The,meeting began when Chirman N. Enright called the meeting; to order and Enright, Lange,
Trued and Storlie answered roll call. N. Hiemstra came later and 11. Lovelace was absent.
(L. Nelson decided not to renew another term of office.)
A discussion arose as to how to change, or amend, a motion made last meeting, December 21s
Motion No. 77.740 because of a change in the area, amount of land, which would be considers
as park donation. This, in turn, would change the amount of cash donation, also.
Other changes in the December 21st minutes were:Motion No. 77.75, the word "discretion" is
to be inserted instead of "decision; in the paragraph following Motion No. 77.76, the phra:
is to read "not to exceed $10.00 per season Motion No. 77.74 was striken from the minute:
by Motion No. 77.78, as is explained a little further on this sheet.
78.1 Motion by Enright and Hiemstra to strike Motion No. 77.74. Voting "aye were
all members prdsent. Motion carried.
78.2 Motion by Trued and Lange to recommend that proposed park dedication of Dodd Park
7.1 acres be accepted, excluding the easement portion amounting to 1.6 acres, plus
a cash donation of $12,300, thus allowing 0,300 in compensation for 2.1 acres
lying outside the flood way. (These figures are computed accoid.ng to use of $3,00(
per acre.) The cash donation is based on 6.2 acres. The developer is also to
construct a bridge permitting access. Voting "aye ",were Lange, Trued, Storlie,
Hiemstra, and Enright. Motion carried.
78.3 Motion was made by Trued and Lange to approve the minutes of the meeting; held
December 21st, with the above corrections being made. Voting "aye" were all
members present. Motion carried.
Motions were now in order for officers for the coming year.
78.4 Motion was made by Trued to nominate J. Lange for Chairperson. 2nd was by Storlie,
Motion carried.
78.5 Enright made motion that nominations be closed. Trued seconded. Motion carried.
Voting to make J. Lange Chairperson for 1978 was a unaminous "aye Mrs. Jenice
Lange is therefore the Chairperson of Park Recreation Committee for 1978.
Chair. N. Enright declared nominations to be open for Vice chairman.
78.6 Motion was m by Enright that Trued be nominated for office of Vice Chairman.
2nd wav by Lange. Motion carried.
78.7 Motion that nominations cease was made by Lange, seconded by Storlie. Motion
Voting to make C. Trued Vice- Chairman for Year 1978 resulted in a unaminous
decision, "aye
78.8 Motion was made by Hiemstra to nominate S. Storlie for the position of secretary.
Second was by Lange. Motion carried.
78,9 Motion that nominations cease was made by Enright and Trued. Motion carried.
Voting to elect Steve Storlie secretary of P R Committee for Year 1978 resulted
in a unanimous vote of "aye
The chairmanship was taken ove r .Lange at this time, N. Enright relinquishing
her position for the Year 1977. Nancy d to thank the Committee for all their support
over the year -all the members. C. TAued said he felt that he spoke for all the members
when he said that she had done a fine ,job.
Park,Director Steve Michaud began his report. He said that P R had one more position
open officially- -and also the probability of one more. To fill these positions, the
Council would like to run one large ad, which would include the positions which are now
open on all the Committees, and hopefully fill all vacancies at one time.
The plans for 175th Street are presently being put together by the engineer and will be
submitted for funding. The railroad property still seems a possibility, also. Steve
would like to inspire the members to bring their ideas on a year's planning calendar and
agenda for 1978. Steve offered to bring types of "low density plans
next time, if he can Tina some -as their have been questions asked.
A recommendation from this committee has been asked by the Natural Resources Committee
regarding the water level at Lake Marion.
78.10 Motion was made by Enright and Trued that this Committee would recommend to Council
that the high water level of Lake Marion be kept at not less than 981 contour feet
nor more than 982 contour feet, as recommended by our Park Recreation Director.
Voting "aye" were Trued, Storlie, Hiemstra, Enright, and Lange. Motion carried.
It was asked that the Committee now turn to Item 8 on the agenda regards hockey rinks and
warming houses update. There were two men in the audience who had come to the meeting
because of reading this notice on the agenda, Mr. Bill Wilson and Mr. Jerry Cobb -LAA and
Booster representatives.
T. Farrell, assistant to S. Michaud, gave a report saying C. 0. Field was the low bidder
on shelter to be built at Antlers Park.
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Cobb wished to know what is planned for hockey rinks this year, and in
the future. They are presently making a survey of the community's needs. They wished to
know when would be a good time to discuss this with the Committee, as they feel they are
about 85% done with their figures. S. Michaud said he would like to have their report
on file to be referred to, because planning will be done on these matters at an early time.
Mr. Wilson remarked that "the support LAA has received from Park and Recreation program
has been terrific
According to T. Farrell, twelve ice rinks are in operation; five broomball teams are now
playing; there will be a date set for kid's broomball teams to begin; attempts are being
made to get support for an American Youth Hostel; there will be a health program for women
beginning on Monday night; skating lessons are planned; and, a map of Ritter Farm Park is
to be worked on, showing stands of trees, etc.
S. Michaud told of a wrestling club which may be formed in Lakeville -boys, girls, if
interested, between ages of eight and fifteen. AAU and American Federation are the two
clubs in the area.
Another item was that newsletter for 1978 is being planned. An article and map of
Lakeville's ice skating facilities will more than likely be Park and Recreation feature.
The ski club is coming back with some alternatives to solution for their shortage of funds.
S. Storlie spoke saying that even if they got Council approval at the next meeting, it
would be the first of February before a plan could be put into operation.
78.11 Motion by Hiemstra and Trued to authorize the expenditure of $300.00 to provide
for City portion of the State Aids Grant Program for ski trail maintenance in
Ritter Farm Park. Voting "aye" were Storlie, Hiemstra, Fright, Lange, and Trued.
Motion carried.
The minutes are to reflect that Nancy Fright is resigning her membership in Park and
Recreation Committee as of this evening.
A memo is asked to be written to Mr. McGarvey that this committee would like to be con-
sulted when the matter of Vinland Center, projected to be built in Ritter Farm Park, is
next discussed and planned, or programmed.
A summary of the years work will be written by N. Fright; M. Klotz will provide the
attendance figures.
78.12 Motion by Trued and Enright to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
S. Storlie, Secretary mek