PM 21 DECEMBER 1 977
Chairperson N. Enright began the special meeting with N. Hiemstra, C. Trued, S. Storlie,
and H. Lovelace in attendance. L. Nelson and J. Lange came later in the evening.)
From 7 PM to 8 PM this evening the Committee was going to discuss The Dodd Park preliminary
plat and the Dr. Jacobson's development plan. Park Director Steve Michaud and also T.
Farrell attended this meeting.
Park consideration at Dodd Park is 10+ acres, including easements -8.7 acres is actual
park dedication. This land lies in flood plain and flood way area, however. It was
determined that 2.5 acres in the farthest western part of this area is the highest ground.
Ouestion of where accessAg this park? Basic formula will be applied for cash donation,
if part of this dedication is decided to be cash.
The Dr. Jacobson proposed development will be discussed later, at regular meeting time.
This is two tracts of land, lying both north and south of Cc Rd 64,west of 35w- -the lots
will be 5 acres land content, each.
Corrections of December 13th minutes are to be made: Lovelace was not in attendance;
"Park Awareness" is to be inserted on the 2nd page, before word "committee and Len
Nelson wants the word "resigning" to be struck in the last paragraph, rather insert
"he is completing his second term
77.73 Motion to approve the minutes of December 13th, with the above corrections, was
made by Nelson, 2nd Trued. Motion carried.
The Park Director began his report by saying the winter recreation program would be given
by T. Farrell later in the evening. N. Hiemstra asked to be taken off the ski trail
committee as she has not been notified of its meeting, consequently not in attendance.
S. Michaud would like to get in touch with Bob Nelson, who had been chairman of bike
trails committee, because railroad property is going to be available soon.
Steve went on to say that the Department of Transportation has a funding program. Applica-
tion is being planned, with 175th Street in mind. 75 -25 is usually the basis for this type
of funding, with the 256 being the City's share. According to the Park Director, there are
a lot of things which can be applied for under this program, to develop.
The Antlers Park building has been awarded to the former lowest bidder.
The lowest bid on the 4 x 4 truck was Rosemount Dodge.
In what is termed the "tree project', Steve has given Cross Nursery a list of trees
species, he is interested in, for under $1 He will also have to get two other bids
on trees. These are "dry- rooted for planting next spring.
Broomball leagues are being planned.
Dale Hansen and T. Thompson were present to discuss Dodd Park with P R Committee.
After some preliminary, it was stated because "the only high and dry land is above and
beyond public access, we are going to recommend money (for park dedication) for the entire
proposal, which is $3,000 per acre -we will take money in lieu of land Mr. Hansen
responded by saying, "we feel that this is putting us into a condition of hardship, as here
is ten acres of unused land. There are two accesses to the property. Don't you think it
would be to the community's best interest that it be used in connection with the other park"
N. Hiemstra, who is a nearby resident, stated she had been to look at both the present
part, and what is suggested as park. The present park is receiving very little use. It
would be better to have some money to equip the present park, than more land, she believed.
L. Nelson asked if the developers had any other proposals? T. Thompson replied, "we can't
use the land, but we are going to have to pay the money for it? If you don't take it as
park, we would have to look for a use for it L. Nelson spoke, "there is an option to the
developer, that there appears to be some other aesireable lots near our existing park
D. Hansen expressed the thought, "you would have a City problem with the kids crossing from
one to the other
T. Thompson asked "do you feel you have all the facts? This is beautiful park land, which
could be inundated, but very rarely. I think you are over anxious. The developers will
assume building of the bridge, if it is a park
L. Nelson said, "there is one possibility. Of the 8+ acres, there are 2.5 acres that is
high ground. The total park dedication is 6.2A, a difficiency of 3.7 acres. What would be
your reaction to the proposal to go half with your park and build the bridge, and cash
payment of $11,1007"
77.74 L. Nelson motioned to recommend that proposed park dedication of Dodd Park of d-7
acres be accepted, excluding the easement portion amounting to 2.1 acres, plus
(2) PARK er?ATION 21 DECEMBER 1977
$11,100 in cash, in compensation for 3.7 acres within flood way. The developer
is also to construct a bridge permitting access. (Cash donation is based on 6.2
acres.) Storlie seconded. Voting was as follows: Enright, "aye Lovelace, "nay"
Trued, "aye*, Storlie, "aye Hiemstra, "nay Nelson, "aye and Lange, "aye
Motion carried. Reasons for voting "nay" were: Hiemstra, "not proper land, "and
Lovelace, "feels we should have all cash
The developments known as Dr. Jacobson's was the next item on the agenda. (See second
paragraph for land description.)
According to basic formula used, 2.3 acres would be park dedication here and P R would
recommend this be a cash donation when the plat comes in as a preliminary public hearing.
This amount would be $6,900.
L. N asked if the developers felt the $6,900 figure was too low? This is ,just an
average. Dr. Jacobson would like a copy of the park dedication policy mailed to him.
S. Michaud said he would like a recommendation from the Committee for a fee of $25.00
for broomball tournaments.
77.75 Motion by Trued Storlie that broomball tournament fees be authorized at the
decision of the Park Director. Voting "aye" were Lovelace, Trued; Storlie,
Hiemstra, Nelson, Lange, and Enright. Motion carried.
Discussion of parking fees desired to be charged at Ritter Farm Park now began. The state-
ment was made that there is a shortage of at least $3,000 in the fund to maintain the trails
A fee schedule which had been drawn by P R staff and ski club was submitted to the C
.77.76 Motion by Nelson, seconded by Enright, that the Ski Club recommendations be adopted
this Committee and that they be recommended for adoption by the City Council, with
the stipulation that any adjustment in fees, or additional fees, be reviewed by
Ch of this Committee and Park Director, and authorization to adopt be sent to
Upon discussion, the following amendment to No. 77.76 was proposed by Hiemstra and seconded
by Lovelace "The fee schedule be set at per person, per day rate -and not to exceed $10.00
per day." Voting on this amendment resulted: voting "aye Trued, Lovelace, Hiemstra,
Storlie abstained; "nay Nelson, Lange, Enright.
Reasons for voting "nay', were: L. Nelson "don't think we have something specific
enough to recommend to Council. I am for something to help ski users, but needs to be more
specific." Another reason was given as different ways of implementing ski patrol should be
Mr. C. Hemstrom of the ski club was present to explain the need for more funding to main-
tain the ski trails. The Chairman wished to commend the ski club for their work in pre-
paring the report and their work on the trails.
Steve Storlie inquired if Committee would consider taking money out of P R funds to help
with ski trail maintainance shortage?
L. N suggested that possibly the Park Director would be able to come back to next
*voti with a specific fee schedule, and make a contribution to ski elub,if this is legal.
Noting on Motion No. 77.76, resulted in "aye Trued; Storlie abstained, "nay Hiemstra,
Nelson, Lange, Enright, Lovelace. Motion failed.
S. Storlie asked about Council's reaction toward Committee jackets?
S. Michaud wished to go on record commending Len Nelson for all his work on P R Committee,
and all the programs he has helped with, and he should not have his work go unrecognized.
Mayor -elect Lekson, who had been present throughout the evening, was asked if he wished to
W say anything to the Committee. He was wondering if there were members whose terms needed to
e renewed. He was given a Committee thank -you for coming to their meeting.
77.77 Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Lange, seconded by Lovelace. Motion
Respectfully submitted,