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JANUARY 19,1995
The meeting was called to order by Chair Luick at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall
Council Chambers.
Roll call was taken. Present: Holberg, Steigerwalt, Luick and Amborn.
Absent: Whitehouse, Skipton and Miller.
.Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community
& Economic Development Director; Tom Scott, Assistant City Attomey; Tim
Hanson, Assistant C ty Engineer; Jim Norton, Consulting Engineer, S.E.H.;
Charlene Friedges, ~ty Clerk.
The minutes of the January 5, 1995, Planning Commission meeting were
approved as presented.
Chair Luick opened the public hearing on the application of Plymouth Land,
tnc. for the vacation of an existing conservation easement on land located on
the east side of Highview Avenue, north of 168th. Street. The City Attorney
attested that legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
Mr. Sobota presented the proposed vacation of an existing conservation
easement in the Creek View Estates subdivision. He explained that Plymouth
Land, Inc. dedicated the conservation easement to the City with the final plat of
Creek View Estates, which was designed to protect the wetland adjacent to the
rear yards of single family residential lots. He went on to explain that the
conservation easement was recorded on Block 1 of the final plat. At the
request of Dakota County, the developer switched the block numbers on the
final plat mylars that were recorded. Consequently, the. existing conservation
easement is recorded on lots in the wrong block, Block 2. Anew conservation
easement for Block 2 has been dedicated by the developer, and staff
recommends vacation of the original easement.
There were no public comments.
95.10 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Amborn to close the public
JANUARY 19, .1995
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
95.11 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Holberg to recommend
approval of the vacation of a conservation easement in Creek View Estates.
Rolt call wastaken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Chair Luick opened the public hearing on the application of the .City of
Lakeville for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a City water
tower in an R-2, single family residential district at North Park, located on the
east side of ipava Avenue and north of 175th Street. The City Attorney
attested that legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
Mr. Jim Norton of Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc., consulting engineer, provided
an overview of his report dated January 13, 1995, which summarizes the citing
of an elevated tank to serve the Dakota Heights service area. He explained
that the elevated tank is being proposed by the City to prevent water shortages
and enhance known pressure deficiencies which exist within the Dakota
Heights Service Area. The 1993 Comprehensive Water Plan Update
recommended a 1.5 million gallon elevated storage facility; however. staff is
.recommending reducing the size to a 1 million gallon tank.
Mr. Norton explained that five potential tank locations were considered, they
are as follows:
Site 1 is on the south end of the Boulder's plat on the hillside, just west of the
existing wetland;
Site 2 is the triangular grass area in North Park, east of the parking lot, south
of the-driveway and-west of the Land of Amazement;
Site 3 is-the North °Park parking lot;
Site 4 was considered based on comments from the neighborhood meeting,
which would place the #ank northeast of the existing park shelter,
approximately 270 feet north of Site 3;
Site 5 is at the water treatment plant site on Ipava Avenue.
JANUARY 19, 1995
Mr. Norton explained that citing issues such as ground elevation, soils,
environmental sensitivity, access, storm sewer availability and shadow impact
were considered for all five sites. Site 3 is the most cost effective. It has the
best soil conditions, least amount of shadow impact (only one existing home
would be affected by the shadow), has storm sewer available for overflow and
also has the best. access of all sites considered.
Mr. Norton explained that a hydropillarstyle elevated tower, which is similar in
shape and size to the Airlake and McStop towers, was originally proposed.
However, to reduce the bulk of the tower and minimize the shadow impact, the
style was changed to a pedestal spheroid. He showed computer aided images
of how the tower would look at the various sites, as well as drawings showing
the shadow impact at each location.
Mr. Norton explained that at the request of the City Engineer and in response
to citizen comments,. SEH ran simulations to validate the findings of the
comprehensive water study. It was found that with the tank at the North Park
location, a minimum of 10 additional psi of pressure would be available.
Chair Luick opened the meeting to public comments.
Arnold Blauert, Jr., 17224 Idlewood Way, stated he felt a water tower at North
Park would destroy his view .and the natural beauty that now exists, as well as
decrease the value of his property. He also felt that locating the water tower in
a park would invite graffiti and pose a danger to children who may attempt to
climb the tower.
Mr. Norton pointed out that with today's water tower styles, the only way for a
child to climb it would be from the inside.
Lori Gunderson, 17203 Idlewood Way, stated she was lead to believe by her
home builder that the area around North Park was a protected wetland. She
felt that the water tower should be placed in an undeveloped area.
Mr. Greg :Gunderson, 17203 Idlewood Way, :was concerned with the damage
to property values this tower would cause, and the risk of injury to children
during construction.
Mr. Norton stated the area would be completely fenced off during construction.
However, no permanent fencing is proposed.
S Teresa Jaramil Lo-Bray, 17240 Idlewood Way, stated she felt the opportunity
for vandalism is eminent if the tower is located in a park.
JANUARY 19, 1995
Dale Mateffy, 16776 Ides Circle,. representing the Walnut Ridge development,
stated he chose to live in this neighborhood because there was no water tower
Ron Blair, 17236 Idlewood Way, asked about the cost #actor as it relates to
the $2,000 connection.fees. - He also asked if a site with less impac# on
existing residences could be pursued.
Mark Buckman, 17233 Idlewood Way, stated he felt the City has not worked
hard enough to find a site that has less impact on existing residences.
Tom Deneui, 16828 Ivywood Court, asked if the existing reservoirs could be
expanded as an alternative to building another tower.
Mr. Norton stated the simulations showed that ground storage would not
provide the needed wafer pressure.
Dave Simonpietri, 16851 Ironwood Circle, was concerned with the aesthetics
of the neighborhood.
Chris Jones, 16714 Innsbrook Drive, was concerned with the negative impact a
water tower would have on golfers using Crystal Lake Golf Course.
Sherry O'Brien, 17258 Idlewood Way, stated she wanted to see the natural
area preserved. She pointed out the existing problem with teenagers in the
Mark Landberg, 16648 Interlachen Boulevard, stated he felt more emphasis
should be placed on Site #5.
Denny Bernhardt, 16715 Insbrook Drive, was opposed to the tower being
placed in North Park.
Steve Smith, 6802 Ironwood Circle, asked about water pressure.
Mr. Nortonprovided an explanation of psi in relation to pressure and fire flows.
Fred Hermanson, 16737 Insbrook Drive, stated he realizes that Site #5 is not
considered the best site, but questioned whether it would be adequate.
• Mr. Norton explained that the pressure would be considerably less if a tank
were placed at Site #5.
JANUARY 19, 1995
Maitland Edwards, 166851nsbrook Drive, was opposed to the tower being
placed in North Park.
Gary Carlson, 16702 Insbrook Drive,. was opposed to the North Park site
because of the potential decrease in the value of his home. He asked about
the legal ramifications of a child being injured while the water tower is being
The City Attorney responded.
Laurie Giesenhagen, 17252 Idlewood Way, stated she has read the City's
Comprehensive Water Plan Update, which she stated identifies several
alternatives for elevated water storage. She stated she feels other areas could
be considered.
.John Thoraldson, 9510-170th Street West, asked if the tank could be placed at
Site #5 with the assistance of a booster pumping station, with a backup
generator to increase pressure in the North Park area.
• Mr. Norton indicated that would not be an adequate solution to supplying
increased .pressures within the Dakota Heights service area. A large pressure
tank and reservoir would be required to supplement peak usage, and wells
would be needed to re-supply the reservoir.
David Bertsch, 16831 Ironwood Circle, stated he would like the City to consider
.alternate locations beyond the five sites that were considered.
Paul Macura, 16817 Ivywood Court, stated he would be willing to pay more
money to locate the tower somewhere else, such as the Ryan property.
David Worneldorf, 16659 Interlachen Blvd., asked if North Park is the only site
that will work.
Mr. Norton stated, all things taken into consideration, the North Park site best
meets the water. pressure and fire flow requirements. He pointed out that the
tank must be at a location within the Dakota Heights service area
95.12 Motion was made by Steigerwalt, seconded by Holberg to close the public
hearing. Ayes, unanimous.
• City Administrator Robert Erickson explained that ground water contamination
is a major concern, and the City is attempting to guard against it by placing
JANUARY 19, 1995
wells in residential areas, away from commercial development. He explained
that the only place far a water tower is on a piece of ground that has the proper
elevation, appropriate soil conditions and has the least shadow impact on in-
place residences. The Boulder's lot, Site #1, has poor soil conditions and
would pose a high impact of shadows on existing homes to the east of Ipava
Mr. Erickson pointed out the projected traffic:patterns on Ipava Avenue, which
is proposed as a four-lane parkway in the City's transportation plan. He stated
there has been, for some time, the possibility of a community center, as well as
other recreational facilities, being located in North Park.
Mr. Erickson referenced an appraisal prepared by Mark S. Parranto, MAI, of
Parranto & Associates, which was prepared for the City of Woodbury. There
was nothing, in Mr. Parranto's opinion, to indicate a diminution of property
values due to the existence of a water tower. He further explained that
according to Westlaw, there is no legal decision in the United States which
would indicate that the values of residential areas are adversely impacted by
the construction of a water tower, except for a shadow impact. He invited the
residents in attendance to research these sources.
Mr. Erickson clarified that the water treatment plant site (Site #5) will not work
for the water tower, based on two studies. The Parks & Recreation Advisory
Committee recommended Site #3 as the best location.
Chair Luick recessed the meeting at 9:18 p.m. and reconvened at 9:25 p. m.
Mr. Sobota presented the application of the City of Lakeville for a conditional
use permit to allow the construction of a water tower at North Park. Section
26.4 of the City's zoning ordinance allows. governmental and public regulated
utility buildings and structures necessary for the health, safety and general
welfare of the community, subject to a conditional use permit. Staff
recommends approval of a-conditional use permit to allow the construction of a
water owecon Site #3. Mr. Sobota reviewed.the individual factors that were
_considered in preparing the findings of fact. He indicated that a total of 11
telephone messages were taken from residents who called City Hall in
opposition to the water tower being constructed at North Park.
Commissioner Steigerwalt asked about funding for the construction of the
water tower. Mr. Erickson stated the money would come out of the City's water
trunk fund:
JANUARY 19, 1995
Commissioner Amborn asked if the City were to consider purchasing Mr.
Ryan's property for the water tower, at an estimated cost of $500,000 to
$600,000, could the cost be assessed to those property owners who live near
North Park.
Mr. Erickson-.explained that State law.does not give he City the authority to
create a special ;taxing {service) :district #or this purpose. He tated he believes
it would be difficult to prove=benefit to these properties for the expenditure of
additional funds based on aesthetics.
Commissioner Amborn asked if the City could require the planting of tall trees
(greater than 5 to 6 feet in height) to buffer the base of the water tower.. Mr.
Erickson stated the Planning Commission could make that recommendation.
The Commission received a letter from Dan and Linda Anderson, 16797
Ivywood Court, dated January 17, 1995.
Commissioner Holberg stated she felt there would be significant opposition
from the taxpayers of Lakeville if the City considered spending half a million
dollars for land on which to construct a water tower. She asked what would.
. happen if the City did not build the water tower. Mr. Erickson explained that
the City is responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
Lakeville. With growth, he explained, comes the necessity for additional
infrastructure, which most citizens, at one time or another, will be impacted by.
Commissioner Steigerwalt recommended that landscaping/screening for the
adjacent residential property south of .North Park be included as a requirement
of the conditional use permit. Staff agreed to notify adjacent property owners
for their preference in landscape screening.
95.13 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Amborn to adopt Findings of Fact
and Decision and recommend approval of a conditional use permit to allow the
construction of a City water tower in an R-2, Single Family Residential District,
at North Park, :.Site #3, ubject to the planning report dated January 11, .1995,
:and-amend the conditional use permit to include the landscaping/screening for
the rear yards of the residents abutting the south: boundary of North Park.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. unanimous.
~ t' ~4
JANUARY 19, 1995
Commissioner Holberg expressed concern regarding the limited area for
building structure and side yard setbacks in the Boulder Village at Crystal Lake
Commissioners and City staff discussed the Boulder Village at Crystal Lake
project. _Mr. Sobota stated the developer is working on the architectural design
of the=buildings within he PUD,-and staff has not yet received these drawings.
The developer has requested the public hearing be continued until design
details are available.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
• Charlene Friedges, Ci Clerk
David Luick, Chair