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February 8, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Zaun at 5:25 p.m. in the City Hall
North Meeting Room. Individuals in attendance were Mayor Zaun; Council
Members Sindt, Ryan, Luick and Mulvihill; Robert Erickson, City Administrator;
Keith Nelson, City Engineer; Dave Martens, Chief of Police; Dennis Feller, Finance
Director; Steve Michaud, Parks and Recreation Director; Jeff Lueders, Cable
Coordinator; John Hennen, Administrative Assistant, Leif Hanson, Zoning
Enforcement Coordinator, Joni Hubred, Lakeville Life. & Times and Jon Lloyd,
ITEM NO. 1 -Discuss Expansion/Remodeling of Cable Channel 16
Mr. Lueders indicated the Cable TV Board recently recommended approval of
replacing the existing cable equipment with digital equipment in 1999 and 2000.
Money has been allocated in the budget to purchase hi-tech digital
equipment, which will allow the department to create higher quality video
productions in a shorter period of time. Because of the equipment needs and
because the Cable Department has grown from a Cable Coordinator and part
• time person to three employees over the past nine years, staff met with
architect Gary Tushie to review possible options to increase the work area
and/or better utilize the existing space in the department. In addition to the
proposed Cable Department expansion, Mr. Tushie also reviewed the potential
for the construction of an Administrative Atrium area that would be created at
the end of the west wing corridor to allow individuals and developers to wait
and meet outside the Administrative and Community and Economic
Development Department areas prior to scheduled meetings.
Mr. Tushie presented floor plans of the proposed expansion, which included the
construction of a mezzanine area above the existing Cable Coordinator's
office, Administrative Atrium, and the expansion of the Cable Department into
the west corridor.
It was the consensus amongst the Council Members that expanding the Cable
Department into the west corridor would compromise the integrity of the
building. Council Member Ryan was concerned about handicapped
accessibility to the mezzanine area. Mr. Tushie indicated the mezzanine area
does not have to be handicapped accessible because the square footage of
the area falls short of ADA requirements. Mr. Ryan recommended reviewing the
possibility of utilizing the Mayor and City Council's office for additional Cable
• Department space. Council Member Sindt suggested moving the Cable
Council Work Session Minufies
February 8, 1999
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Coordinator to .the existing vacant office in the Finance Department on a
temporary basis. At the time City Hall was constructed, it was known that
expansion of the building would most likely have to occur in ten years. Mr.
Erickson indicated it may be appropriate to consider completing a Space
Utilization Study for City Hall. Council Member Mulvihill agrees that it is time to
complete the study and recommends the construction of the mezzanine and
Administrative Atrium. Council Member Ryan suggested reviewing the possibility
of moving a department to another building as an option and if a Space
Utilization Study is completed, the study should look at utilizing the Council
Chambers as a meeting room.
Council directed staff to have architect Gary Tushie prepare a proposal for the
completion of a Space Utilization Study and draff plans for the Administrative
Atrium and mezzanine area above the existing Cable Coordinator office and
recommends temporarily moving the Cable Coordinator to the vacant office in
the Finance Department
• ITEM NO. 2 -Status Update: Proposed Gardenview/Highview Realignment
Mr. Nelson indicated that City staff recently met with the City of Apple Valley
and Dakota County officials regarding the realignment of Highview Avenue with
Gardenview Avenue in Apple Valley at County Road 46 as part of the proposed
Vermillion Springs subdivision. Apple Valley residents are expressing concerns
with the existing traffic and speed of motorists using Gardenview Avenue and
believe the realignment would increase traffic problems in their neighborhood.
Apple Valley officials felt the plat as proposed addressed the concerns as much
as possible and that Hawthorne Path was a critical element to maintain
eastbound traffic movement to Cedar Avenue.
Staff distributed a memo from the Apple Valley Police Department indicating an
enhanced enforcement effort completed on December 8-10, 1998, along
Gardenview Drive which indicates 49 percent of the 85 citations issued were to
Lakeville residents. At the meeting, Dakota County officials also indicated they
wouldn't support signals at the existing Highview Avenue and County Road 46
intersection, but would recommend right-in/right-out turn lanes at the time of
the realignment. Apple Valley CSO's will be surveying motorists using
Gardenview Drive to determine where individuals are coming from and their
destinations. Staff believes Lakeville residents use Gardenview Drive as a back
• way to the County Road 42 commercial area.
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• February 8, 1999
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Council Members Ryan and Luick both agreed that realigning Highview Avenue
with Gardenview Drive is a good idea. Council Member Ryan recommends
constructing an exclusive right turn lane on Highview Avenue entering.
Hawthorne Path as part of the proposed Vermillion Springs subdivision project.
Mr. Ryan also recommends installing signs on Hawthorne Path indicating no west
outlet onto County Road 46.
Council directed staff to continue to work with the City of Apple Valley and
Dakota County regarding the realignment of Highview Avenue and Gardenview
ITEM NO. 3 -Status Update: Police Department Aided Dispatch (CAD) and
Records Mana4ement System
Chief Martens began his presentation by distributing a preliminary cost of the
project, which totals $892,646. Chief Martens informed Council Members that
the current record software is not Y2K compliant and that a new system must be
• installed before the end of 1999. Chief Martens indicated that .the Police
Department has chosen the LOGIS Record Software System over the Visions
package and noted the pros and cons of each system. A committee of
architects, consultants, engineers and Police personnel have met on numerous
occasions discussing the Police Department expansion. Staff indicated that the
timetable for the project includes a March 1St City Council request to approve
resolutions, plans and specifications for both the building expansion project and
dispatch counsel replacement and setting a bid date. The pre-bid conference
is set for March 16th with the bid opening set for March 25th. The goal is to have
the project completed by the end of October. Mr. Erickson indicated that part
of the expansion will include the replacement of the existing malfunctioning
HVAC system with new roof top units which represents a significant portion of
the project cost.
Council Member Ryan asked if the City would act as the General Contractor or
Construction Manager. Mr. Erickson indicated that typically the City does not
use a Construction Manager when the project is under $1 million, but does plan
on using a General Contractor. At a previous work session, Mr. Ryan suggested
that to save money, the architect should create a list of items that the City can
purchase without going through a General Contractor. Items such as fire
extinguisher boxes, furniture, etc. could be purchased directly to eliminate the
• mark-up by a General Contractor.
• Council Work Session Minutes
February 8, 1999
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Council directed staff to draft and forward a resolution for the Council to
approve plans, specifications a setting a bid date for the Police .Department
building expansion project.
ITEM NO. 4: Review Zoning Enforcement Activity for 1998
Mr. Hennen highlighted the zoning enforcement activity report for 1998 created
by Zoning Enforcement Coordinator Leif Hanson. 405 formal zoning/code
violations were issued to Lakeville residents during the year. Mr. Hennen
highlighted some of the categories of violations along with the steps that the
Zoning Enforcement Coordinator takes to achieve compliance. A common
question asked by Lakeville residents is if the City has ordinances limiting the size
of recreational vehicles stored in a residential area. Mr. Hennen indicated that
currently two recreational vehicles or equipment are allowed on a property but
ordinances do not limit the size of the recreational vehicle. Storage of these
units can be on the driveway, side yard or rear yard. The City does have an
• ordinance which prohibits the parking or storage of commercial vehicles;
however, a definition of a commercial vehicle is lacking which makes it difficult
to enforce. Staff is requesting direction regarding the appropriateness to
amend these two existing ordinances.
Council Member Mulvihill suggested staff proceed with creating a definition of a
commercial vehicle to help with enforcement procedures. Council Member
Sindt believes it may be appropriate to better define a recreational vehicle and
determine where a homeowner may store them on their property. Mr. Ryan
does not want to create hostility and believes there is a fine line when regulating
homeowners on the storage of recreational vehicles.
Council directed staff to prepare a list of minor and major changes, to address
the recreational and commercial vehicles issues and share the information with
the Council at a future work session.
ITEM NO. 5: Consider LMCIT Insurance Deductible for General Liability, Casualty
and Property Coverage
League of Minnesota Insurance Trust provides the City of Lakeville's insurance
coverages with the exception of excess liability coverage, which is self-insured.
• Mr. Feller reviewed three different deductible options provided by LMCIT with
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February 8, 1999
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corresponding premiums for general liability, property and casualty coverages.
Mr. Feller highlighted Option #2 which is based on a $25,000 deductible per
occurrence. After obtaining $75,000 of aggregate paid claims, the deductible
decreases to $1,000 per occurrence. The premium for Option #2 is $101,681 less
than Option # 1. Mr. Feller briefly discussed other insurance coverages such as
boiler and machinery coverage, petro fund and liquor liability.
The Council recommended Option #2 ($25,000/$75,000/$1,000 deductibles) for
general liability, property and casualty insurance coverage through LMCIT with
financing to be provided from the Municipal Reserves Fund and amend the 1999
General, Liquor and Utility budgets for insurance by $51,681.
ITEM NO. 6: Review NAC Proposal to Update Park and Trail Plan
Mr. Michaud indicated the previous update of the Parks and Open Space
System Plan occurred in 1992. Twenty-five thousand dollars has been allocated
• in the 1999 Park Dedication Fund to complete the update. Because Northwest
Associated Consultants (NAC) recently completed the update of the City's
Comprehensive Plan, staff felt it would be appropriate to have NAC submit a
work plan and cost estimate to complete the Parks and Open Space System
Plan update. Mr. Michaud is proposing to include the Trail System Plan along
with a new section addressing potential greenway opportunities and identifying
unique natural resources that may be considered for preservation. The
estimated timeline to complete the project is four to six months at a cost not to
exceed $24,900. .The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee reviewed the
work plan at two separate meetings and unanimously recommended the City
Council authorize NAC to proceed with the update.
Council Members and staff discussed the proposed public open house meetings
to be conducted to receive public input. Alan Brixius and Ann Deuring will be
the principal NAC employees working on the project.
Council Members recommend that David Licht represent NAC at the public
meetings because he recently took part in the public meetings for the
Comprehensive Plan (continuity reasons) and because he has 20+ years of
experience working with staff and the community on a variety of planning
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February 8, 1999
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Council directed staff to prepare a resolution authorizing Northwest Associated
Consultants to complete an update of the Parks and Open Space System Plan.
ITEM NO. 7: Review Parks Sian Designs.
Mr. Michaud informed Council Members there are approximately 50 wood
routed identification signs installed throughout Lakeville parks. Park
Maintenance employees have been constructing these signs in-house since the
early 1970's and staff is currently considering replacing the existing signs with
updated, resilient and maintenance-free signage.
Council Member Sindt asked if staff researched the possibility of using recycled
plastic material for the construction of new signs. Mr. Michaud indicated this
material is generally more expensive and noted that recycled plastic lumber
was used in the construction of picnic tables but were found to bend and
bough in the sunlight. Staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
• are recommending a sandblasted redwood sign, which is becoming more
prevalent throughout the metropolitan area. He presented two options each
including Lakeville's four-color logo. Mr. Erickson indicated funds have been
budgeted to purchase the signs and staff is proposing to install the signs at the
larger parks and athletic complexes first.
Mayor Zaun recommended installing some type of pamphlet holder to the sign,
which would hold information on the history of the park. This would be a way to
mention individuals and/or families, which were associated with the land .prior to
it becoming park property. Mr. Michaud indicated that many of the existing
signs are set back from streets and roadways which may prevent easy access to
the pamphlet, but did recommend placing the information on the reader
boards constructed in many of the parks. Mr. Erickson indicated the Historical
Society may be interested in creating this type of information. Council and staff
discussed one-sided versus two-sided signs.
Council directed staff to proceed with the purchase of the Concept B park signs.
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• February 8, 1999
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ITEM NO. 8: Review Park Name Recommendations.
The Council tabled the item because Deborah Studer Larson was under the
impression that she would be invited to a meeting to discuss her request of
naming the Cherry View Pond Park after her grandfather. Ms. Larson will be
invited to the March 29, 1999 Council Work Session to discuss the park name
ITEM NO. 9: Discuss Setting 1999 Work Session Dates
Mayor Zaun indicated staff is proposing to set Work Sessions on the fifth Mondays
of months for the remainder of the year. These dates would be March 29th,
August 30t" and November 29th.
Council directed staff to set Council Work Sessions on March 29t", August 30t"
and November 29t", 1999 at the next City Council meeting.
ITEM NO. 10: New Business.
Mr. Erickson indicated that the bids for construction of the second sheet of ice
were favorable at $2.1 million. Staff will ask the Council to consider approving
contracts for the construction of a second sheet of at the February 16th Council
meeting. Mr. Erickson indicated that items such as benches, curb and gutter
construction, painting, etc. would be asked for as donations for the project.
Council and staff discussed the purchase of a compressed natural gas zamboni
versus an electrical unit. Mr. Michaud indicated an electric zamboni is more
expensive and that Peoples Natural Gas would be willing to construct a fueling
station on-site if a compressed natural gas zamboni is purchased. Staff will
continue to research the positives and negatives of each type of unit.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
hn Hennen
S Administrative Assistant