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WEDNESDAY 8;00 PM APRIL 20, 1977
N. Enright called the meeting to order and Enright, Nelson, Lange, and Love
lace answered roll call. Trued came approximately fifteen minutes later. Christoffers
had phoned the Chairman earlier, saying she had another meeting she had to attend.
Last month Lamont had stated he planned to write a letter of resignation, because of
job conflictions.
There are two corrections to be made in the meeting minutes of April 6th;
Motion No. 77.24 should read "following fees: 0 to 16 teams, $150, not $50, etc.
and the last paragraph, page 3, C. Trued and J. Lange volunteered to outline a program.
((Lange's name had been omitted.) Nelson felt that Motion No. 77.23 was not clear, and
that further documentation should be attached to the minutes. S. Michaud said the
information would be put in the form of a resolution. Secretary will attach the
re lut' on tp� the minutes of the meeting held April 6th, when the resolution is available.
an send each member a copy.)
77.28 Motion to approve the minutes of the ,April 6th meeting, with the above corrections,
was made by Nelson and Lange. Motion carried.
Park Director Steve Michaud began his report. It concerned (1) development fund
status, (2) vandalism, particularly of trees in Valley Park, CETA funds, (4) farmers'
contracts for Ritter Faun Park and Aronson Park, (5) fishing 'bridge, and (6) newsletter.
Development Fund status Steve mentioned different items of equipment which
had en purc ase or would be shortly, which leaves approximately $3,000 in this fund
at the present time.
Vandalism A large percentage of the trees planted near
parkview in Valley park have been either up- rooted or broken off. One member remarked,
"we don't have too much to work with and what we are working with is going up in smoke
rued wd Michaud are going to get together and write an article on vandali se in Valley
Park. (Later on in the meeting, it was mentioned that this letter would go well in the
Community Newsletter.)
Cost of Gradingf seeding in Dakota Heights Has not been determined. Len Nelson asked
To go on record as Favoring gr ding aria seeding in Dakota Heights with whatever is
passible, with the remainder o the budget. Enright also agreed.
,%comer program review -S. Michaud reported it is going along well, "essentially much the
°same as last year He expressed concern over the lack of response to ad for life-
CETA The funds have not come through as yet, !rnot
until May or June", according to Steve.
Park farm land enntract s Bud Simons i s g ing to rent the farm land at
Aronson Park and clear rocks off the land at. o� $15 per acre. "Dan Simons will
make the hay at Ritter Farm Park and pay the City $1,000.
swimming pools ,All the pool work has been started.
Fishing bridge S. Michaud reported that 11 80% of the work has been
completed, as of today He had been working at this project all day.
N. Enright reported that Park Ordinance will be on the Council agenda for their
first meeting in May. (May 2nd)
Information on bike trails, published by League of ;4merican Cities, has reached
this Committee.
Notice of an MRP,A meeting, May 10th, was made..
i Discussion on park development by the `sub committee will be an agenda item
for next meeting.
Park Rea Committee would like to know if Council received the annual report
which had been prepared by the members, together with a cover letter written by Len
Nelson. An article from the summary highlights could be P R article for Newsletter,
a and ideas for citizens' neetings. This needs to be done by May 15th, according
to Park Director.
Citizens' meetings were discussed. Trued stated the purpose of Citizens'
meetings was three -fold; (1) to obtain ideas from the citizens of what they want,
(2) complaints, and (3) some kind of response from them. He also suggested a "colored
post -card notification of meetings might be the way to get the most people notified in
Valley Park of the meetings. N. Enright explained what she had done in the past to
encourage people to come to Orchard Lake meetings. Len Nelson had ideas for the Crystal
Lake area of the community. It was thought that a series of citizens' meeting dates
W ublished in the Newsletter would be helpful in obtaining attendance at these meetings.
Selection of dates will be an agenda item for next meeting, as will be the naming of
Valley Lake Park.
.A tentative date of June lst has been set for the' bus tour of Lakeville parks.
J. Lange and C. Trued had tentative plans of the tour beginning at 6:30 .]Kwith members
of Council, Mayor Ed Mako, Planning Commission members and Natural. Resources Committee
(1) P R 20 APRIL 1977
2 P R 0 20 :APRIL 1 977
members, joining the P R members and Park Director on ,a guided and interestingly
6f ormative bus tour of the City's parks. Any others, who have an interest in parks
drecreation in Lakeville, are welcomed. A letter of invitation has been prepared.
The purpose of a bus tour of parks has been, in the' past, a means of the P R
Committ* to view what has been done in the parks, and enable them to visualize future
plans. It was the thought that others might enjoy' such a tour, since they are vitally
interested in Lakeville, as well. It is planned to prepare some hand -out material of
why's and wherefor's of what has been done and what is planned to do, reasons for
asking for park lands in some instances, and cash donations, in others. Basically
what is proposed in the park dedication ordinance. A bullhorn on the bus will enable
a spokesuan to give highlights as the tour proceeds. "Let's Get Acquainted With
Lakevi s the theme of the tour.
There will be maps, graphs, pictures, etc. on the walls of the Municipal
Building for perusal upon the end of the tour, coffee tune, and a question and answer
session. Following this, the P R Committee will hold a short meeting. Jenice Lange
will prepare additional material to be used on the tour.
I as that ner a Lic be co acte �too �U how much
1 d d et fo p s. N. Enright reported that she had contacted 31pt. Don cGuire d. that both felt
there is not a need to have a meeting on bike trails. Mr. McGuire commended tree Committe
on ike,.trai their work effort and their long -range plans. A copy of his .J
9'en to Community School Director Pete Martin. Bike trails will also be an agenda
item for next time.
project 385 was reviewed briefly.
7.29 Motion to adjourn, by N. Enright, came at 10;45 PM. Second was by Len Nelson.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
D. Christoffers, Secretary mek
P R 20 APRIL 1977