HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-28-08 WSCouncil Work Session Minutes Apri128, 2008 Pagel Minutes City of Lakeville City Council Work Session Monday, Apri128, 2008 @ 5:3o p.m. City Council Chambers, Lakeville City Hall In attendance: Mayor Holly Dahl, and Council Members Mark Bellows, Wendy Wulff, Laurie Rieb, and Kerrin Swecker. Also in attendance: City Administrator Steve Mielke, Assistant to City Administrator Brian Anderson, Police Chief Thomas Vonhof, Sergeant .Andy Bohlen, Park and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, .City Engineer Keith Nelson and Jeff Bednar, Senior Traffic Engineering Specialist from SRF Consulting Group, Inc. The meeting was called to order at 5:3o p.m. i. Miracle Field Sponsorships Mr. Michaud presented information about sponsorship levels. The only item which is not covered under our existing policy is the naming rights; they have been reserved for the Harmon Killebrew Foundation and Subway in .conjunction with the City. This group proposes to donate $ioo,ooo to the project. The City has already set a precedence for naming rights with Ames and Hasse Arenas and King Park. Councilmember Swecker asked about the City's policy on naming rights. Mr. Michaud, stated that King's Park was -the first one that was close to this level, and. that was $ioo,ooo. Hasse Arena was the second one, and this would be the third one. He stated that the standard has been $ioo,ooo for a major recreational facility. Mr. Michaud reviewed the budget and stated that they are in the process of collecting the money so construction can begin this summer. 2. Potential Park Bond Mr. Michaud presented the first draft survey from Decision Resources on gauging citizen attitude towards conducting a bond referendum to purchase high quality natural resources and complete specific high priority trails in Lakeville. He asked the Council for feedback about whether to proceed with the survey for the Park Bond. He also stated that as much as the economy will have an effect on this effort, there are still residents, in particular, members of the Lake Marion Homeowners Association, who strongly support the City moving this issue forward. Mr. Mielke stated that the survey can be conducted and get a sense of what people are thinking or it can be cut off at this point and wait a year, until after the elections. After discussion the Council advised staff to proceed with. the survey. Council Work Session Minutes Apri128, 2008 Page 2 3. Metropolitan Council Transit and Highway Proposal Mr. Mielke .stated that since the last Crty Council meeting, discussions have been ongoing and preparations made for continued dialogue on the proposal from the Metropolitan Council for transit services and highway improvements for the benefit of Lakeville. Mr. Mielke stated that he would bring a resolution with a service agreement with Met Council to the City Council meeting on Monday, May 5, 2008. He stated that at ioo% without any phase-in the tax impact for the average house in Lakeville would be $36/year. The only phase-in option offer would be 50% the first year and 100% the second year. In regards to becoming an opt-out city Mr. Mielke stated that it would not be an appropriate choice for Lakeville. Mr. Bednar reviewed a final draft report regarding the .local traffic impacts associated with the proposed park-and-ride facility along I-35. Since vehicle access to the facility is proposed to utilize local roads, SRF studied routes to and from the proposed park-and- ride. Of concern in the report is the potential for traffic congestion problems and intersection failure at 175th Street and Kenrick Avenue. These two local roads will not function correctly at full build-out of the park-and-ride. As such, potential solutions have been identified. Should these solutions be necessary, a revenue source would be needed to build the improvements. Mr. Mielke stated that operational funding for the proposed transit services is identified by the Met council as coming from the new County Joint Transit Board. This body is currently in the formation stage and has not established policies or procedures as to how funds .from the 1/4 cent sales tax will be utilized. Since the revenue is identified from a body which has yet to take shape and establish policies, it is somewhat premature to assume that the revenue sources will be available to operate the transit services as proposed. Staff has met with Commissioner Paul Krause who is a member of the Joint Transit Board monies, but of course cannot obligate those funds. Should the Council wish to proceed with the proposal, Lakeville should seek assurances that the revenues will be there to provide the transit services as proposed. Mr. Mielke stated that in order to inform, educate, and obtain feedback from the public, staff has established a public informational meeting -for Tuesday, April 29th in the Council Chambers. A Messages article is in this week's newspaper, as well as press releases being sent to all the print media. Articles have been written and staff is beginning to receive feedback via email on the proposal. 4. Security Training Police Chief Thomas Vonhof stated that with the recent acts of violence at public meetings in various communities across the United States this past spring, the Police Department thought that it would be prudent to conduct a short security training seminar for the City Council and city staff. Sergeant Andy Bohlen provided training to the City Council members and city staff on the proper protocols to follow in the event of . an act of violence at a public meeting. 5.Other Council Work Session Minutes Apri128, 2008 Page g Mr. Mielke stated that a resident called and spoke to him and to Mr. Michaud regarding a concern about an area with a backstop where kids play pick up ball. There is a group of older teenagers to young adults that gather there on Sunday nights generally and play baseball. The resident- claims that after baseball they do some extracurricular activities. The resident would like some intervention from the Police Department and/or City to resolve this issue. Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~3uc~n. ~, t~.d~or, Brian J. Anderson Assistant to City Administrator •