JANUARY 13, 1994
The first meeting of the Park Bond Referendum Task Force convened at 7:00 PM on
January 13, .1994. Mayor Duane Zaun welcomed the assembly and congratulated
them on being. selected to this group which will be so important to the future
of the commumty. He emphasized to the group that they should keep cooperation
in mind and their responsibility to the entire community. a asked the
committee to look at the needs and projected growth of the community, to feel
free to ask any questions they may ave, and to have fun along the way. The
City Council and tZie community appreciate their time and commitment.
Task force chair Kevin Illa introduced City staff and members of the task force
became acquainted by stating their ,names and representative group. Kevin went
on to give a brief history of acquisition. and development in the Lakeville park
system. Needs are beginning to exceed available facilities especially in the
areas of athletic facilities and neighborhood arks. In addition, the Parks
and Open Space System Plan identifies the need ~or an additional community park
to be developed in the northeast sector of Lakeville, however land has not yet
been acquired. Because of these and other growing needs, council authorized
the formation of a task force to determine if a bond referendum would be
Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud thanked the task force members for
being present. This very diverse group will determine if needs exist in many
areas, not only athletic facilities. A variety of experts will present
information at the next few meetings and it is very, important that task force
members have this basis of knowledge for their decision making process. Steve
also thanked the task force members for their commitment to the community.
Steve introduced Jon Gurban, MRPA Executive Director, who has worked on several
bond referendums in the past . and has produced an informational slide
presentation designed to assist with a successful referendum. Jon stated that
a bond referendum is an opportunity for community members to come together on
something positive and invest in the future of the community. It is a chance
to leave a legacy and provide for future generations. The process requires
strong leadership and superior organization and administration.
Four main factors in promoting a bond referendum are:
1. Content -what will the referendum actually contain? The criteria should
be based on need and popularity. The task force needs to develop project
lists and priorities.
2. Cost -what will it cost the average homeowner, and what is the comfort
level of the community
3. Timing - putting the question to the voters at an appropriate time,
preferably without other questions on the ballot.
4. Promotion -create the vision and convince the masses. From his exper-
ience, Mr. Gurban suggested afive-week campaign and stressed the need to
identify the supporters, and "spend time where you re going to win. "
Park Bond Referendum Task Force Minutes
January 13, 1994
Steve Michaud discussed the possibility of using referendum funds as matching
funds for grants, stretching the dollars to their ultimate. He cited county
trail funding and other grants such as LAWCON, LCMR, and State Outdoor
Recreation grant programs.
Staff introduced Alan Brixius, Vice President of Northwest Associated Consul-
tants. Mr. Brixius discussed his experience in the evolution and growth of
Lakeville and shared some demographics with the task force. He stated that
Lakeville is a city of predominantly single family homes, with 80 % of homes
being single family, 7 % multiple dwellings, and 13 % manufactured home
communities. According to the 1990 census, 92.7 % of Lakeville households
consist of families, with an average of 3.44 people per household. As of 1990
the agge distribution for Lakeville residents showed 37 % under the age of 20 and
58.5 ~o ages 20 to 59.
Mr. Brixius discussed the Lakeville schools' growth projections. Actual growth
exceeded anticipations. The Met Council now predicts construction of 600
housing units pper year, for an estimated population of 40,000 by the year
2000. The 201D MUSA line was also discussed and how it will affect growth and
development, patterns. The Parks and Open Space System Plan and the
Comprehensive Trail Plan updates identify acquisition and park development
areas and issues. Mr. Brixius feels that Lakeville needs to be aggressive from
both an environmental and user standpoint in setting aside property for parks
and preservation as it is developed.
Staff discussed how social and demograpphic issues are constantly changing and
how this affects. park planning. The philosophy of the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Comnuttee and the City Council has been to acquire designated land at
the time of development, however, because of land speculators purchasing more
and more undeveloped property outside the MUSA, future purchases are certain to
be more costly. -'The Parks Department also constantly .receives requests for
more neighborhood parks, which has caused them to reexamine their philosophy of
service areas and neighborhood parks.
Staff introduced Dr. Bill Morris of Decision Resources, who has conducted
several surveys in Lakeville and also worked with the City's Growth Management
Task Force and with Independent School District # 194 on recent school
referendums. Dr. Morris explained that the most recent Lakeville survey not
only looked at the quality of life of Lakeville residents, but also polled
respondents on a possible bond referendum. Ninety ercent of survey
respondents rated Lakeville parks excellent or good, while 6~% said they would
favor a bond referendum. Lakeville voters are inclined to be fiscall
conservative and their comfort zone appears to be $15-16.00 per year. Only 25~
of survey respondents said they would not favor an increase in their taxes,
which is a relatively low percentage. Dr. Morris discussed what role Decision
Resources would play in the preparation of a bond referendum, if in fact that
is what is decided.
Kevin Illa discussed the agenda which has been prepared ,for the January 27th
meeting. A packet will be sent to task force members with copies of some of
Park Bond Referendum Task Force Minutes
January 13, 1994
the statistics which were discussed at this meeting. It was also requested
that the task force receive information from the Parks and Recreation Committee
of what their specific recommendations to the City Council have been.
Other recent and pending bond/levy referendums were also discussed such as ISD
#196 the Farmington school referendum and the recent ISD #194 levy referendum
whic~i narrowly passed.
Mary Liz Holberg consented to be vice chairperson of the Task Force.
The next meeting of the Park Bond Referendum Task Force will be held on
Thursday, January 27, 1994, at 7:00 PM, in the North Meeting Room of Lakeville
City Hall.