HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-01 WSCITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 16, 2001 The City Council Work Session began at 4:30 PM with a tour of the Lakeville Area Arts Center. Present: Mayor Bob Johnson, Council Members Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows and Rieb; City Administrator Bob Erickson; Assistant to City Administrator John Hennen; Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud; Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Rich Pelletier; Arts Center Coordinator Jim Urie; Finance Director Dennis Feller; and Deputy Clerk Judi Hawkins. Council Members examined thirteen (13) issues of concern relating to the refurbishing of the Lakeville Area Arts Center and assessed each item's cost and importance to the ultimate quality of the overall project. Council directed staff to move forward with the modifications/improvements as discussed as part of the review of the July 16, 2001 Issues List, including sidewalk repair, parking lot overlay and pedestrian lighting. • ITEM NO. 1. PROVIDE OVERVIEW AND RECEIVE FEEDBACK ON "LAKEVILLE AREA ARTS CENTER OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND_ USE POLICIES AND FEES. Council Members received and reviewed two separate documents relating to the Lakeville Area Arts Center. At their June 21, 2001 meeting the Arts Center Board recommended City Council approval of both documents. The Operations and Management Policies is an internal document, not for public distribution, consisting of guidelines on accessibility, appropriate program content, child protection and class registration policies. Council Members suggested a sentence be added requiring students under age 18 to obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian and class instructor in order to participate in a class which uses nude models. The Use Polices and Fees document is for general distribution. Jim Urie gathered information from several arts centers and fine-tuned the information to meet Lakeville's specific needs. The document will continue to be revised as needs and uses increase and change. Council Members discussed the need for a different fee schedule for "non peak" use periods. They felt this would increase the opportunities for smaller groups who would not otherwise be able to pay the higher rate. Lower early-week or mid-week fees could • provide more flexibility for user groups. City of Lakeville City Council Work Session -July 16, 2001 Page -2- . Council Members also discussed the following: • It was suggested that a tiered system of fees based on the designation of the group (i.e., non-profit, civic, youth, etc.) not be utilized. • An off-duty police officer or reserve officer will be present when alcohol is served at an event. • The Arts Center is a smoke free facility. Staff will check with the City Attorney and with ISD #194 regarding smoking on the property outside the building. • A training session for interior/stage lighting was conducted by the manufacturer's representative and taped for future training use. • Long term storage is not available for groups using the facility. Council Members suggested this be clarified in the document. Council directed staff to modify the proposed fee schedule to incorporate various off- peak days and times, along with other changes as discussed, and to place consideration of Lakeville Area Arts Center Operations and Management Policies and Use Policies & Fees on the August 6, 2001 City Council meeting. ITEM NO. 2. REVIEW PROPOSED BUILDING FUND AMENDMENT -WORK STATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT. • Finance Director Dennis Feller informed City Council that the City Hall expansion/ renovation project is nearing completion. Several workstations and equipment items are needed to enhance the functionality of the building as noted in Mr. Feller's memo dated July 10, 2001. The total cost of the proposed amendment is $34,748.00. Staff is recommending the building fund budget amendment be financed from a portion of the net proceeds of the sale of the land to McLeod at the southwest corner of Dodd Blvd. and Flagstaff Avenue. Council directed staff to prepare a resolution amending the 2001 Building Fund budget and to add the item to the agenda for tonight's (July 16, 2001) regular Council meeting. ITEM NO. 3. DISCUSS PROPOSED FINANCING/CONSTRUCTION OF AMES ICE ARENA SEATING PROJECT. Finance Director Dennis Feller provided information to the Council regarding seating at the Lakeville Ames Ice Arena. There was no funding provided for seating when the arena was built in 1994 and originally seating was provided by the use of bleachers which were shared with the Park Dept. on a winter/summer rotation. Approximately five years ago • ISD #194 donated used bleachers from the McGuire Junior High football stadium, however, the first three to four rows do not provide adequate spectator visibility of the ice City of Lakeville City Council Work Session -July 16, 2001 Page -3- • activities. The LHA has requested the City approve the appropriation of surplus pull-tab revenues to construct permanent seating in the arena. An Ice Arena Seating Task Force has been studying the seating design and preparing recommendations. The entire project is anticipated to cost approximately $500,000. The goal is to have the project completed by October, 2002. Possible funding sources would be an unencumbered balance in the Ice Arena Surplus Account, LHA 2001 Gaming Revenue contributions in excess of their obligation, other LHA revenue funds not attained through gaming, and a possible low interest loan from the LMCIT bleacher loan program. Mr. Feller indicated that LHA .president John Schroeder has verbally stated that he will seek City Council approval to modify the current Gaming Revenue Agreement requirement (LHA contributes $70,000 plus 90% of the pull-tab revenues in excess of $70,000) so that the LHA contributes only $95,000 per year. Mayor Johnson recommended, and the Council concurred, considering reducing the Gaming Revenue Agreement requirements to $95,000 after the LMCIT bleacher loan has been paid in full. Staff feels the new seating would greatly enhance the facility. Council directed staff to proceed with the schematic design phase and development of a construction budget for the proposed Lakeville Ames Ice Arena seating project. . ITEM NO. 4. REVIEW 2002 MEMBERSHIP/DUES FOR THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: • LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES (LMC) • MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION (MLC) • ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES (AMM) • METRO EAST DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP • DAKOTA COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP (DCEDP) As a result of the recent legislative elimination of $1.8 million of Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) and no increase in Local Government Aid (LGA), Assistant to City Administrator John Hennen provided information to the City Council regarding each of the listed organizations. Council Members discussed membership and dues and how each organization meets the needs of the City. There is some overlap of services provided by the organizations. The City cannot be part of the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust if the City is not a member of the LMC. It was also felt that the City should continue to be a member of AMM due to Lakeville's transportation needs and the available resource in TAB. Council Members felt that one lobbying group was adequate. • Council directed staff to prepare resolutions for the City to withdraw its membership from the Municipal Legislative Commission (MLC) and Metro East Development Partnership and to place the resolutions on the August 6, 2001 City Council agenda. City of Lakeville City Council Work Session -July 16, 2001 Page -4- ITEM NO. 5. DISCUSS PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. One six-month term and one 18-month term are currently open on the Planning Commission. Current Planning Commission alternate, Gerry Grenz, is interested in becoming a regular member. Parks and Recreation Committee member Jeff Larson and Environmental Affairs Committee member Lowell Miller Stolte have also expressed a willingness to serve on the Planning Commission. Council. members discussed candidates who might be willing to fill vacancies that would be created as a result of appointments to the Planning Commission. Council Members suggested the following appointments to the Planning Commission: 18-month term, Gerry Grenz; six-month term, Lowell Miller Stolte; alternate, Jeff Larson. Council members also suggested that applicant Kerrin Swecker be contacted regarding her willingness to be appointed to either the Environmental Affairs Committee or Parks and Recreation Committee. Council directed staff to add appointment of Planning Commission members to the agenda for tonight's (July 16, 2001) regular Council meeting under New Business. ITEM NO. 6. DISCUSS 2002-03 BUDGET REVIEW PROCESS/TIMELINE. Now that the legislature has completed its work, City budgets can be prepared for review by City Council. Staff also feels that in preparation for the anticipated City tax increase it will be imperative to educate that public with a series of "Messages" articles regarding legislation and state funding. Council Members suggested August 27, 2001 as a date to begin reviewing the budget. Council Members will check their schedules for availability on September 11`'' for an additional meeting. Council directed staff to add setting a special Budget Work Session on August 27, 2001 to tonight's (July 16, 2001) regular Council meeting agenda under New Business. ITEM NO. 7. ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, e ~ ^ /r -/~' ud R. Hawkins, Deputy Clerk