HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-99 WSa CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL WORK SESSION. ..MEETING MtNC!'TES DECEMBER 2, 1999 Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 5:07'`p:m. The following individuals were present: Mayor Zaun; Council Members Sindt, `'Luick, . Mulvihill and Ryan; Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and Economic levelopment Director; Keith Nelson, City Engineer; Don Volk, Director of Operations and Maintenance; Dave Delmonico, Lakeville Police Department; John Hennen, Administrative Assistant; Rita Erpelding, Economic Development Coordinator; Lea Guenther, Public Information Coordinator, Char Friedges, City Clerk; Mary Bujold, Maxfield. Research; Denny Eyler, SRF; Roger Knutson, City Attorney;:- Jim Bauck, Superintendent of ISD 194; Lonnie Smith, Business Manager of ISD 194;. and residents. Susan Brousseau, Chris Foss, Jean Baudhuin and Frank Holley. Prior to the discussion of the agenda items, Dr. Bauck and Lonnie Smith of ISD 194 informed Council Members that the School District is in the process cif' purchasing 135... acres south of 210t" Street and north of County Road 70 for a secondary school site. Mr. Smith indicated the process of selecting a site started 6-7 months ago. Limiting factors included purchasing a site with a minimum of 80 acres at no more that $2.4 million. The School District has been working 'with~Eity staff and researched parcels inside and outside of the Metropolitan Urbari' Service Area (MUSA). Mr. 'Erickson indicated that the site is outside the MUSA and belies the School District will receive an excellent value for its purchase. The cost of'the property is about. one-third of what it would cost if it was inside the MUSA. Mayor Zaun indicated thaf because the property is in close proximity to the Airlake Industrial Park and 'Fairfield Business Campus, businesses in the industrial park and in the business campus may be able to utilize the secondary school facility for training purposes. Council .Members thanked Superintendent Bauck and Mr. Smith for attending the meeting and providing the update. ITEM NO. 1 - PRESENTATION OF COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL MARKET ASSESSMENT. Michael Sobota introduced Mary Bujold, Vice President -Director of .Research for Maxfield Research. She recently made a .presentation to the Economic Development Commission (EDC) as part of the Strategic'- Planning. Process on Lakeville's .future development potential in the areas of commercial, retail and office park/business campus. Ms. Bujold indicated that her company assessed future trends. and market factors that may impact the potential demand for commercial/industrial land to accommodate new business as the community plans for the future. As part. of the analysis, Maxfield reviewed and analyzed the following: overall growth trends (population, households and Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 2 December 2, 1999 employment); historic growth (commercial/industrial permits); current market situation for commercial/industrial space; trends in light of regional market situation; trends in light of Lakeville's position in the southern metropolitan area; transportation patterns; competition and national trends as they may impact industry in the region and in Lakeville. Ms. Bujold went on to highlight demographic factors, employment/labor force issues, economic development, industrial development for businesses, retail development, office development and commercial land absorption in the City of Lakeville. The study showed a large influx of younger households between the ages of 25-44. Regarding the labor force, the study also indicated there is a significant percentage of employees in the industrial park that are currently commuting from the south, (i.e., Rice County). Lakeville has a substantial amount of land available for industrial development. Council Member Sindt asked Ms. Bujold if she believes the Legislature .will eliminate Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Ms. Bujold indicated that TIF is being used significantly in cities for redevelopment projects. She believes we will be seeing additional creative. financing tools used to sustain development in cities. The Council moved up Item No. 5 on the agenda. ITEM NO. 5 -ESTABLISH TIMELINE FOR COMPLETION OF ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP UPDATE. . Mr. Sobota indicated that in the Council Members' packets contain a memorandum from David Licht of Northwest Associated .Consultants regarding the suggested schedule revision for the Zoning Ordinance Update. Mayor Zaun asked Council Members if they had any concerns with the proposed timeline. Council Member Ryan indicated it is important to take the time to accurately complete the project and is comfortable with the fact that the project will take more time than originally proposed. Council Member Sindt asked if there is a legal timeline to complete the project. Mr. Sobota indicated that under state law, the Zoning Ordinance must be .consistent with Lakeville's Comprehensive Plan within nine months of the Metropolitan Council's approval of the Comprehensive Plan. The Metropolitan Council approved Lakeville's Comprehensive Plan on August 18th, 1999; therefore, the project must be completed by May 18t"~ 2000. The Council agreed to the revised Zoning Ordinance Update timeline as indicated in David Licht's memo dated November 22, 1999. ITEM NO. 2 - PRESENTATION` BY RESIDENTS SUSAN BROUSSEAU AND CHRIS FOSS REGARDING THE CITIZEN PETITION ON THE NEED TO ADDRESS VEHICLE, BICYCLISTS AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ON HIGHVIEW AVENUE BETWEEN 175 STREET AND COUNTY ROAD 46. Ms. Brousseau indicated she and her neighbors are concerned with the .safety of • vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians, especially children, in the area of Highview Avenue Council WorkSession Meeting Minutes Page 3 December 2, 1999 between 1751h Street and County Road 46. Over the years, there has been an increase • in the number of vehicles utilizing the roadway along with the speed these vehicles are traveling. Many of the residents in the neighborhood were told by their realtors that there would eventually be a bike path constructed along Highview Avenue. Ms. Brousseau was complementary to the City, especially the Police Department, which has taken steps to install additional signage, periodically place a speed trailer along Highview Avenue and complete a safety study. The residents are requesting the City take additional steps which include the installation of bike paths along Highview Avenue and a crosswalk, although they do not want Highview Avenue to turn into a 4-lane roadway. City Engineer Keith Nelson indicated that the current traffic on Highview Avenue is 5,700 vehicles per day. 2020 projections indicate 13,000 which would necessitate a 4- lane roadway. Mr. Erickson informed the group. of the proposed realignment of Highview Avenue with the development of 130-140 acres north of 165t" Street and south of County road 46. Highview Avenue would be moved west of Minnesota Valley Free Lutheran Church to be in alignment with Gardenview Drive in Apple Valley, Mr. Erickson indicated that the long-term plan for the roadway would be to construct atree- lined, 4-lane, parkway with bike paths on both sides of Highview Avenue.. The parkway design would be constructed in such a way that it would create atraffic-calming effect. Ms. Brousseau asked if a neighborhood meeting. could be held with staff and Denny Eyler of SRF to discuss the parkway design. Mr. Erickson indicated that staff and SRF . could study the possibility of installing a 4-way stop sign at 165t" Street. Council Member Sindt asked if the speed limit could be lowered along Highview Avenue. Mr. Eyler indicated that currently there is not enough information to determine if that is appropriate and the matter would have to be researched further. The Engineering Department will recommend that the City Council authorize SRF to study the need fora 4-way stop at 165t" Street and Highview Avenue and complete a cost estimate for a bike trail along Highview Avenue at the December 6, 1999, City Council meeting. The Council directed Staff and SRF to hold a neighborhood meeting to discuss and review these issues along with the parkway design prior to City Council review at their annual retreat which is proposed to be held in March.. ITEM NO. 3 -STATUS UPDATE ON VERMILLION RIVER AND BLACK DOG WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (WMO) AND APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS. Mr. Knutson informed the Council that on November 1, 1999, the City Council approved the amendment for the extension of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for the Vermillion River WMO from January 1, 2000 -August 1, 2000. All member communities must execute the extension if the WMO is to remain in existence after January 1, 2000. At the time of the City Council work session meeting, Mr. Knutson had • Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 4 December 2, 1999 not heard from three townships regarding their decision to execute the extension • agreement. Mr. Nelson went on to indicate that his term as commissioner expires at the end of the year. Although it has not yet. been determined if the agency will continue to function, Mr. Knutson has sent out public notices regarding the vacancies on the WMO. It is the opinion of Mr. Knutson that Mr. Nelson can continue to serve as a member of the WMO until he is replaced. Representative Ozment interprets the law. that City staff can no longer serve as of January 1, 2000.. Council Member Luick indicated that he recently attended a League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) meeting where Representative Ozment made it clear that he does not want City staff to be board members and prefers citizens on the board. Council Member Sindt asked how many city staff members were currently board members. Mr. Nelson indicated four, which includes Lakeville, Apple Valley, Rosemount and .Farmington. Mr. Erickson indicated that Mr. Knutson recommends that Council take await-and-see approach and have Mr. Nelson. serve until someone is appointed to replace him. Council directed staff to keep them apprised of the situation and decided to take await-and-see approach until further development occurs regarding the situation. ITEM NO. 4 -DISCUSS REALIGNMENT OF KENYON AVENUE TO 185T" STREET AT KNOLLWOOD CIRCLE AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF U.S. HOMES PROJECT. • City Engineer Keith Nelson indicated that in August of 1999 Lee Johnson of US Homes informed. the City the company had purchased approximately 153 acres from Mid. America Festivals for the development of mixed residential use. Because. of major access and transportation issues on 185th Street, staff met with the Dakota County Highway Department and Lee Johnson to develop a plan that would address traffic problems in the area. The Dakota County Highway Department has indicated it will not install stop signs at Kenyon Ave. and 185th Street because stop signs would actually create more congestion and increase the likelihood of accidents because of the intersection's close proximity. to the I-35 south ramp. Dakota County would like to relocate Kenyon Avenue to the Knollwood Circle intersection with 185th Street and close the existing Kenyon Avenue access. This would involve upgrading of the existing 184th Street and extension of the road through the property being acquired by US Homes. The County would be willing to participate in a 55/45 cost share program for the relocation of Kenyon Avenue. Signals could then be installed at this new intersection. Mr. Erickson. indicated that the residents of Lake Villa Golf Estates were promised a 10- 15 acre neighborhood park as .part of future development in this area.. He went on to indicate that if the realignment of Kenyon Avenue is to proceed, easements would have to be obtained which would require the cooperation of the Mallorys (property owners in the area) and U.S. Homes. • Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 5 December 2, 1999 Lake Villa Golf Estate resident Frank Holley .indicated he spoke .with Rick Dahl of the City of Minneapolis Traffic Department regarding the Kenyon Avenue and 185t" Street intersection. Mr. Holley indicated that Mr. Dahl agreed with Mr. Holley that a signal was warranted at the intersection. Resident Jean Baudhuin indicated that at maximum build-out, approximately 600 homes could be constructed in this area. She questioned the effect this will ..have on 185t" Street traffic. Mr. Erickson suggested the residents contact Dakota County Board Members regarding their concerns because the Board will ultimately make the final decision regarding the installation of traffic lights on 185t" Street. He indicated the Met Council is aware of the I-35/185th Street interchange project, although it is not currently funded on any project list. He suggested the City Council contact Ted Mondale to further expedite the project. The Council directed staff to continue to work with the Mallorys, U.S. Homes and Dakota ...County regarding the realignment of Kenyon Ave., along 184t" St., to the Knollwood Circle and 185t" intersection, including the installation of traffic signals. ITEM NO. 6 - PRESENTATION ON A DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNICATIONS PLAN. Public Information Coordinator Lea Guenther informed Council Members that much of . the. impetus for developing a Comprehensive Communications Plan came from the results of the 1999 Community Survey performed by Decision Resources, Ltd. (DRl_). The survey indicated that some new residents did not seem to be familiar with City government and services and a new and/or enhanced method of communicating with them might be advisable. Ms. Guenther indicated a Communications Plan Task Force, made up of staff members, Lakeville's Website service provider and a local editor reviewed the draft plan and provided comments and suggestions. Ms. Guenther's proposed plan listed eight objectives. Mayor Zaun indicated it would be convenient for a resident to visit Lakeville's Website and obtain permit information on items such as constructing a deck, .addition or shed. Mr. Erickson indicated that staff is in the process of examining the use of the Website for this purpose along with the opportunity for residents to register and pay to participate in Parks and Recreation programs. Staff is also looking at the touch-tone payment system. Council Member Luick indicated that he appreciates the foresight of utilizing the Website but cautions staff that we can't completely eliminate telephone registration because some residents. have a phobia about giving credit card information out over the Internet. Mr. Erickson indicated that David Licht recommends that the City send out the Comprehensive Plan to residents prior to sending out the. Zoning Ordinance so residents have a better understanding of the difference between the two. Mr. Erickson • Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 6 December 2, 1.999 indicated that it would .cost an additional $10,000 to send out the Comprehensive Plan separately from the Zoning Ordinance but felt it would be beneficial Council Member Sindt indicated she is receiving concerns regarding the placement of the Messages page in the new Life & Times/Thisweek Newspaper. Council. Member Mulvihill mentioned she believes City news is difficult to locate in the paper. Council directed staff to amend. the Comprehensive Communications Plan to include the distribution of the Comprehensive Plan to all residents prior to the distribution of the Zoning Ordinance Update. The draft Comprehensive Communications Plan should be placed on the December 20, 1999, City Council meeting agenda. ITEM NO. 7 -DISCUSS PROPOSED CHANGES TO PRECINCT MAP City Clerk Char Friedges indicated that residential development has been and continues to be intense in Precincts 1, 2, and 8 and therefore has prepared a revised precinct map that will create two additional precincts. As per State law, December 31, 1999, will be the last day to change precinct boundaries until redistricting occurs following the 2000 Census. Ms. Friedges is proposing to create a new precinct (#12) which would include the area west of Dodd Boulevard (currently in Precinct 1) and south of 205t" Street (currently in Precinct 2). The residents in this new precinct would vote at Lakeview Elementary School. The second additional precinct is proposed to be located in the area west of Flagstaff Avenue currently in Precinct 8. This new precinct (#13) would vote at Valley Christian Church on Glacier Way. Ms. Friedges is also proposing to relocate the polling place at City Hall (Precinct 2) from the North Meeting Room to the Council Chambers for the 2000 General. Election. The North Meeting Room is not large enough to handle a presidential election. Council Member Sindt asked if the proposed polling places along with the- existing polling places are all handicapped accessible; Ms. Friedges indicated they were. Mayor Zaun suggested the City make every attempt to keep the precincts within school district boundaries for demographic comparison purposes. Ms. Friedges indicated that residents would receive a card from Dakota County indicating that their voter precincts had changed; staff would also notify residents via the Messages page. Council directed the City Clerk to place the proposed changes to the .precinct. map as an item on the December 13, 1999, Truth in Taxation meeting agenda. ITEM NO. 8 -REVIEW AND DISCUSS EXISTING MAILBOX REPLACEMENT POLICY. . • Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 7 December 2, 1999 Director of Operations and Maintenance Don Volk indicated that our current Mailbox Replacement Policy for mailboxes damaged during snow removal procedures is outdated compared to other cities. Mr. Volk completed a survey of other area cities and is asking the City Council to consider amending the current policy to allow the resident the option of either having- City staff replace the mailbox or receiving a $45 reimbursement whereby the homeowner could purchase and install a replacement mailbox. Council Members Mulvihill and Sindt both recommend that the maximum reimbursement be increased to $50. Mr. Volk indicated that approximately 20-40 mailboxes each year have to be replaced due to snow removal damage. Mr. Volk indicated that if the City Council agrees with the proposal he would incorporate it into the Snow and Ice Removal Policy that will be presented to the City Council. at an upcoming work session. The City Council directed Mr. Volk to incorporate the Mailbox Replacement Policy into the Snow and Ice Removal Policy and present the entire document to Council Members at a future work session. Council Members agreed the maximum. amount of reimbursement should be increased to $50. ITEM NO. 9 -.DISCUSSION OF ADVISORY COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS. • Mr. Hennen indicated that on September 7, 1999, Council directed staff to review the structure and scope of Lakeville's Advisory Committees/Commissions to determine if consolidation of certain. committees was at all possible. Staff researched the role and scope of committees in the cities of Eden Prairie, Bloomington, Eagan, Woodbury and Minnetonka. In its review, staff concentrated on four committees/commissions that could possibly be .consolidated: Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Environmental Affairs Committee (Waste Haulers Subcommittee) and Hunting Committee. Each of five communities surveyed has a Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The cities of Eden Prairie and Woodbury have an Environmental Education Committee whose purpose is different from Lakeville's Environmental Affairs Committee. Eden Prairie and Woodbury concentrate more on the promotion and education of environmental awareness and conservation of resources. Lakeville's Environmental Affairs Committee concentrates a significant amount of its time on .the review and` recommendation of grading, drainage, erosion control, tree preservation and wetland mitigation plans on projects. In the other communities. either the Planning Commission and/or the Parks and Recreation Commission review these items. Staff proposed four options regarding consolidation of the four committees/commissions, as follows: • Z • Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 8 December 2; 1999 1. Incorporate the duties of the Environmental Affairs to either the Planning Commission or the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, therefore eliminating the Environmental Affairs Committee. 2. Create a subcommittee of the Planning Commission that would address significant environmental issues and meet on an as-needed basis. The Waste Haulers Subcommittee could also be a subcommittee of the Planning Commission. 3. Incorporate .the duties of the Hunting Committee to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee because there are fewer and fewer areas to hunt in Lakeville and because the Hunting Committee only meets on an annual basis. 4. Do not restructure any of the existing committees and leave the structure: and scope of the committees/commissions as is. Mr. Erickson indicated that the Hunting Committee could easily become a subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The Hunting Committee currently meets only once or twice a year and, over the years, the areas open to hunting have decreased significantly. Three members of the existing Hunting Committee could make up this subcommittee. Council Member Sindt asked if the Planning Commission would have the time to review environmental issues and if there is merit to establishing a task force to meet on environmental issues. Mr. Erickson indicated that currently there is an overlap of review The Council directed staff to work with the attorney's office in the creation of a Hunting Subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Advisory .Committee and an Environmental Affairs Subcommittee of the Planning Commission and present the proposal to the City Council at a future work session. on environmental issues by the Environmental Affairs .Committee, the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District and City staff. Mayor Zaun indicated that when the Environmental Affairs. Committee was established its focus was on the review and recommendation of policy; policies have been established for quite some time.. Mayor Zaun indicated he thought it would be a benefit to consolidate one or two advisory committees/commissions. Mr. Erickson indicated that currently there are two vacancies among a total of seven members on the Environmental Affairs Committee. He felt it was timely to ask current members if they would be willing to be subcommittee. members to the Planning Commission. ITEM NO. 10 -REVIEW DRAFT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING REGIONAL EFFORTS TO PROVIDE TRANSIT SERVICES AND TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE TO ENCOURAGE SMART GROWTH WITHIN THE .METROPOLITAN TWIN CITIES AREA. r: .. r Council Work Session Meeting Minutes Page 9 December 2, 1999 Mayor Zaun indicated he has been working with members of the Metropolitan Council regarding the resolution and is asking for any comments from Council Members. Council. Member Luick recommended the following paragraph be added to the resolution: WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville does not equate "Smart Growth" with "no growth", but rather supports a coordinated approach to providing balanced opportunities for residential, commercial, industrial and retail development with concern for transit, transportation, community and environmental needs. Council directed staff to :include Council Member Luick's suggested paragraph to the resolution and place this item on the December 20th, .1999, City Council meeting agenda. ITEM NO. 11 -OTHER BUSINESS. Mr. Erickson indicated that there have been adjustments to the proposed 2000 Budget that include $111,000 of savings. Staff did additional research on the purchase of capital outlay items that reduced the budget accordingly. Lakeville's tax capacity rate for 2000 property taxes is projected to be the lowest in Dakota County for the eighth consecutive year. Mr. Erickson also indicated that Council Member Ryan suggested a way to reduce the cost for the. proposed lubrication system by $10,000 to be purchased :for the Street Maintenance Department. Council Member Ryan has also submitted a memo regarding the appropriateness of replacing a 12-year-old backhoe. Mr. Erickson distributed a current project and issues handout. Staff wanted the City Council to be aware of the current projects in which staff is involved and indicated "our plate is full." Council Member Sindt, who is a member of the Space Utilization Study Committee, indicated she would like the minutes of these meetings placed on City Council meeting agendas so other Council Members are kept apprised of the project. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, :P,~..a_ n Hennen~Administrative Assistant •