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APRIL 12, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall North
Meeting Room. Individuals in attendance were Mayor Zaun; Council Members Sindt,
Ryan, Luick and Mulvihill; Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Steve Michaud, Perks and
Recreation Direction; Mike Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director;
David Martens, Police Chief; Jeff Lueders, Cable Coordinator; John Hennen,
Administrative Assistant; Ron Mullenbach, Associate Planner; Jason Wedel, Civil
Engineer II; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Gary Tushie, Tushie Montgomery Associates;
Colette Wanless-Sobel, Chair of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee; Greg
Stattman, Vice Chair of the Telecommunications Commission; Jon Lloyd, SunCurrent;
and residents Deborah Studer Larson and Jeanne Nash Hoffman.
ITEM NO. 1: Review recommendations of Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee re4arding park names.
Mr. Michaud indicated the City Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee are
recommending naming seven parks which is consistent with the park naming policy
approved by the City Council over a year and a half ago. Deborah Studer Larson and
• Jeanne Nash Hoffman have both submitted letters requesting Cherryview Park be
named after their grandfather, A.H. Studer, who at one time owned the property and
farmed the land. The City purchased the land for Cherryview Park from family member
Bill Studer. Mr. Michaud indicated that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
recommended continuing to name the park Cherryview Park in lieu of changing the
name to A.H. Studer Park.
Council Member Sindt felt it would be appropriate to name a park after a family or
family member that has donated property to the City for park purposes but not
necessarily after a family that has sold the property to the City. There have been a
number of families that have sold land to the City, which could result in numerous
requests by individuals to name a park after their family. Council Member Ryan
indicated naming a park after a family member would give the park some personality
but indicated he .has mixed feelings on who a park should be named after. Mayor Zaun
recommends preserving the heritage and history of the area, along .with the families,
which at one time owned the property, through the designation of a plaque or
monument in the park. Council Member Luick indicated it is important to carry the
history of the area forward and also believes some type of historical marker or plaque
would be appropriate.
Deborah Studer Larson provided background about the history of the property. Ms.
• Larson indicated that if the park cannot be named after her grandfather, her family
• would like to see some type of plaque/monument in the park recognizing A.H. Studer.
Mr. Erickson indicated the City could share some of the expenses with the Studer family
in the installation of the plaque on-site. Mayor Zaun indicated an appropriate location
for the plaque might be near the park identification sign on-site.
Mr. Erickson indicated Council Member Mulvihill recommends that the name Dodd
Pointe Park remain and not be changed to Point Park because Valley Park residents ,
have always considered the park Dodd Pointe Park.
Council directed staff to prepare a resolution for a future Council meeting
regarding the park names and coordinate with the Studer family in
establishing amonument/plaque on-site which will provide the history of the
land and A.H. Studer and his family.
ITEM NO. 2: Presentation regarding ~~official maps".
Mr. Knutson indicated that Minnesota Statutes authorizes cities to adopt official maps,
which allows cities to identify areas for future street construction and to prevent or limit
inconsistent development of the property. After the City has adopted a Transportation
Plan, the City may, by ordinance, adopt an official map of planned street construction.
Mapping does not give the City any ownership interest in the property. If an individual
• constructs a building or structure in the mapped area without a building permit, the City
does not have to compensate the owner for the building when the right-of-way is
acquired. Council Member Ryan asked if there could be a case where a landowner
could hold the City "hostage" for acquiring the land. Mr. Knutson indicated no and
didn't see an individual ever driving up the cost of acquiring the land through this
process. Mr. Knutson also indicated that the City is not bound to the official map.
Council Member Luick felt the official map would make a good planning tool. Mr.
Erickson suggested coordinating with the Dakota County Highway Department so
residents would be placed on notice via both agencies regarding Lakeville's future
transportation plans.
The Council directed the City Attorney's office to create an ordinance
adopting an official map for future street construction within the community.
ITEM NO. 3: Receive comments on the 1998 Comprehensive Plan update.
Mr. Sobota indicated the City Council approved the 1998 Comprehensive Plan update at
their December 21, 1998 meeting. Staff submitted the document to all surrounding and
affected units of government for their official 60-day review period, which concluded on
March 1, 1999. City staff has received approximately 40 comments from the
Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Dakota County, ISD 196, the
• cities of Rosemount, Burnsville and Farmington.
Staff presented a summary of all comments on the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update
and proposed responses/actions to the comments. Council and staff briefly discussed a
few of the comments from these agencies. Mayor Zaun recommended that the
following revisions be made to the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update:
1. Policy #8 on page 74 should be revised to read: "The City supports the
Metropolitan Airport Commission's effo-ts to identify and mitigate
noise impacts from airport operations."
2. Policy #1 on page 64 should be revised to add: "including the
development of a wellhead protection plan in accordance with State
Statutes and rules."
3. The introductory paragraph on page 85 should be revised to read: "Starting
with existing base data (GIS and recent Comprehensive Plan Updates) and
Dakota County's inventory of waste disposal and contaminant
release sites, the City should ... "
4. Policy #2 of page 112 should be revised to read: "The density rate within
rural residential clustered subdivisions will not exceed an overall
density of one unit per ten acres."
• 5. Policy #2 on page 122 should be revised to add: "The City of Lakeville will
continue to survey the community's needs for public transportation.
A small percentage of Lakeville residents are expected to utilize
area park & ride transit facilities."
City Council directed staff to make the changes to the 1998 Comprehensive
Plan Update as included in the Summary of Comments from Surrounding &
Affected Units of Government & Draft Responses/Actions, as amended
ITEM N0.4: Status update on Dakota County Tobacco Ordinance.
Chief Martens indicated that Dakota County recently approved a countywide uniform
tobacco ordinance. The ordinance regulates the sale, possession and use of all tobacco
products in the County in an effort to reduce youth access to these products. Among
the provisions of the ordinance were mandated annual compliance checks where
juveniles attempt to purchase tobacco products under the supervision of a Police
Officer. Chief Martens recommends the County be responsible for this type of
enforcement (sting) due to the fact that each time there has been an underage
purchase reported to the Police Department, the license holder has handled the
allegations appropriately; therefore, the Police Department has not needed to employ
• more aggressive enforcement procedures. Also, the cost associated with these checks
cannot be done in acost-effective manner. Since the State law indicates that the
County will complete checks where local jurisdictions do not have an ordinance, the City
Attorney has advised staff that the existing City ordinance regarding tobacco be
repealed. Mayor Zaun indicated that he believes there is a philosophical problem with
the City enforcing the tobacco laws via a "sting" operation recognizing the community
oriented policing philosophy of the Police Department. Chief Martens indicated that the
new County ordinance is anticipated going into effect July 1, 1999.
Council directed staff to repeal the existing City tobacco ordinance at a
future Council meeting.
ITEM NO. 5: Status update on the South Metro Drug Task Force
Chief Martens indicated that for many years there have been two narcotic task forces
operating in Dakota County. Both are partially funded with Federal drug grant dollars.
This year the Sheriff's Department has indicated the Narcotics Enforcement
Coordinating Committee (NECC) has advised both task forces that funding for the year
2000 will be contingent upon the task forces combining to form one County task force.
• Chief Martens highlighted the reasons to support the consolidation and reasons to be
cautious about the merger. Chief Martens recommends the City monitor the situation
until the NECC determines funding for the year 2000, which will not be until later this
summer. He indicated cities should support the consolidation if it makes financial sense
and if the City continues to receive the type of service we are currently receiving in the
war on drugs.
City Council indicated they would not make a recommendation at this time
on the consolidation. The Council felt it would be appropriate to wait to see
what type of funding would be allocated for the consolidation before they
would be willing to recommend approval.
ITEM NO. 6: Consider payment option for construction fee within the
Telecommunications Capacity Lease Agreement.
Mr. Lueders informed the Council that as part of an agreement with Marcus FiberLink
the City is responsible for payment of $205,000 to Marcus FiberLink $205,000 for
construction of the fiber optic network over aten-year period at 8 percent interest.
Staff believes it is also more cost-effective to pay the $125,000 from the existing Cable
TV Fund cash balance rather than reimbursing Marcus FiberLink at 8 percent interest
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which would create a cost savings of approximately $19,750 over a ten year period.
• The remaining $80,000 would be paid at the time the other sites are connected.
The .Council and staff also discussed implementing an ~~EG Access Fee" and the
implementation of the 'PEG Access Fee" by the neighboring communities of Apple
Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount. StafF is recommending that the City does not
implement the "EG Access Fee" at this time but reevaluate this as part of the annual
budget process. Marcus Fiberlink would then take sole responsibility for the $.49
increase in rates beginning June 1, 1999. Mr. Erickson indicated that staff would like to
approach Marcus Fiberlink and ask if they would like to amend the agreement so the
City can prepay the $125,000 construction fee at this time. Staff would then present
the revised agreement to the City Council at a future City Council meeting. Council
Member Luick indicated that at a future presentation he would like to discuss the "EG
and PEG Access Fees" in greater detail
Council directed staff to approach Marcus Fiberlink regarding the
prepayment of the $125,000 construction fee. The Council does not
recommend implementing the "EG Access Fee" at this time but will evaluate
this as part of the annual budget process. Assuming Marcus Fiberlink agrees
to the prepayment, Staff should present the revised agreement with Marcus
Fiberlink to the Council within the next 30-60 days.
• ITEM NO. 7: Review agreement with 7erry and Sharon Ton4en regarding
environmental site assessment for Terry's Repair and Yamaha site.
Mr. Hennen indicated the City Council discussed site clean-up on the subject property at
the September 28, 1998 Work Session. The site is the former Police Station properly.
Since the September meeting, Braun Intertec has completed soil borings on the site.
Results from the lab tests performed on the soil samples were very encouraging. The
next course of action is to install several monitoring wells to take samples over the next
six months. It is the professional opinion of Braun Intertec that the results of the
monitoring will show that biodegradation is taking place and the site is not an
environmental hazard. If that is the case, then no remediation will be required. Mr.
Hennen noted that Exhibit C is the agreement between the City and Jerry and Sharon
Tongen regarding installation of monitoring wells and the cost share for the project.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will reimburse the City for 90 percent of the
total cost with the remaining 10 percent balance split between the City and Jerry and
Sharon Tongen. Mr. Tongen has already submitted a check to the City for $600.00
towards his share of the project. Council Member Luick recommended several minor
language changes in the agreement.
City Council directed staff to place the agreement with terry and Sharon
• Tongen on the next City Council agenda for their approval.
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• ITEM NO. 8: Review ro osal for the com letion of a s ace utilization stud
r r y
for Citv Hall.
Mr. Tushie highlighted the scope of the services in the study such as Programming,
which includes meeting with department heads to discuss their relationship with other
departments within City Hall and future growth of each department. The Schematic
Design will address the expansion options and the costs associated with each option.
Mr. Erickson indicated the departments of Inspections, Engineering, Cable and MIS are
all in need of additional office space. Because of the current workload, staff would
prefer to wait until the fall to begin the study process.
Council Member Ryan recommended that a study be completed evaluating the cost
benefit of privatizing or outsourcing all or a portion of the current work tasks provided
by Departments in City Hall. He believes cities such as Woodbury and Cottage Grove
have outsourced much of their engineering work and the study may show this to be
more cost-effective way to do business. Mayor Zaun indicated outsourcing projects
would still need City personnel to coordinate and oversee the work. Mr. Tushie will
provide the name of an individual who could complete the outsource study.
Council directed staff to place the proposal for professional services for the
• Lakeville City Hall Space Utilization Study along with a proposal to study
outsourcing to the City Council at a future Council meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Administrativeive Assistant