HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-01 WSCITY OF LAKEVILLE • COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2001 Present: Mayor Bob Johnson, Council Members Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows and Rieb; City Administrator Bob Erickson, Assistant to City Administrator John Hennen, Park Director Steve Michaud, Rich Pelletier, Assistant Park Director, Patty Dexter, Recreation Supervisor and Deputy Clerk Judi Hawkins. ITEM NO. 1. PRESENTATION BY MINNESOTA VALLEY YMCA REQUESTING DEVELOPING A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CITY OF LAKEVILLE TO CONSTRUCT A YMCA FACILITY. Dave Marshall, Director of Community Development of the YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis, was present to ask the Council to consider a partnership with YMCA and the City of Lakeville. Mr. Marshall explained the mission of the YMCA, is to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. Mr. Marshall presented a video of a typical facility which detailed YMCA programs and offerings. YMCA programs are currently offered at Camp Streefland in Lakeville and the YMCA also sponsors the Youth in Government program through Lakeville High School. A pilot program that • will begin in March will target at-risk youth through Century Junior High giving students an opportunity for positive after school activities. In addition to health club facilities, YMCA's offer swimming lessons, senior and youth day care, aerobics, athletics and services to people with special needs. The YMCA reinvests membership revenues back into the community for specific needs of the area. Scholarships are available for those who are unable to pay dues. The YMCA is interested in exploring a partnership with the City of Lakeville. Mayor Johnson asked if there have been other YMCA projects constructed in partnership with cities or schools. Mr. Marshall stated there have been several. City Administrator Bob Erickson requested copies of these joint powers agreements. Council Member Mulvihill asked what the average cost for YMCA membership would be. Mr. Marshall responded that. a monthly family membership is $79.00 and a single membership is $49.00, plus an initiation fee. Council members discussed locations and how a partnership with the YMCA might be accomplished. Council members wondered if a new high school is built at the southern end of Lakeville, and if this were considered as a possible site for a YMCA partnership, would the location be conducive for a majority of existing Lakeville residents. Council City Council Work Session Minutes February 26, 2001 Page -2- • Member Mulvihill would like to see the facility more centrally located than at the south end of the city. Council directed staff to obtain copies from the YMCA of joint powers agreements they have with other entities. ITEM NO. 2. REVIEW RECREATION PROGRAM FEE POLICY. Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud addressed the Council with a proposal for a revised recreation fee policy, which was prepared by Patty Dexter and Rich Pelletier. Steve M. feels .the proposed policy is equitable and meets the City's expenses for software, touch-tone registration, credit card expenses and computers. The proposed formula is based on a seven-year life expectancy of technical equipment and takes into consideration direct costs (supplies, where applicable, and instructor fees) as well as indirect costs (registration software, credit card fees, etc.) The proposed formula distributes costs equitably over the approximately 110 recreation programs currently offered. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee endorsed the proposed policy at their last meeting. Staff is proposing a quarterly review of fees to determine if • adjustments are needed. The policy proposes that administrative and maintenance expenses would continue to be paid for through the general fund budget. Council members asked if anon-resident surcharge was being proposed. Steve M. stated there is a two-week priority registration period for residents but no additional fee for non- residents. In response to Council Member Luick, Steve M, also stated that fees are objective, based on staff involvement and time commitment. Council directed staff to prepare a resolution and place. the proposed recreation fee policy on the March 5, 2001 City Council consent agenda. ITEM No. 3. CONSIDER SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION REGARDING REQUEST BY AIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT ON PREPAYMENT OF PARK DEDICATION FEES. In anticipation of the City Council's action at their December 15, 2000 meeting to increase park dedication fees, Airlake Development offered to prepay park dedication fees prior to platting and implementation of the new fees. The subcommittee of the EDC and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee reviewed Airlake's request and recommended the prepayment be accepted. Mayor Johnson cautioned that accepting • payment would close the door for any further deliberation. Cary Council Work Session Minutes February 26, 2001 Page -3- • Council directed staff to provide an analysis comparing the value of the proposed prepayment of park dedication by Airlake Development to the value of implementing the park dedication fees ordinance as adopted. When completed, this information is to be presented to City Council at a future work session. ITEM NO. 4. STATUS UPDATE ON AMES ICE ARENA. In June, 2000 the Lakeville Community Corporation expressed a desire for the City of Lakeville to consider assuming the responsifiility of management of the Lakeville Ames Ice Arena. Springsted, Inc. submitted a proposal to prepare an Ice Arena fiscal analysis for which the LHA, LCC, ISD #194 and the City of Lakeville would each pay 25 % of the total cost of $11,000. The LHA had previously indicated they would not financially support preparation of the Springsted report, however, they would .reconsider this position at their February meeting. Bob Erickson felt that it was an opportunity for a win/win situation if the City assumed management responsibilities with an amendment to the agreement with LHA regarding charitable gambling proceeds. LCC has subsequently submitted a letter withdrawing it's request to relinquish management duties to the City. City Council members stated that with current development, growth and the Lakeville Area Arts Center this might not be the most conducive .time to add the management of the Ames Arena to the City's commitments. The LHA is also going through a transition and ISD 194 will have a new superintendent in the fall. Bob Erickson stated that he recently received a call from an LCC member who stated that the organization was not ready to relinquish control. The LHA and LCC do not have a solid partnership or similar opinion as to the future operation of the ice arena. Mayor Johnson stated that the facility belongs to the kids and the City should try to be a facilitator, if possible. Some restructuring might be necessary for the good of the community. Council Member Rieb stated that it is the public's general perception that the City runs the arena, and the amenities in the facility, e.g., seating, do not provide a good community image. Bob Erickson stated that some cost estimates should be secured for seating at the facility, which would add to the aesthetics as well as the functionality. Council directed staff to prepare a report delineating the cost for permanent seating at the Lakeville Ames Ice Arena and present it to the Ice Arena Advisory Committee at a future date. • City Council Work Session Minutes February 26, 2001 Page -4- • ITEM NO. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (DISCUSS PROCESS FOR EAC VACANCIES) It was previously suggested that there currently is an overlap of review on environmental issues by the EAC, Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (DCSWCD), other agencies, (i.e., DNR, Corps of Engineers) and City staff, increasing the level of review required for development. Council members also felt that the EAC needs to maintain their focus on the scope of responsibilities. Council has previously expressed a desire for the EAC to be a subcommittee of the Planning Commission. There are currently two vacancies on the committee however it seems to be functioning well with only five members. Letters to the applicants have indicated that they would be interviewed soon. It was suggested that the EAC applicants be interviewed at a future work session for a possible vacancy as an alternate on the committee. It was also suggested that the Mayor address EAC members to discuss the committee's future. Council directed staff to schedule interviews with the EAC applicants at a future • City Council work session. ITEM NO. 7. REVIEW TITLE 3, CHAPTER 8 OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING MIXED MiJNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLE COLLECTORS. This item was moved up on the agenda to accommodate Anders and Lisa Stone who were present to discuss the possibility of increasing the number of waste hauler licenses in Lakeville. Mr. Stone had previously addressed the Council at their. February 20, 2001 meeting under Citizen Comments. Mr. Stone stated that he owns a garbage collection business in Lakeville and is also a Lakeville resident. He stated he understands the purpose of the ordinance is to help alleviate traffic, noise and pollution in residential areas. Mr. Stone currently serves commercial businesses only. Mr. Stone's request for a license is the result of the need to service an .existing customer, McDonalds's, which has two establishments in Lakeville. He would like to maintain his contract and feels the City is infringing on his business. He stated that he has been in business for seven years with commercial and roll-off accounts. Council Member Bellows asked if Mr. Stone was interested in expanding his business to • other commercial operations or just maintaining those accounts he currently serves. Mr. Stone indicated that he has bid on other accounts in Lakeville but has not received any City Council Work Session Minutes February 26, 2001 Page -S- • new customers. Mayor Johnson asked if apartment buildings would be considered a commercial contract. Mr. Stone stated that any building serviced with a large container rather than individual containers would be a commercial account. Council Member Mulvihill stated that the Council had not previously considered differentiating between residential and commercial licenses. Mayor Johnson suggested that the Waste Haulers Subcommittee review the possibility of amending the ordinance to allow for separate commercial licenses. Mayor Johnson thanked Mr. and Mrs. Stone and stated that they would be notified of any decision. Council directed staff to prepare a proposed ordinance amendment establishing separate commercial licenses and present it to the Waste Haulers subcommittee for review and consideration. ITEM NO. 6. DISCUSS LEGISLATIVE ISSUES. • City Administrator Bob Erickson discussed current Legislative issues with City Council members. Bob recently met with two local media personnel, Jon Lloyd and John Sucansky, who will be writing articles regarding the Governor's tax proposal. Under the Governor's "Big Plan" Lakeville would immediately lose a large portion of its Local Government Aid (LGA) and Homestead Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA). These cuts are most profound in growth cities. Non-metro cities would have their aid reduced over six years. Bob referred to the plan as a "shelf game" which in essence re-allocates state aid from cities to schools. The loss will mean higher City taxes for Lakeville residents for the same services. Council members stated they would support state aid reductions if they were made equitably and uniformly in all cities. Council asked staff to bring a resolution forward stating that viewpoint. The Star Tribune supports the City of Lakeville's position on sale of wine in grocery stores, as has MADD. The Pioneer Press is expected to take a similar position. Council members supported an effort by the Mayor and City staff to meet with MnDOT to pursue transportation funding for interchange improvements. • Senator Robling, Prior Lake, recently submitted an amendment to Senate File 247, which would provide funding for a transit demonstration project serving Lakeville. City C,ozmcil Work Session Minutes February 26, 2001 Page -6- • Council directed the City Administrator to prepare a response to Senator Robling's recent letter reaffirming Lakeville's position that any transit funding would have to include funding for interchange improvements. ITEM NO. 8. OTHER Bi7SINESS. Council Member Rieb asked that a future agenda item include an update from Mary Ajax regarding the Community Action Council. A possible Community Center should also be discussed at a work session. This is likely to be discussed in conjunction with a new high school. This might be an opportunity to have a partnership with a private entity similar to what occurred in Plymouth. Council members wondered if a feasibility study should be done. The school board should be involved in discussions and also possibly the YMCA for a potential partnership. Council Member Bellows stated that the Council needs to consider these issues in the context of a possible population of 80,000 by 2020. Mayor Johnson pointed out that the school board might not want to add a community center or other facility to their ballot for fear of • jeopardizing the approval of a referendum. Council directed staff to obtain a proposal from an architect/engineer regarding the projected cost for a community center. This cost estimate would be used as part of a question in the next citizen survey to determine resident support for a community center. Bob Erickson informed City Council that The Avalon Group has formally presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment application for TimberCrest at Lakeville. ITEM NO. 9. ADJOURN. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, 1 'vim-~-~ ~~~~ • dit R. Hawkins, Deputy Clerk