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APRIL 28, 1994
Task Force Chair Kevin Illa called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
There were 13 Task Force members in attendance.
Mr. Illa gave Task Force members an overview of the City Council/Task
Force work session which had been held on March 31st. From that meeting
and City staff, revisions
subsequent issues which had been dealt with by
had been made to several items on the recommended project list.
1. Youth and Adult Athletic Complex.
$2,000 per acre was added to ensure adequate acquisition funds.
Total increase to this item is $100,000.
2. West Lake Marion Community Park Acquisition.
000 per
A chap e in the estimated cost was made from $20
000 to $15
ff h
ty sta
e owner o
as submitted a purchase proposa
to t
the property on West Lake Marion. Funds previously set aside for the
northeast sector park property will be used for this acquisition and
the northeast sector acquisition will be added as a separate item on
the bond referendum project list. After a survey was completed, it
f l
at th
ere is actually 12 acres o
decreased by $400,000.
3. Ritter Farm Park.
Parking and roadway paving at $30,000 was removed from this item. It
was felt that this was not a necessary item at this time and planting
grasses near the parking area will adequately control runoff
the lake. Also under this item, it was decided that one larger
shelter which could be used as a teaching station would serve the
needs better than two smaller separate shelters. The possibility of
restroom facilities as art of this shelter will be investigated.
This item decreased by $30,000. Pat Messinger stated that she would
like to see an enclosed shelter at this site to be used for year
around programming.
4. Casperson Park Playground..
No changes were made to this item.
5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements.
No changes were made to this item.
6. Trail Construction and Lighting.
Two trail construction items were added to this item. $50,000 was
added for a trail along County Road 44 from Orchard Lake Elementary
to County Road 5. $50,000 was also added for trails along the
shoulders on Highview. Avenue from 170th Street to County Road 46.
Total trail construction increased by $100,000.
7. West Park Acquisition and Development.
Estimated warming house construction costs increased by $10,000.
Park Bond Referendum Task Force Minutes
Apri128, 1994 -2-
8. Meadow Brook Neighborhood Park /School Project.
$50,000 was removed from this item as it was felt the cost had been
9. Cherry, View Neighborhood Park.
Preliminary warming house construction cost estimates increased by
10. Goodview Estates Neighborhood Park.
Preliminary warming house construction cost estimates increased by
11. Antlers Park.
No changes were made to this item.
12. Bunker Hill.
This $50,000 item was removed from the park bond list and placed in
the 1994 Park Dedication budget because rt was determined to be a
maintenance project.
13. Valley Lake Community Park Development.
A shelter/restroom building had been recommended to be placed at
Valle Lake Park, however, after discussions by Council and staff, it
was ~elt that the building would be better utilized if it were placed
near the Parkview athletic facilities. It could then be used as a
restroom facility during the summer and a warming house/restroom in
the winter. This would also allow the existing Parkview warming
house to be moved to the Rolling Oaks Park site. This item was
increased by a total of $145,000.
14. Antlers Park Playground.
No changes were made to this item.
15 . Ritter Farm Park building
The Task Force had previously recommended $300,000 be allocated for
the construction of a building at Ritter Farm Park. It was City
Council's opinion that recommending a building at this site would be
remature as it has been asked to authorize the update of the Ritter
arm Park master plan at its May 2, 1994 meeting. Until that u date
is complete and future programming is determined, the need ~or a
building is unknown. The operating budget and, maintenance needs for
such a building were also taken into consideration. Messinger
commented that the master plan continues to be updated every five
years, however, funds have not been set aside to carry out master
plan recommendations or make park improvements. It was suggested
that possibly if the Council approves a master plan which includes a
building at the park, alternative funding sources could be explored.
17. Rolling Oaks Neighborhood Park.
The warming house will be removed from this item and if the bond
referendum is successful, the current Parkview warming house will be
moved to this site.
Park Bond Referendum Task Force Minutes
Apri128, 1994 -3-
18. Northeast Sector Communi Park.
As discussed under item #~, funds which were previously set aside for
this acquisition are being used for the opportunity to purchase
property on the west side of Lake Marion. The acquisition of 40
acres at a cost of $6,000 per acre is being placed on the park bond
referendum project list at a cost of $240,000. Staff explained the
northeast sector park location and the prime resources contained in
this specific piece of land.
Task Force members discussed several items on the revised list. Steve
Wicks suggested overhangs be considered on neighborhood warming houses to
shelter a couple of picmc tables in the summer. John Wilhelm suggested
staff solicit the possible assistance of Dakota County Vo Tech classes for
construction of shelters and warming houses. Pat Messinger suggested four
neighborhood park shelters be added to the project Iist at a cost of
$25,000 each. It was mentioned that City Council has settled on a figure
and would need to have further work sessions prior to authorizing a
referendum if the Task Force wished to negotiate that figure again. This
would certainly delay the process past the June 28th date.
A blended form of financing, combining the 1986 referendum outstanding
debt and the proposed referendum is being recommended.
A motion was made by Mary Liz Holber to recommend to City Council the
revised project list dated April 22, 1~4, as discussed at this meeting,
to be the official list of projects to be resented to the voters of the
City of Lakeville as a single question referendum on Tuesday, June 28,
1984. Motion was seconded by Steve Wicks and passed unanimously.
Following a brief recess, the future of the Task Force was discussed. It
was decided to leave the Task Force intact but refrain from setting future
meeting dates at this time. City staff will continue to keep members
updated on the progress of the referendum. The City will conduct a public
information campaign by using the Messages page of the Life and Times,
but is prohibited from having a ."Vote Yes" campaign. Funds can be
solicited from businesses or _ orgamzations by private citizens who support
the referendum, but the City cannot be involved in this effort. Jon
Gurban has expressed his willingness to meet with members of such an
advocate group to discuss strategies.
The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:55. PM.
Respectfully submitted,
,' /'
u th A. Ryan, Rec ing ecretary