The meeting was called to order by Chairperson N. Enright. Answering roll were Lovelace,
W ight, Lange, -and_Nelson. Mr. Trued joined the meeting at 8:30 and Mr. Storlie was
not in attendance.
77.60 Motion by Enright, seconded by Nelson, to approve the minutes of the September 7
meeting.- Motion carried, minutes approved.
The Park Director introduced Ken Haglund, of the Lakeville Hockey Association.
Mr. Haglund had a question as to the purpose and function of rink attendants at hockey
rinks. The Park Director explained the responsibilities of rink attendants; the major
responsibility being one'of supervision. The question was also asked whether rink
attendants should shovel snow off the rink when people were waiting to skate. Steve
replied that he hoped they would ;help out in this capacity, if they were needed. Mr.-
Haglund inquired as to the possibility of getting a rink out at ,Orchard Lake School. He
estimates approximately 200 players will be signing up this year, an increase'Over last
year. N. Enright stated that there were no funds in the budget for this and there may be
a possibility for a new rink next The Park Director went on to explain some of the
history of hockey rinks. Budget problems were discussed with regard to this and was
suggested that Ken` could' attend the budget meeting on September 22, 1977. It was the
consensus of the committee-that-Dakota Heights would be a better site for a new hockey rink.
Mr. Haglund agreed. He also asked for more shovels and scrapers:: Steve pointed out that
every rink has them, but there is a need for more. Two double scoop shovels are normally
enough, but Steve said it would be kept in mind. Ken asked about Valley Park usage, and
was told that it is not overly booked up. Ken also asked for a pleasure rink at the
Middle School. The area is not landscaped for it as yet. Mr. Haglund then thanked and
f omplimented the Park Recreation Department for the condition and maintenance of ice
st year. There followed a brief discussion on whether Park Recreation
would offer skating lessons this year, which will be held indoors. Unless the cost is
prohibitive, lessons will be offered. The Committee thanked Ken Haglund for coming to
the meeting. Mr. Tom Smith will be back with the Committee meeting on October 5, 1977.
The subject of Neighborhood Meetings was opened with a general discussion. Some
concern over crowded personal calendars of Committee members was mentioned with regard
to handling of these meetings. The Park Director and Terry Farrell will be responsible
for programing and publicity of the meetings. Steve stated that the three meetings would
consist of three main topics: Introduction, goals, and personnel. It was felt that the
Committee should be well represented. A discussion followed as to how people could be
made aware of the meetings and how to get them out,_other than the usual newspaper article.
The latter 'part of October was thoughtto be a good time, depending on school schedules.
Steve will investigate the possibility of using postcards to notify people of the meetings.
The possibility of a "Park Recreation Awareness Week" as proclaimed by the Mayor, was
also suggested.- Steve will write a resolution for the Council meeting.
The Park Director reported on the budget. Items budgeted for Aronson Park development
was cut out of the '78 budget and St eve was directed by the City Administrator to'purchase
items now out of the park development budget amount. Also added $2,000 for Dakota Heights
equipment taken out- _of_the -park development budget. $1225.75 is the amount of quote
for playground equipment -at Dakota Heights. In a report on Aronson Park, Steve said the
design and installation of electrical wiring has already been donated. The well and pump
may cost as much as $2,000. The cost of new boards for the hockey rink was also mentioned.
It was felt that a recommendation should be made for spending of the remaining amount in
e park development fund by the Park Recreation Committee.
77.61 Motion by Trued, seconded by Lange, that the Chairperson get 'together with the
Park Director and prepare a position as to a recommendation on the use of the
remaining park development fund. Voting" "aye" were Trued, Lange, Nelson, Lovelace,
Enright. Motion passed.
77.62 Motion by Nelson, seconded by Enright, that recommendation to the Council that
the miscellaneous park development budget proposed by the Park Director at
$17,200 be reduced to $12,850 per items listed below:
New boards for City Hall rink 2,800
Basketball, volleyball court x 3
(Dakota Heights,- Antlers, 'Jaycees) 2,100
15 picnic 'tables 350
Chain link fence, Jaycee Park 1,000
Railroad 'ties for parking tot and
park boundary fence (Aronson Park) 2,580
Backstop and infield, Bassett Addition 350-
Electrical service to Aronson Park 2,500
Well and pump 650
Holding tanks 520
Voting "aye" were Nelson,Enright, Lange, Lovelace, and Trued. Motion passed.
77.63 Motion by Nelson, seconded by Lange, that should it be necessary to use park'
development funds out any of these recommendations listed in the
previous motion, that such useage be limited-to- items- relating-to-Aronson Park.
Voting "aye" were Nelson, Enright, Lange, Lovelace, and Trued. °Motion passed.
The Park Director reported that Antlers Park building plans have been approved.
The Committee was shown a "copy of the plans. Bids will be opened and awarded on the
same day, the 17th of October.
The Aronson Park building is going well. Plans are to be submitted to the State
fi lth Department. Steve is handling this.
A $200 donation by Bonestroo Associates was received by the Park Director.
A minor problem, at Lone Oak park was discussed, with the decision that action may
be taken at some later date. N. Enright will look into the matter, as will Steve Michaud.
A skating rink at Dodd Trail Park was the next topic of discussion. There seems
to be a need for some kind of retaining board for water. Steve will talk to Bud Alich and
look into it. The problem seems to be one of topography.
77:.64 Motion by Nelson, seconded by Enright, to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,