HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-03 WSa
4:00 P.M.
In attendance: Mayor Robert Johnson and Council Members Laurie Rieb, Mark Bellows, and
Wendy Wulff.
Also in attendance: City Administrator Robert A. Erickson, Assistant to City Administrator
Brian Anderson, Finance Director Dennis Feller, and Assistant City Attorney Tom Scott.
Billboard License Fees
Attorney Tom Scott informed the Council that the City has recently received a letter
from Schubert Outdoor Advertising stating they were not going to pay their annual
billboard license fee. Their reasoning stems from a recent court case in which Clear
Channel prevailed over the City of St. Paul; the courts ruled it was unconstitutional for
the City to collect such fees. Mr. Scott pointed out the specific issues of why the
judge ruled in favor of Clear Channel. He went on to state that Lakeville's fees are
justifiable for billboards and other court rulings have favored cities charging a license.
fee for billboards. City Administrator Bob Erickson asked the Council if they would
like staff to mail out the billboard license fee statements.
Direction: Council authorized staff to mail out the annual billboard license fee
statements and monitor the response from those companies. If companies fail to pay
their annual license fee, the Council would discuss taking further action.
2. 2030 Regional Development Framework
Mr. Erickson informed the City Council that staff has recently received and reviewed
the Metropolitan Council's Draft 2030 Framework. He noted their population and
household counts for Lakeville are different than the City's Comprehensive Plan. The
City should not agree with the Met Councils numbers, as that would invalidate the
City's Comp Plan. Mr. Erickson asked the City Council to review the letter and
provide feedback.
Direction: Council stated they were comfortable with the City's Comp Plan population
and household numbers and were not in favor of accepting the Met Council's 2030
Draft Framework numbers.
3. Status Update: Fireworks Donations
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that Alcorn Beverage ($8,000), Citizens Bank
($3,000), and the Lions Club ($2,500) all have agreed to make donations to the 2004
Pan-O-Prog Firework. The City needs an additional $6,500 to reach their goal of
Direction: No Direction required.
4. Status Update: Pat Summerall Productions
Mr. Erickson informed the Council of Pat Summerall Productions crew arriving to
videotape the City of Lakeville on Friday, November 21, 2003. The Mayor indicated
he would be gone November 19-23 and the City staff will have to pre-record his
Direction: No direction required.
5. Brandtjen Farms Environmental Review Process -EAW vs. EIS
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that mining operation as a part of Nordic Square's
PUD was challenged 30 years ago. The Environmental Quality Board (EQB)
determined that no further environmental review was required for the PUD. Mr.
Erickson proposed staff be allowed to pursue authorization from the EQB to prepare
an EAW, instead of an EIS, as anon-connected action for the south portion of the
Direction: Council authorized staff to pursue approval from the EQB to prepare an
EAW as anon-connected action for the south portion of the development.
6. Black Dog Watershed Management Organization -Alternate
Mr. Erickson stated Council Member Luick has indicated he would like an alternate to
be appointed to the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. City Council
directed staff to inquire of the current members of the Parks, Recreation and Natural
Resources Committee as to whether they have an interest in serving as an alternate.
Direction: Council authorized staff to seek an alternate from the Parks, Recreation
and Natural Resources Committee. If no interest is expressed, Council will authorize
advertisement of this position opening.
7. Warming House Attendants -Volunteer Initiative
Mr. Erickson informed the Council of several groups approaching the City, including
the LHA, l_HS National Honor Society, City employees and residents, who wish to
volunteer. Discussion took place as to whether or not non-city employees could
monitor the warming houses. Mr. Feller indicated that in addition to performing
background checks to each volunteer, the City has insurance coverage to volunteers.
Mr. Erickson presented the Council with an outline of last years warming house daily
Direction: Council authorized volunteers to act as warming house .attendants.
Depending on the number of volunteers, the priority rinks agreed upon by Council
were Dakota Heights, Meadows, and Parkview.
8. .Land Use -Rezoning
o Car Dealership
o Airlake Industrial Park I-2 vs. C-2
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that the parcel located east of Cedar Ave. and
south of CR 50 has been pursued for development by a medical clinic and Airlake
Development. The proposed development would require a rezoning from I-2 to C-2.
The Council was informed that the Planning Director was in favor of rezoning the
property.. The City Council expressed support for the rezoning the property.
Mr. Erickson .informed the Council that a Volvo dealership expressed interest in
purchasing the parcel of land next to Bumper to Bumper (Buck Hill Road) and build a
two-story showroom.
Direction: The Council authorized staff to obtain legal opinion from City attorney
regarding the City's rights to limit/control auto dealership land use.
9. Public Information Department -Position Opening
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that several individuals have expressed an interest
for the upcoming opening in the Pubic Information Department.
Direction: No direction required.
10. Status Update: Public Works Facility Site Acquisition
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that the acquisition of Joe Miller's property for the
new Public Works Facility is close to being finalized. Finance Director Dennis Feller
briefed the Council on the two types of bonds that could be used to pay for the
project: 1) lease revenue bonds, 2) capital improvement bonds that are general
obligation backed. The City's financial consultant, Springsted Inc., would provide
recommendations regarding the financial alternatives prior to issuance of the debt.
Direction: No direction required.
11. Status Update: Traffic Control Signals -135 Ramps at CSAH 46 Interchange
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that the State of Minnesota has set a January 23rd
bid date for the installation of traffic control signals for the I-35 ramps at CSAH 46
Interchange. In addition, the State will be using Federal Funds for the installation,
which will. reduce Lakeville's share of the project costs from $87,000 to $8,000.
Direction: No direction required.
12. ISD 194 Fiber Optic Project - Easement/Right of Way Acquisition
Mr. Erickson informed the Council that ISD 194 fiber optic project can't Proceed
without the City exercising the power of eminent domain to obtain right-of-
way/easement access for installing the fiber lines. The City Council was surprised to
learn ISD 194 had not determined at the onset of the project that they lacked the legal
authority to acquire the necessary. right-of-way/easements. The City Council
expressed concern about the City using condemnation for another public entity
project when other fiber system options exist to achieve their objective.
Direction: The Council stated it was not in the City's best interest to use the power of
emanate domain for ISD 194 fiber optic project.
13. Other Business
No other business was discussed.
14. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 6:05PM
Respectfully submitted,
~~~- ,~/ ~
Brian J. Ande son
• Assistant to City Administrator