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SEPTEMBER 21, 1995
The meeting was called to order by Chair Luick at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall
Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken. Present: Miller, Rieb, Skipton, Luick,
Amborn, Holberg. Absent: Cecchini.
Also .present: R. Erickson, City Administrator; M. Sobota, Community &
Economic Development Director; G. Fuchs, Assistant City Attorney; D. Morey,
City Planner; F. Dempsey, Associate Planner; T. Hanson, Assistant City
Engineer; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the September 7, 1995, Planning Commission meeting were
approved with one correction to delete Robert Erickson's name from the List of
those present.
Chair Luick indicated staff has requested that the agenda be amended by
moving Item No. 6 ahead of Item No. 4. The commission members agreed to
the amended agenda.
Chair Luick opened the public hearing on the application of Rome
Development Corporation and South Twin Cities Church of Christ for a minor
comprehensive land use plan .amendment, rezoning from R-4 to B-3 and
preliminary and final plat of Dakota Plaza Second Addition. The City Attorney
attested that legal notices had been duly published and mailed.
Mr. Morey explained that Ole Piper Inn is proposing to relocate their restaurant
from the existing strip center at Cedar Avenue and 167th Street West to a
freestanding building to be constructed on the proposed .Lot 2, Block 1, Dakota
Plaza Second Addition. For Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the proposed preliminary
and final plat, the applicants are proposing to amend-the medium/high density
portion of the Comprehensive Plan land use map to a commercial land use
designation and rezone these two lots from R-4 to B-3. The proposed
comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning would extend the existing
Dakota Plaza commercial area to the east. Existing 161st Street would be
extended, through a public improvement project, to the east and north to create
a full intersection with 160th Street (C.R. 46) and Garrett Path, with complete
turning movements.
SEPTEMBER 21,.1995
Mr. Morey went on to explain that Outlot A (1.14 acres} and Outlot B (10.16
acres) will be sold and deeded by the respective applicant to the City for the
future .expansion of the adjacent City-owned. Valley Lake. Park. Lot 2, Block 1,
owned by Rome Development, is the proposed site of the Ole Piper Inn
restaurant; and Lot 1, Block 1, owned by the church, is designated for a future
B-3 commercial use.
Mr. Morey stated a neighborhood meeting was field, and the Dakota
PlazaNalley Lake Park/Ole Piper Inn plans were shared with Valley Park
residents. Resident comments on the proposed plans were positive. The
residents requested that the landscaped berm to be installed within Outlots A
and B to screen the two proposed commercial lots from the existing homes be
extended to the east. The landscape plan for Dakota Plaza Second Addition
.has been revised to comply with the residents' request..
Commissioner Miller asked about potential traffic circulation problems at
County Road 46 and 161st Street if the intersection is not signalized. Mr.
Hanson explained that this intersection could be signalized in the future if the
Dakota County Highway Department determines that it meets signalization
• warrants. He pointed out that signals are planned to be installed at County
Road 46 and Galaxie, Fairgreen and Flagstaff.
Commissioner Amborn asked about the extensive landscaped berm being
installed by the City. Mr. Erickson explained that the neighborhood's
expectations, because of the change from. residential to commercial in the
comp plan, required the City to negotiate a need for screening in the purchase
agreement for the park.
Commissioner Holberg stated she feels there should be a pedestrian crossing
between the Valley Lake Beach and this commercial corner. Mr. Erickson
stated that staff will hold a neighborhood meeting for the Valley Lake Park
development to get the views and opinions on a number of issues, including a
future .beach location, specific location of .trails and pedestrian crossings.
Mr. Gerry Grenz, 1619p Garner Avenue, asked .what types of uses are allowed
in a B-3 zoning district. He was concerned with the potential for noise and
odor from a body shop/automobile oriented business. Mr. Sobota provided a
list of B-3 uses from the Zoning Ordinance. He explained that a body shop
would be allowed only with a conditional use permit, however, there are
performance standards that need to be met. Mr. Erickson indicated that the
City would. be able to control. certain uses through the conditional use permit
process, which requires a 4/5 vote of the Council and follows strict
performance standards.
SEPTEMBER 21, 1995
.95.124 Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Amborn to close the public
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
95.125 Motion was made by Amborn, seconded by Skipton to adopt the Findings of
Fact and. Recommendation and. recommend approval of a Comprehensive
Land Use Plan amendment, rezoning from R-4, single and two family
residential district, to B-3, Auto Oriented Business District, and the preliminary
and final plat of Dakota Plaza Second Addition, subject to the conditions as
outlined in the September 15, 1995, planning report.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Chair Luick opened the public hearing on the application of Dean Ekegren for
a conditional use permit amendment to allow the expansion of an existing non-
• conforming single family home on anon-conforming residential lot, located at
..9982-199th Street West. The City Attorney attested that legal notices had
been duly published and mailed.
Mr. Dempsey explained that a conditional use permit was approved in 1990 for
the construction of a detached garage on this parcel. In June of 1995, a
building permit was issued to increase the head room in the lower level from 6
feet 8 inches to 8 feet in height. The building permit did not change or
intensify the use. The proposed conditional use permit amendment will allow
the construction of additional living space in the upper level of the existing
house. Staff recommended that the conditional use permit amendment require
that aIFnon-conforming portions of the old deck be brought into conformance
with the minimum side yard .and Ordinary Nigh Water Level setback
regulations. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit
amendment, subject to the survey being revised to show a deck which
conforms to the minimum side yard setbacks. of 10 feet and 75 feet from the
Lake Marion Ordinary High Water Level
Dean and Karen Ekegren provided copies of a letter dated September 21,
1995, along with proposed deck drawings (Alternatives 1 and 2). They voiced
their frustrations and asked why they were not allowed to apply for a variance.
They explained that they would like to improve the appearance of their home,
and. also enlarge it. In order to lower the basement floor, they had to remove
the existing deck. They stated -they were not aware when they took the old
SEPTEMBER 21, 1995
deck down that they would. not be able to put it back the way it was. They also
pointed out, and provided a drawing which showed, that four of their closest
neighbors' homes are closer to the lake than theirs.
Mr. Sobota explained that a conditional use permit is required for expansion of
the use (house addition),. and that the previous building permit was not related
to the proposed conditional use .permit. He explained that development
pressure has increased over the past several years regarding compliance with
shoreland ordinance regulations; and the DNR has recently required the City
to amend its shoreland regulations. Non conformities are attempted to be
brought into compliance on all planning activities. Staff determined that a
variance could not be supported due to a lack of hardship on the part of the
Mr. Sobota stated that staff would, however, be willing to discuss Alternative 2
for the area next to the house on the side yard, provided the encroachment is
Commissioners. discussed Alternatives 1 and 2 for the deck. Commissioner
• Miller suggested that Alternative 2 be used. This alternative would place the
deck between the patio door and the edge. of the house, and angle it 45
degrees to meet the 10 foot sideyard setback at the southeast corner of the
Commissioner Holberg asked about impervious surface underneath the deck.
She. suggested that the slab under the deck not exceed the dimensions of -the
deck, therefore reducing the amount of impervious surface.
There were no questions or comments from the audience.
95.126 Motion was made by Skipton, seconded by Holberg to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. unanimous.
.95.1.27. Motion was made by Holberg, seconded by Amborn to adopt the Findings of
Fact and Recommendation and recommend approval of a conditional use
permit amendment to allow the expansion of an existing non-conforming single
family home on anon-conforming residential lot at 9982-199th Street West,
subject to the conditions as outlined in the September 6,1995, .planning report
as amended; and recommend approval of Alternative No. 2, along with
reducing the impervious surface not to exceed the area of the deck.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
SEPTEMBER 21, 1995
Chair Luick opened the public hearing on the application of Dennis Hollstadt
for a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of an existing non-
conforming single: family dwelling to improve its livability on land located at
10115 Oak Shore Drive. The City Clerk attested that legal. notices had been
duly mailed.
Mr. Dempsey explained that Mr. Hollstadt is proposing additional garage space
for storage. of personal vehicles and equipment.. He explained that in the
summer of 1993, Mr. Hollstadt. contacted City staff to inquire about constructing
a 253 square foot master bedroom addition on the northeast corner of his
house. Af that time, the shoreland ordinance was misinterpreted, and the
addition was constructed without a conditional use permit. The bedroom
addition meets all minimum setback requirements, and. staff is recommending
that the master bedroom be brought into conformance by including it as a part
of this conditional .use permit. The proposed garage addition conforms to the
minimum required setbacks. Staff recommends approval subject to five
stipulations as outlined in the September 6th planning. report.
. Mr. Hollstadt. was present.. There were no questions or comments.
95.128 Motion was made by Skipton, seconded by Rieb to close the public hearing..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Unanimous.
95.129 Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Skipton to adopt the Findings of Fact
and Recommendation and recommend approval of a conditional use permit to
allow the expansion of an existing non-conforming single family dwelling to
improve its livability on land located at 10115 Oak Shore Drive, subject to the
conditions as outlined in the September 6, 1995, planning report.
Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes, Unanimous.
Mr. Sobota presented the proposed Town Square concept plan for the area
north and west of the City Hall complex. Commission members discussed. the
• Landscaping of buildings and public right-of-way
• Architectural treatments (Jeffersonion concept)
• East/west connections to Cedar adequate?
SEPTEMBER 21, 1995
• One developer of retail/entertainment preferred
• Work with historical. downtown on land use changes -bed & breakfast
• Small commercial parcel directly south of City Hall on C.R. 50 should be
• View from hill coming south on Holyoke & Dodd should be enhanced. Back
.sides of buildings should be screened/landscaped
• Pedestrian friendly design
• Movie theater in historic downtown needs much more parking
• The connection of Kensington Boulevard from Fairfield/205th St. along
Lake Marion to Icenic/C. R. 50 is a great idea.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, Ci Clerk
David Luick, Chair