JUNE 1, 2009
Mayor Dahl called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Holly Dahl
Council Member Mark Bellows
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney
Steve Mielke, City Administrator
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
Keith Nelson, City Engineer
David Olson, CED Director
Dennis Feller, Finance Director
Steve Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director
Chris Petree, Operations & Maintenance Director
Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Brian Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Additional agenda information None
Mr. Petree presented the May monthly report of the Operations &
Maintenance Department.
Mr. Mielke recognized Assistant to City Administrator Brian Anderson, who
has accepted the position of City Administrator with the City of Newport,
Minnesota. Mr. Anderson will begin his new position on June Stn.
Citizens' Comments None
Consent Agenda
09.33 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Swecker to approve .the
consent agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
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b. Minutes of the May 18, 2009 City Council meeting and the May 27,
2009 special Council meeting.
c. Receive minutes of the May 21St Planning Commission meeting and
the May 20t" Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee
d. Acknowledge receipt of Lakeville Arenas 2010 Budget.
e. Approval of ALF Ambulance 2010 Budget.
f. Resolution No. 09-38 authorizing the sale of city. vehicles and a
forfeited vehicle.
g. Temporary on-sale 3.2~ malt liquor license for Lakeville Lions to
conduct their annual Pan-O-Prog events at the Lakeville VFW.
h. Resolution No. 09-39 approving the final plat of Shady Oak Grove
Third Addition; Resolution No. 09-40 vacating public right of way
and drainage and utility easements; and one year extension of the
Shady Oak Grove Second Addition preliminary plat.
One year extension of the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 3rd Addition
preliminary plat.
j. Conditional use permit amendment to allow an existing detached
accessory building to remain following the subdivision of the
property located at 12299 Lucerne Trail
k. Resolution No. 09-41 authorizing infrastructure improvements for the
Safe Routes to School program and authorizing SRF Consulting
Group, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 -Ordinance Adopting Fees
.Mayor Dahl opened the public hearing to consider a fee schedule
amendment by ordinance pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.353,
subdivision 4, and Minnesota Rules 1300.0160, subp. 2. The City Clerk
attested to legal notice publication.
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Mr. Feller presented the proposed amendments to the fee schedule,
which include fees for building permit activities and planning activities.
He pointed out that building permit fees have not increased since 1999.
The building permit fees, as proposed, remain to be the lowest of any city
in Dakota County. Several planning and zoning fees are also proposed to
be increased, based on the approximate cost of providing the service.
There. are also proposed increases in escrows, which are meant to protect
the City and taxpayers.
Mayor Dahl opened the public hearing to questions and comments from
the audience.
Todd Bornhauser, Executive Director of Lakeville Area Chamber of
Commerce, stated he was not aware of the proposed fee schedule
amendment and, therefore, does not have an official statement
regarding .the proposed fees from the Chamber members. He expressed
disappointment that the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic
Development Commission were not given an opportunity to review and
comment on the proposed fees.
Mike Suel, DR Horton Homes, stated he was also unaware of the proposed
fee schedule amendment and requested the ordinance be delayed to
allow an opportunity to meet with City staff to discuss the rationale behind
the proposed increases. He questioned the timing, as fee schedule
amendments are normally effective on January 1St.
09.34 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Rieb to close the .public
hearing on the consideration of an ordinance adopting fees.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Mr. Feller explained that the City Council held discussions regarding these
proposed fees in the summer and fall of 2008. It was decided at that time
to complete the first quarter budget adjustments before implementing the
adjusted fee schedule.
Mayor Dahl suggested that City staff and the Chamber of Commerce find
ways to improve communication with the Chamber and development
community on future matters such as this.
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Council Member Bellows stated that in light of the fact that building and
development activity is at an all-time low, this is an opportune time to
continue the dialogue with those who may be affected by the proposed
Council Member Bellows asked Mr. Bornhauser for a list of businesses that
have left the City or gone out of business in the past two years.
09.35. Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Rieb to table consideration of
an ordinance adopting. fees and direct staff to have a dialogue with the
Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Commission and the
business community and report back to the City Council at a future work
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Dahl, Rieb, Bellows. Nay,
Swecker. Council Member Swecker stated she feels the proposed fees
are reasonable.
Item 8 -Conditional Use Permit / 12428-167th Street West
The applicant, Mrs. Laura Miler, addressed the City Council regarding
Stipulation 3 of the conditional use. permit that requires the removal of the
existing platform pool deck from the drainage and utility easement. She
requested permission to keep the platform deck in their yard, as it has no
foundation and can be easily moved if necessary. She explained that the
platform- is at ground level and sits on a drain field. The platform allows
her family to use the space next to their pool as a sitting area.
Mr. -Morey presented the conditional. use permit request to allow more
than one detached accessory building and to allow one detached
accessory building to be greater than 15 .feet in height. The request
includes the construction of two new detached accessory buildings. Mr.
Morey explained that the platform pool deck structure lies within an
existing drainage and utility easement. When reviewing a conditional use
permit request, City staff must consider existing non-conformities on the
property. The ordinance states that structures may not encroach upon a
drainage and utility easement; therefore,. staff recommends that the
platform pool deck structure be removed.
Mr. Morey stated the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the
conditional use permit request and recommended approval subject to 11
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stipulations. Three of the 11 stipulations recommended by staff were
amended by the Planning Commission. They related to the height of the
detached garage, additional landscaping (evergreen trees) along the
south property line, and screening of the existing pool equipment.. Mr.
Morey stated the applicant has revised the site plan to include the pool
equipment screening as recommended.
Council Member Swecker stated that because the ordinance requires the
pool deck structure be removed; she would not be willing to grant the
applicant's request to keep the platform deck.
Council Member Swecker stated she feels the recommended 24 foot
height for a detached garage in a sewered residential area is excessive
and supports the 20 foot height as recommended by City staff. She
suggested the Planning Commission be directed to review the zoning
ordinance requirements for accessory building height, as the ordinance
does not give direction as to what an appropriate maximum height
should be. Mr. Morey stated one of the points the Planning Commission
could look at is how the height. of accessory buildings is measured as
required by the zoning ordinance.
Mayor Dahl stated she would support the 24 foot height as proposed by
the Milers.
Mr. Mielke asked Mr. Morey to explain the logic behind not allowing
structures to encroach on an easement. Mr. Morey explained that if there
are utilities within the easement, the City or a private utility company
would have to deal with removing the structure in the event work needs
to be completed within the easement area.
The City Attorney suggested the Council could. stipulate in the conditional
use permit that the platform pool deck must be removed, unless the
property owner enters into an encroachment agreement with the City,
taking full responsibility for removal of the deck if necessary.
Mrs. Miler stated she would be willing to enter into an encroachment
agreement with the City as described.
Mr. Mielke suggested that the Planning Commission and. City staff explore
this approach on a policy basis and do some research on what other
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cities allow for encroachments into public easements and the type of
agreement that would be necessary.
09.36 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Bellows to adopt Findings of
Fact and a Conditional Use Permit to allow more than one detached
accessory building and one accessory building to be more than 15 feet in
height on property located at 12428 - l 67t" Street West, with a
modification to 3c that the existing platform pool deck shall be removed
from the drainage and utility easement by October 1, 2009, unless the City
enters into an encroachment agreement with the property owner to allow
the platform pool deck to remain.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
The City Council directed-staff and the Planning Commission to review the
accessory building height requirements of the zoning ordinance and also
look at allowing. encroachments into drainage. and utility easements for
certain structures through an encroachment agreement.
Item 9 -Joint Powers Agreement /Cedar Avenue Transitway
Kristine Elwood, Dakota County Transportation Department, presented the
Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for final design of Cedar
Avenue between the proposed 181St Street Park and Ride Station to the
City of Lakeville's northern city limits at CSAH 46. Necessary improvements
along Cedar Avenue -have been identified to improve corridor mobility
and maximize the movement of people along the corridor. She
explained that improvements along Cedar Avenue will involve widening
of the shoulders to accommodate buses and several access
modifications. The existing traffic signal at Dodd Boulevard will be
removed following the realignment of Dodd Boulevard to 1791h Street.
Prior to that realignment, traffic signals will be installed at Glacier Way and
Griffon Trail. The traffic signal at 162nd Street is not warranted and will be
removed, and a partial access will be constructed at this intersection.
The preferred alternative is CSAH 46 and Granada Avenue; however, a
signal is not currently warranted at this intersection but would be installed
when certain conditions are met.
A letter from Paster Enterprises was received by the City asking for
additional assurances that the signal would be installed at CSAH 46 and
Granada Avenue when warranted. Mr. Mielke suggested that the
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concerns of Paster Enterprises could be addressed in later agreements
with the County if deemed appropriate by the City Council and County
Ms. Elwood stated an implementation plan would be completed by
October of 2009. Roadway construction would begin in 2010, and station
to station service would be operational by the year 2012.
09.37 Motion vvas made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve the Joint
Powers Agreement between the City of Lakeville and Dakota County for
final design of the Cedar Avenue Transitway, Improvement Project 08-12.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
New business None
• Planning activities are moving forward on 4th of July and Pan-O-
Prog celebrations
• "Warrior to Citizen" committee efforts are progressing. The purpose
is to demonstrate support to those who have served our country in
the military
• Next Regular City Council. meeting, June 15, 2009
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, i y Clerk