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t Minutes
City of Lakeville
City Council Work Session
Monday, May 12, 2008 @ 5:3o p.m.
Marion Conference Room, Lakeville City Hall
In attendance:. Mayor Holly Dahl, and Council Members Mark Bellows, Wendy Wulff,
Laurie Rieb, and Kerrin Swecker.
Also in attendance: City Administrator Steve Mielke, Assistant to City Administrator
Brian Anderson, Community and Economic Development Director David Olson, City
Engineer Keith Nelson, Finance Director Dennis Feller, Sam O'Connell and Daniel
Krom of Dakota County, Jo Ann Olson of LSA, and Frank Loetterle of SRF.
The meeting was called to order at 5:3o p.m.
i. Eureka Annexation
Mr. Olson stated that a public hearing has been scheduled for June i6 to consider the
annexation by ordinance of the 97 acre Hat Trick Investment, a.k.a. Air Lake.
Development parcel in Eureka Township. A meeting is scheduled .for Friday, May 23 in
• which .Steve Mielke, Dave Olson, and city attorney will be meeting with the attorney for
Eureka Township and some of their board members. While the formal annexation by
ordinance process has commenced, the City could still .reach a mutual agreement with
the Township regarding terms of the proposed annexation. City Council directed staff to
continue on with the annexation process and their scheduled meeting with the
Township to see if an agreement could be reached.
2. Transit Study Final Draft
Mr. Nelson stated that at a previous work session the Transit Plan was .reviewed and
distributed and comments were received from all the neighboring cities and the Met
Council. The Transit Plan draft was modified by SRF to incorporate all the comments
received by the Metropolitan Council.
Frank Loetterle with SRF stated that the changes to the Transit Plan are not of a nature
that changes the meaning of the overall report, and it doesn't change the
recommendations. The information changes are primarily having the latest up-to-date
information in the report. Mr. Nelson stated that it could be put on the agenda for the
next City Council meeting to accept the Transit Plan Final Draft. City Council directed
staff to bring for the Transit Plan to an upcoming City Council meeting for consideration
of approval.
• g. Cedar BRT Station Progress Report
Mr. Olson stated that in January of this year Dakota County retained the firm of LSA
Design to complete a location study for a proposed park facility to be located along
Council Work Session Minutes Page 2 May 12, 2008
Cedar Avenue between Dodd Boulevard and the future extension of 185th Street. This
was the area identified for the first Cedar Avenue park and ride facility based on the
preferred alternative approved by the .Dakota county Regional Rail Authority in late
Mr. Olson stated that a technical advisory committee comprised of staff from the City,
Dakota county, MVTA, Metro Transit, Met Council, Dakota County CDA and DARTS has
been meeting on a regular basis since January to establish the criteria by which sites
would be evaluated and then determine the sites that scored the highest based on the
established criteria. He pointed out .that all of the attached site layouts are still
conceptual at this point and additional refinement of these site plans will be required
once a preferred site is identified.
Ms. Olson reviewed the four concept sites and responded to questions of the council
members. The City Council had general comments and concerns regarding
ingress/egress, future development around the site, and effects on adjacent properties.
City Council directed staff to start contacting. property owners to discuss the project.
4. 2009 Budget Preview/Discussion
Mr. Feller reviewed the factors affecting the budget and tax levy for the coming year as
well as the issues to be considered in relation to developing a budget for 2009 and 2010.
He stated that the staff is seeking Council's input and direction, as it proceeds with
• establishing a proposed budget and tax levy. A discussion between staff and City Council
Members followed. No decisions were made at the meeting.
5. Strategic Plan Review
Mr. Mielke reviewed the notes from the Strategic Plan discussion that took place
October 200 with City Council and City staff. He stated that the statements will be
brought to a Council meeting for formal adoption which will be a precursor to inclusion
in the budgeting process for 2009.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian J. Anderson
Assistant to City Administrator