discussion with the City of Burnsville. The Commission held a brief discussion. 95..04 Motion was made-by Miller,-seconded by Skipton to continue the public hearing. .Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 6 The public hearing to consider the application. of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Section 13 of the Lakeville Zoning Ordinance concerning off-street loading was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Michael Sobota presented an overview of the proposed amendment, outlining the planning report dated December 29, 1994. He stated that the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment would remove the need for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a loading berth at the front or side of a building on a corner lot in industrial zoning districts, rather it would be as a permitted use, provided certain conditions, including screening, are met. The Commission held a discussian which included the definition of staging area, the areas of the City that the ordinance would apply, and screening. Changes to the draft ordinance were made as follows: Section Sa&b)4. Loading berths and associated staging areas shall be screened from the abutting public rights-of--way. Said screening shall consist of either a screening fence. or a green belt planting strip as provided below: a. A green belt planting strip consisting of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs shall be of sufficient width and density to provide an effective visual screen. This planting strip shall be designed to provide complete visual screening to a minimum height of six (6) feet. Earth mounding or berms may be used but shall not be used to achieve more than three (3) feet of the required screen. Green belt screening shall also comply with design standards outlined in Section 9.7 of this PLASINING COMNIISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1995 • PAGE 3 Ordinance. The planting plan and type of plantings shall require the approval of the Zoning Administrator. There was no public comment. 94.05 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Skipton to close the public hearing. Ra11 call was taken on the motian. Ayes: Unanimous. 94.06 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Skipton to recommend approval of the application of the City of Lakeville for an amendment to Section 13 of the Zoning Ordinance concerning off-street loading subject to the planning report dated December 28, 1994 and the amendments to the proposed ordinance. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. The public hearing to consider the application of Progress Land Company for the vacation of a portion of 210th Street West in the southeast corner of the Dodd Boulevard1210th Street West intersection was opened. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published. • Frank Dem se resented an overview of the ro osed street vacation, outlinin P YP P P g the planning. report dated December 28, 1994. He stated that this street right-of- way vacation is required to clear up the legal descriptions for lots in the Golden Pond subdivision. He stated that staff recommends approval of the proposed street vacation. The Commission held a brief discussion. There was no public comment. 95.07 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Luick to close the public hearing. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. .95.08 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Luick to recommend approval of the application of Progress Land Company for the vacation of a portion of 210th Street West in the southeast corner of the Dodd Boulevard/210th Street west intersection subject to the planning report dated December 28, 1994. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. PLANI`1ING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1995 • PAGE 4 ITEM 8 The public hearing to consider the application of Freeborn Mower, Ltd. for the following actions all on land located in the southwest corner of 165th Street and Ipava Avenue was opened: • A rezoning from R-2, Single Family Residential District. to PUD, Planned Unit Development. • The preliminary plat of 107 single family and townhouse residential lots to be known asBoulder Village at Crystal Lake. • A minor Comprehensive Plan amendment to bring the property into the Year 2000 Urban Service Area. The City Attorney attested that all legal notices had been duly published and mailed. Jeff Hultgren, representing Freeborn-Mower, Ltd., presented background • information regarding the proposed actions and discussed the proposed Boulder Village at Crystal Lake, providing pictures along with a detailed description. Mr. Hultgren stated that further submittals and discussion need to be made with staff, therefore he requested. that the item be tabled until the next Planning Commission meeting if staff review can be concluded. Daryl Morey reviewed the planning report dated December 30, 1994. His review included the following; • Background • Adjacent zoning and land uses • Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan • Phasing • Density • Lots/blocks • Outlots • Setbacks • Streets • Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utilities • Tree preservation • Wetlands PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES . JANUARY 5, 1995 • PAGE 5 • Park and trail dedication • MUSA • Stipulations of approval Mr. Morey stated staffwas in agreement with Mr. Hultgren's request to table the public hearing.. Mr.Dan:Dansier 16549 Imperial-Circle stated he was opposed to the rezoning from R-2 to PUD. He stated he .felt townhomes should not be located adjacent to the single family homes in the area. Judy Unstad, 16791 Jacksonville Court questioned the entrance to the proposed development, expressing concern over construction traffic in her neighborhood. She questioned the proposed tot lot and stated she is opposed to a gated community. Mr. Hultgren discussed the entrance to the development and stated that construction traffic will be controlled by the developer. Ipava Avenue is the most likely construction entrance. Mr. Torn Ryan, 16615 Ipava Avenue, stated he is opposed to townhomes adjacent to his R-2 zoned property and is also opposed to a gated community. He stated he is concerned that in 20 years the upkeep of the private streets will be turned over to the City. He further stated his concern regarding the Halli's property being landlocked. Staff addressed Mr. Ryan's concerns stating the private streets are built to the same standards as public streets. Mr. Ryan requested that the public hearing not be held at the next Planning Commission meeting because he would be unable to attend. Mr. Dansler stated he would also be unable to attend. Mr. Hultgren: stated he would like to move the project ahead as quickly as possible but was not certain all submittals would be made in time for review at the next Planning Commission meeting. Joyce Conti, 16837 Illinois Avenue questioned what her view would be like across Ipava Avenue and stated she is opposed to the rezoning from R=2 to PUD. • The Commission stated the following issues should be addressed prior to the continuation of the public hearing: + r PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 112[NUTES JANUARY 5, 1995 • PAGE 6 • 60 foot right of way on Ipava Avenue • Screening on .165th Street and Ipava Avenue • Sideyard setbacks and building design • Parks and Recreation recommendations Mr. Ryan questioned the screening of the townhouses and the grade of the proposed streetwest of Ipava. He also questioned the "commercial" maintenance and recreation building: to be located adjacent to his property. Wayne Lamereaux discussed the layout and possible grade of the proposed streets and landscaping for the townhomes. Daryl Morey addressed the recreational and maintenance buildings, stating that the Zoning Ordinance defines such buildings as permitted accessory or conditional uses in the R-2 District. 95.09 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Miller to continue the public hearing pending further submittal by the developer and review by staff. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: y r Mira Holliday,. Reco ing Secretary ATTEST: ' M ber Ch ' ' f