HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-28-08 WS• City of Lakeville Council Work Session
July 28, 2008
In attendance: Mayor Holly Dahl
Council Member Mark Bellows
Council Member Wendy Wulff
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Steve Mielke, City Administrator
Brian Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator
Steve Michaud, Parks and Recreation Director
Robert Erickson, Friends of the Lakeville Area Arts Center
Dave Olson, Community and Economic Development Director
Char Friedges, City Clerk
Keith Nelson, City Engineer
Scott Mcbride, SEH
Chris Hinicker, SEH
Christine Elwood, Dakota County
Adam Kienberger, Economic Development Specialist
Thomas Vonhof, Police Chief
John Kornmann, Police Sergeant
• Dennis Feller, Finance Director
The meeting was called to order at 5:3o p.m.
Item i. Art Center Proposal
Mr. Michaud stated that Friends of the Lakeville Area Arts Center Board of Directors are
requesting City Council consider naming the theater portion of the Arts Center after
former mayor Mr. Duane Zaun. The proposed facility naming has been discussed by the
Lakeville Area Arts Center Advisory Board and .the Friends of the Lakeville Area Arts
Center, and both groups have expressed support for the recommendation. Mr. Erickson
discussed the proposal with the City Council. Mr. Michaud presented the costs
associated with the renaming. The City Council directed staff to proceed with the
Item 2. Liquor Ordinance Revisions
Ms. Friedges presented. proposed revisions to Title 3, Chapter 1 of the Lakeville City
Code as a result of questions raised by the Kent 46 residents during the Brunswick Zone
liquor application process. City Council agreed with the proposed revisions and directed
staff to bring the item forward for consideration of approval at an upcoming City
Council meeting.
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Item 3. City Sewer and Water Availability Charges for Outdoor Patios
Mr. Olson. stated that the recently approved liquor license renewals included four
establishments that requested approval of outdoor patios as part of their license
renewal. The recently approved Patio Ordinance requires that establishments seeking
approval of patios are required to pay all applicable Metropolitan Council
Environmental Services service availability charges (SAC) and City sewer and water
connection charges for their outdoor patios. The City is responsible for collecting both
charges for the MCES and City. MCES has re-determined the number of SAC units for 3
of the 4 outdoor patios, which ranges from 3-5 units.
City Council directed staff to amend the City Code to allow license holders to pay 50% of
the additional. City sewer and water connection charges based upon the additional
outdoor seating, due to the fact that outdoor patios are only in use approximately six
months of the year. The City Council agreed to allow license holders until October 2008
to pay the additional charges.
Item 4. Cedar Corridor Update
a) Dakota County Community Development Agency Application for Land
• Mr. Olson stated that Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA)
staff recently contacted the City regarding a new program that recently became
available for the acquisition of land for affordable housing development. The
Land Acquisition for Affordable New Development (LAAND) program is an
initiative of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA), the Metropolitan
Council and the Family Housing Fund to provide funding for communities to
meet their affordable housing needs. There is currently $4 million available for
acquisition activities in the Metropolitan area through the Livable Communities
Act Demonstration Account, which is being made available through the MHFA's
annual RFP process.
The Dakota County CDA contacted City staff and expressed interest in making
application for the acquisition of a site along Cedar Avenue in Lakeville.
Specifically, the CDA identified the two priority properties that are being
considered by Dakota County and Met Council for a transit station as possible
acquisition sites. Applications for the current round of funding were due July 15~
and the CDA requested a letter of acknowledgement from the City to be included
with their application. City Council consented to the letter presented by City staff
to the CDA in favor of this new program.
b) Noise Walls
Mr. Nelson stated that Dakota County is preparing an Environmental Assessment
for the Cedar Avenue transit way corridor, .which includes both Apple Valley and
• Lakeville. Ms. Elwood, Mr. Hinicker, and Mr. Mcbride presented a brief power
.Council Work Session Minutes Page 3 July 28, 2008
point presentation to the Council and stated that although not currently
programmed in Dakota County's Capital Improvement Program, improvements
in Lakeville would include widening of shoulders from CR 46 to 179th Street to
accommodate shoulder running buses. City Council directed staff to ..research a
solid wall height at a lower height as a possible solution.
Item 5. Dakota County Community Development Agency Request regarding
Park Dedication fees for Crossroads Senior Housing Project
Mr. Olson stated that Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) has
requested the City waive all park dedication fees for its Crossroads Senior Housing
project. It wasn't until recently that staff or the committee was informed that following
the recommendation for cash there was a waiver approved administratively exempting
both projects from park dedication requirements.
Both Winsor Plaza and Mainstreet Manor residents are. active users of City facilities
such as the Lakeville Senior Center, trails, and area parks. Anticipating those uses, it
was easily justified to recommend both projects contribute to the park dedication fund.
City Council does support the Crossroads Senior Housing project but directed staff not
to waive park dedication fees for this project.
Item 6. Broadband Open Access RFP
Mr. Kienberger stated that there are funds budgeted to have a two part study conducted
on a fiber-based network in Lakeville. The first goal is to determine if it is cost effective
for the City of Lakeville to pursue the construction of a fiber-based network to inter-
connect City facilities. The second goal is to explore the potential to construct an
independent or expand a government network into aCity-wide open-access FTTP
network suitable for business, residential, and governmental use. City .Council directed
staff to proceed with the proposed study.
Item ~. Police Squad Proposal
Police Sergeant John Kornmann stated that the primary reason for moving to black and
white police squad cars at this time is to improve recognition of the vehicles as police
squad cars. Black and white squads are fast becoming an industry standard.. In Dakota
County alone, Rosemount is the only other municipal police agency that has not
converted to black and white squads. Almost all major law enforcement agencies in the
state have converted to, or are in the process of converting to, black and white squad
cars. City Council supported the proposal and directed staff to proceed with purchasing
black and white squad cars.
Item 8. 20o9-2oio Budget Preview
Mr. Feller provided a preview of the relevant factors affecting the budget and tax levy for
the coming year, as well as the issues to be considered in relation to developing a budget
for 2009 and 2010. City Council took note of the issues.
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Item 9. Other
a) Police Station Tours and Grand Opening Plans
Mr. Mielke informed the City Council of the Police Station grand opening
Meeting Adjourned at .7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian J. derson, Assistant to City Administrator