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MARCH 10, 1994
Task Force Chair Kevin Ilia called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Twenty-three members were present., The minutes of the February 24, 1994
meeting were discussed. Pete Martin pointed out that it will be Lakeville's
seventli elementary school, not 8th, which will be opening this fall. There
were no other corrections .
Mr. Ilia discussed the evenin 's aggenda and informed the task force that City
Council has set aside March ~1, I994 for a work session to discuss the park
bond referendum task force's preliminary recommendation. A formal
recommendation from the task force should be made to the City Council
following the April 14th meeting.
Kevin Illa introduced Mary Liz Holberg to the committee. Ms. Holberg is the
chair of the Planning Commission and is a resident of the Orchard Lake area
in the northwest corner of Lakeville. She expplained that the area is well
established and no large areas of land remain to be developed where park land
could be identified for future use. The remaining land is wooded, rolling,
and wetlands. The streets are narrow and shoulders are almost nonexistent.
Three tot lots exist on the east side of County Road 5 but are not easily
accessible except by car especially, to those who live on the west side of
this major collector. dome facilities exist at Orchard Lake Elementary
School, however that is not Basil accessible, except by car. It is also not
particularly close to the majority ofythe area residents.
Staff mentioned that a piece of property known as West Park was identified
several years ago as future park land. This property seems to be the best
opportunity for a neighborhood park in the area. Residents currently lack
basic park facilities such as a skating rink and neighborhood ballfield. The
future vacation of the railway line would assist with access to school
facilities. Also, as Lake Villa develops toward the south, the Renaissance
property may become a possibility for additional park land. This location,
however, would not be beneficial to residents of the Orchard Lake area.
There is a ppro ect in the bond referendum idea list for a trail along County
Road 44 to Orcliard Lake Elementary School.
Kevin Ilia thanked Mary Liz for her comments and asked if any other members
would like to address the group.
Task force member Jeff Larson stated he feels that trail lighting projects
will be very important, not only as a safety issue, but also as a good
selling point to the general public.
Myron Drellack, representing the Valley Park homeowners association,
discussed the ten acres of ~roperty on the north side of Valley Lake Park. A
master plan for redesign o this community park shows some reorientation of
parking lots and the beach. He asked task force members to also consider the
needs of the residents in the northeast sector of Lakeville.
Task Force Minutes
March 10, 1994
Questions of urgency and priorities were discussed. Members indicated their
views that the purchase of land which is conducive for parks and conservation
is extremely important and should be given higher priority than items such as
parking lot paving, which can always be done at a later date.
Staff mentioned that he has been working with consultants in estimating costs
for various projects on the bond referendum list. Task force members
received a copy of the proposed 1994 Park Dedication Fund budget as an
informational and reference item.
The task force was then broken into four groups, each with a subcommittee
leader who has been involved and is knowledgeable in the park system. The
subcommittees' assignment was to rate each project .on a scale of 1 to 5, with
5 bein the most unportant. Priorities were discussed within the small
groups ~or approximately one and a half hours.
Kevin Illa reconvened the large group at approximately 9:30. Comments made
by task force members included the following:
- Under section 1.A., two groups included the addition of a building at
Ritter Farm Park to be used for educational and interpretive purposes.
- Under Item 2. A. , comments were made that it is more important to .acquire
land while it is available than it is to pave ,parkingg lots. Paving can
always be done at a later date unless there an erosion problem exists.
- Under Item 2. B . , . if Meadows Park building and parking lot paving is
removed from the list, committee #4 would rate this item as a '4".
- Under Item #3., the development of Valley Lake Park will be discussed as a
separate issue at the next meeting.
- Under Item #4., community park pavingg needs seemed to be of the lowest
importance to all groups, rated only ':I" by all groups. Members would
like to see what the numbers look like with these projects deleted.
- The cost of satellites was compared to the price of putting up a shelter/
restroom building. .
- Under Item 7., lighting of the trail from North Park to Highview was
added. Also the trail listed as Meadow Brook should be Meadows Park and
refers to the trail from Meadows to Antlers to downtown. Three committees
ggave trail lighting a "5" priority
- An outdoor pool was suggested as a 3.2 priority by one committee.
- Exploring the possibgrty of building a teen/communit~ center was
suggested by one committee and was given a priority rating of ' S" .
- Committee members asked to have the tally analyzed and sent to them.
- Staff will lay out the priority projects on a City map showing
geographical distribution.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
J i yan, ecor g ecretary