HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-26-01 WSCITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION . MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2001 6:30 P.M. In attendance: Mayor Robert Johnson, Council Members Lynette Mulvihill, David Luick, Mark Bellows, and Laurie Rieb: Also in attendance: Robert Erickson, City Administrator, Dennis Feller, Finance Director, Danny Barth, Fire Chief, John Hennen, Assistant to City Administrator, Brian Kempa, Senior Accountant, and Gary Tushie, Tushie Montgomery Architects. ITEM #1. Review outstanding issues from October 29, 2001 Work Session. • Minutes: City Council Work Session (October 29, 2001) No questions or comments. • 2001 computer hardware /software purchases (savings) No questions or comments. • National conference attendance by City Staff Mayor Johnson and Council agreed to allow senior staff to continue attending national • conferences on an every other year basis. • 2002 Black Dog WMO water quality grants Dennis Feller explained Black Dog WMO will provide a $9,500 grant for funding a management-level monitoring study on Orchard Lake. In addition, the Black Dog WMO provides funding for the Orchard Lake, Kingsley Lake, and Lee Lake citizens- assisted monitoring program (C.A.M.P.). 2002 Lakeville Area Arts Center grand opening anniversary event Mr. Erickson provided a background on the cost of the Arts Center's grand opening in October and asked Council to give consideration to provide funding for the event from the Liquor Fund. Mayor Johnson recommended that a $10 charge per ticket (minimum) would be an appropriate charge for each performance. Council Member Mulvihill suggested the event be held again on a Friday, Saturday, and concluding with a Sunday matinee. Council Member Luick suggested that the Arts Center avoid portraying the event as afund-raiser and focus on a commemorative celebration. Following an extensive discussion, the Council directed staff to budget $7,500 from the Liquor Fund for the promotional event at the Arts Center. • 2002 Advisory appreciation dinner at the Lakeville Area Arts Center Mr. Erickson explained that by hosting the dinner (including entertainment) at the Arts • Center, advisory members that have not seen the Arts Center would have an opportunity to see the facility. Council Member Mulvihill commented that the recognition portion City Council Work Session Minutes November 26, 2001 Page -2 • of the dinner program takes up a considerable amount of time and by adding entertainment the evening may become exceedingly long. Mayor Johnson suggested changing the format by discontinuing the verbal recognition program and providing guests with a recognition list of advisory members. Mr. Erickson suggested live Council meetings would be an excellent forum to provide recognition to advisory members. Following an extensive discussion by Council, the Council decided to hold the advisory appreciation dinner at the Arts Center. Mr. Erickson asked Council to give consideration to providing an appreciation event for police, firefighters, and ambulance paramedics (including guests). Council Member Luick commented that these employees provide a vital service, however the City should not ignore other employees that also provide service to the community. ITEM #2. Continue review of 2002-2003 budget. Dennis Feller provided the Council with an overview of the 2002 budget relating to General Fund Expenditures (Police through Arts Center), Municipal Reserves Fund, Capital Projects Funds, Enterprise Funds, Taxes, and proposed adjustments to the 2002 Preliminary budget adopted on September 17, 2001. • POLICE (1) Mr. Feller proposed a budget adjustment that would to add two 911 trunk lines to accommodate an increase in cellular phone activity. (2) Mr. Feller explained the proposed 2001 capital outlay cost for software upgrades from LOGIS for police (Dispatch CAD, Records Management, and Patrol Mobile Data Computers) computer system development. Mr. Feller stated that the purchase of these capital outlay items for $307,407 could be financed by General Fund cash carry- forward. Approval of a 2001 budget amendment will be required by the City Council. (3) Mr. Feller noted the city has completed the bidding process for the 2002 contractual janitorial services for city buildings, and as a result of the new bids an increase in budget appropriations are required. FIRE (4) Council Member Bellows inquired about the Fire Department's Dive Rescue Team. Mr. Erickson provided Council with a background and history of the Department's Dive Team. Mr. Erickson suggested the Dive Rescue Team provide a demonstration at a Pan-O-frog event during the either the boat parade or Fun Run at Antlers Park Beach. • Mayor Johnson suggested revisiting this item at a future work session. City Council Work Session Minutes November 26, 2001 • PARKS Page -3 (5) Mr. Feller proposed an adjustment increasing the appropriation for turf fertilizer by $3,000. RECREATION (6) Mr. Feller proposed an adjustment adding the position of Senior Center Secretary / Receptionist position at a cost of $4,211. Mr. Erickson explained that this position would assist with preparation of the monthly senior newsletter and-other related activities . (7) Council Members asked if there has been any consideration by staff to pursue a new senior center facility in recognition of increased membership. Mr. Erickson gave an overview of possibility a 55 and over residential community from which tax incentives might be utilized to construct a new senior center. ARTS CENTER (8) Mr. Feller proposed an adjustment adding contractual snow removal at the Arts Center at an annual cost of $1, 600. • (9) Mr. Feller stated that the contractual 'anitorial services for the Historical Societ J Y building would be cancelled since the Arts Center Building Attendants would be responsible for cleaning the facility. The Historical Society .budget will recognize annual savings of $3,720. CONTINGENCY (10) Mr. Erickson asked Council to give consideration to a slight modification in the 2002 cost of living adjustment (COLA) for non-union and Liquor employees covered under PERA. The 2002 PERA rate will increase by .35 % . The City Council expressed support for this adjustment in recognition of the importance of maintaining an equitable level of compensation between employee groups. (11) Council Members inquired of the recent savings in the employee health insurance costs to the city. Mr. Feller indicated that 2002 health insurance rates have decreased by approximately 1 % yielding a saving to the city of $7,947. EQUIPMENT FUND (12) The proposed police budget provides appropriations for a phased radio system • improvement. Mr. Feller provided Council with a memorandum outlining a recommendation and cost estimate by PSC Alliance. Following a thorough review of City Council Work Session Minutes November 26, 2001 Page -4 • the system, PSC Alliance recommends improvements to the Dakota Heights antenna .and McStop equipment acquisitions costing $22,550 to be completed immediately. Mr. Feller stated that the purchase of these capital outlay items could be financed by General Fund cash carry-forward. Approval of a 2001 budget amendment will be required by the City Council. (13) The 2002 police department radio system improvements ($49,800) exceed the Equipment Fund budget preliminary estimates by approximately $3,370. The 2003 police department radio system improvements ($43,750) exceed the Equipment Fund budget preliminary estimates by approximately $6,202. The 2003 preliminary Equipment Fund budget will also need to be adjusted by $23,900 for the fire radio talk in coverage. BUILDING FUND (14) The 2003 Building Fund provides appropriations for Fire Station #4 office furniture and miscellaneous equipment. Mr. Feller stated that based on the proposed Fire Station #4 preliminary plan, an additional $7,000 will be required for office furniture and day room furnishings. TAXES (15) Mr. Feller indicated that the preliminary tax levy could be reduced by $100,394 as a result of calling two bond issues (G.O. Improvement 1992 A and G.O. Improvement 1993 E) as stated in the October 1, 2001 debt service report. Mr. Feller asked Council to give consideration to reducing the preliminary levy by $100,394. (16) In light of the accelerated residential development in the northeastern section of the city (south of 170"' Street and east of Pilot Knob Road, and the Central Area / Ipava Avenue Corridor), Mr. Erickson recommended Council give consideration to adding a patrol officer to begin prior to June 30, 2002. The 2002 cost to add the officer including personnel costs, hiring process, and equipment for six months is approximately $35,274. In light of this change in residential status, the City council concurred with the City Administrator's recommendation. ITEM #3 -Review proposed floor and elevation plans for the construction of Fire Station #4. Mr. Erickson indicated that as a result of staff's experiences with the mechanical and electrical engineers for the City Hall addition/renovation, Tushie Montgomery Architects solicited resumes from five engineering firms, two of which were selected to be interviewed by the Fire Station #4 Building Committee. The Building Committee was very impressed • with the firm of Gausman and Moore Associates, Inc. and proceeded to recommend that the architect contract with this firm as the mechanical and electrical. engineers on the project. City Council Work Session Minutes November 26, 2001 Page -5 Fire Chief Barth informed the Mayor and City Council that the Building Committee began discussing the plans for Fire Station #4 over six months ago, which allowed committee members to provide input on the design of the building. Chief Barth also indicated that the interview process was very beneficial and committee members felt very good about the process. Chief Barth noted that the Fire Department will have to co-habitate with ALF Ambulance which is proposed to be located on the north side of the building and will include sleeping rooms, a vehicle garage and aready-room. Chief Barth has provided Patty McCauley, Assistant Director of ALF Ambulance, with a set of proposed plans for her comments. Chief Barth proceeded to review and highlight the fitness area, offices, day room, meeting. room and kitchen area. Mr. Erickson noted that the physical fitness equipment at the Police Dept. would be moved to the proposed fitness area at the fire station which would free up about 450 square feet of usable area in the Police Dept. Council Member Mulvihill indicated that the proposed fitness area is very large and questioned how much it would be used. Mr. Erickson noted that 90 firefighters, 20 reservists and the police officers would be the main users of the fitness area. If a community center is constructed in the near future, the fitness area could easily be eliminated and turned in to a 78-seat classroom area for fire training and meeting room purposes. Council Member Bellows asked when staff envisioned Fire Station #5 would be constructed. Chief Barth indicated that it would depend on the City's growth but would estimate that it would be needed around 2012. Mr. Tushie indicated that construction of Fire Station #4 would be completed by the general contractor method of construction versus a construction manager. Council Members commented that the proposed southern window of the station should be constructed similar to the wave window on the Water Treatment Facility. Council Member Luick questioned the traffic flow going out onto 185"' Street. Mr. Tushie indicated he is proposing to widen the drive so the fire trucks exiting the station would not hit the curb. Mr. Erickson recommended that a template be utilized to determine the turn radius so an aerial truck can be maneuvered on site. Regarding financing, the project cost is proposed to be $2.2 million. ALF Ambulance would be paying. for their furniture and the furniture needed by the Fire Department would not be part of the construction costs. Finance Director Dennis Feller distributed a memo indicating that the 2003 Building Fund provides appropriation for furniture, folding tables and chairs, and miscellaneous equipment such as gear racks totaling $16,500. Based on the proposed Fire Station #4 preliminary plans, an additional $7,000 may be required for office furniture and day room furnishings. .. , City Council Work Session Minutes November 26, 2001 Page -6 i Council directed staff to place the Architectural Services Agreement with Tushie Montgomery Architects for the construction of Fire Station #4 on an upcoming City Council agenda. ITEM #4. Review and discuss proposed Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Goals, Responsibilities and Membership. Council Members previously reviewed the proposed committee goals, responsibilities and membership and provided feedback to Assistant to City Administrator John Hennen. Council Member Bellows questioned the need to have nine members on the committee. Mayor. Johnson indicated that there are currently very qualified members on both the Environmental Affairs and Parks and Recreation Committees and would like to see them continue to serve if possible. Council Members agreed that the Mayor should meet with the Parks and Recreation and Environmental Affairs Committee members jointly during the week of December 10`" to discuss the merging of the two committees. ITEM #5. Other business. ITEM #6. Adjourn. The work session meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Assistant to City Administrator •