The meeting began at 8 PM with the Chairman, N. Enright, asking for roll call.
Enright, Nelson, Lange, 'and Lovelace answered roll call. Trued came just a few minutes
later. Christoffers and Lamont were absent.
77.21 Lange and Lovelace motioned to approve the minutes of the meeting held the 16th
of March. (Notation -L. 'Nelson had notified; the Chairman that he would be out of
town for two weeks, which would include the meetings of March 9th and 16th.)
Motion carried.
Park Director S. Michaud introduced Toy Scout Tom Wagner, of the Valley Park
Troop, who is working towards his Eagle Badge. Tom explained a diagram of a 'sign he
proposes to make of the ski trails in Ritter Farm Park. This sign would show the
degree of difficulty of the various trails, their location within the park, and the
length of each--measured in kilometers. The sign would be 8 1 x 8 and he said he
would require sheets of plywood, posts, and paint--at an estimated cost of $,44.00,
based on present -day prices.
S. Michaud suggested that the message of the sign be routed, so it would not
be obliterated by the weather, and there :might be materials remaining from construction
of picnic tables that could be used. In answer to N. Enright' s question of where Tom
would put the sign, Steve suggested the NW side of the parking lot where people gather
to prepare the skiis, etc. The lower right -hand corner of the sign would be changeable
as this is not public land and might not be available year after year.
L. Nelson asked about the diagram, "is that a pretty good explanation of how it
would look"? Tom explained that the top half of the diagram was not public park land
and would not be included on the sign, and that the lower right hand corner of trails
over private land, which might periodically change, would be changeable. Basically,
the sign would show all of the trails through Ritter Farm Park--both ski and 'snowmobile.
J. Lange commented that she "thinks it a good project could see where it would
be helpful". Tom hopes to be awarded the Eagle badge in June, if he is allowed to moti-
vate his idea. Tom's father, who was also present, said Tom would be one of the youngest
Scouts to receive the Eagle award, if he makes it. Torn is in 7th grade.
77.22 Trued motioned "move that we accept, with thanks, the conceptual design for a
sign, designed by Tom Wagner, for Ritter Farm Parke. Nelson 2nd. Motion
The .Park Director's report concerned; rental of hay land at Ritter Farm Park,
vandalism, fishing bridges park grant, CETA program, newsletter, ownership of what is
known at 'present time of Valli* Park's Valley bake, citizen's meeting proposal, Lakeville
385 project and its PUD, charges for park rentals and for softball tournaments, (Listed
in the order of which they were first discussed.)
Vandalism Presentation is still open to interested groups. Steve has made 35
presentations to date. Trued suggested the writing of a follow -`up
letter next fall, establishment of a long -range program, and giving
principals of schools a packet of highlights concerning the program.
Fishing Bride The DNR has taken borings which indicate the plan for a bridge is
feasible at the proposed spot. However, they suggest a change to a
more triangular outline I The materials for making the imposed bridge
are now changed from using all rip rap, to making the center of pit
run and the sides of rip rap. This seems a better plan., both as re-
gards material availability and cost.
Tr_ ees Are now 90% planted.
(1) P R MINUTES h &PRTL 1977
(2) P R MINUTES 6 APRIL 1977
Park Grant Is proceeding through the channels.
CET A Prog ram Applications have been coming in well.
Newsletter Each P R member is asked to bring their article suggestions to the
next meeting. This will bean agenda item.
Valley Lake Definitely belongs to Lakeville. Towards the end of the meeting it
was suggested that P R members bring names for renaming "Valley Lake
This will also be an agenda item for next meeting.
Citizens Meet Park Director would like to plan citizens' meetings at schools, con-
cerning park recreation, with the first meeting at Orchard Lake school.
These meetings would be three -fold; (1) informational, (2) what programs
are available, and (3) what is planned for the future. It was the thought
that Dakota Heights residents would be invited to this meeting, particularly
since their elementary. -age children attend school at Orchard Lake.
Topic of development fund and plans for Dakota Heights will be an agenda
item for next meeting, also.
Park Rental Ater much discussion concerning rental fees and deposits for Aronson and
Antlers Park by non- residential groups, for scheduled events -and a motion
made by Nelson, 2nd by Trued, was withdrawn, the following motion was
made by Trued, seconded by Nelson;
77.23 recommend that "the following guidelines shall prevail for park rentals
of Aronson and Antlers Parks to non- residential groups of $1.00 per
This was in person�with the revisions and notations that have been made to Steve
regards to Michaud, to be typed. "Damage deposit fees will be refunded at the dis
scheduled cretion of the Park Director." Roll call vote resulted in Nelson,
events.) Lange, Lovelace, Trued, and Enright all voting "aye
Motion carried.
77.24 Motion by Lovelace, 2ndby Nelson, "to adopt the guidelines for softball
tournaments established for non-league tournaments, at A ronson Park
including the following fees; 0 to 16 teams, V; 17 to 24 teams, $175;
25 to 32 teams, $200- -and so on, so that each additional bra would
be an additional $25 -33 to 40 teams would thus be $225. Motion carried.
77.25 Motion made by Lovelace, 2nd by Trued was withdrawn upon discussion, and
following motion was made "move that rental fee of Aronson Park for soft-
ball tournaments be established at $50 flat f for any adult City
league team sponsors', by Nelson. Second was by Trued. Roll call
vote resulted in Lange, Lovelace, Trued, Enright,. and Nelson all voting
"aye". Motion carried.
Ritter Farm Discussion' centered upon renting of farm land at Ritter Farm Park. L.
Nelson voiced the objection that this may interfer with events planned
for the park. Parr Director thougitit advisable to keep down noxious
weeds. If the rental isallowed, another stipulation will be that no
machinery can be stored there.
77.2 Trued motioned to "ratify the proposed agreement with Dan Simons for
Ritter farm Park, as prepared by the city attorney, for a period of 6
months. Second was by Lovelace. Motion carried.
Lakeville 385 Map was shown and explained by S. Michaud. This is approximately 70 to
80 acres of, land lying west of Hwy 50 and north of Orchard Trail and
Junelle Path. Action on the proposal will be sometime in the future,
but P R is being made aware of their plan. This should have been
recorded in the minutes following the Citizens' Meeting plans.)
(2) P kR MINUTES 6 .AP RIL 1977
(3) P R HINU TES 6 ;APRIL 1977
Bike Trails Nancy had nothing to report at this time. Steve said that Vple Valley
will not contribute any money at all, but would be willing to cooperate
in any way in acquiring easements, and will work with the school district.
L. Nelson read the letter he had prepared to accompany the annual Report.
The Committee agreed to change the heading on sheet regarding "Policies, etc." to
"Major actions This, with other typed changes in the report, will be submitted to
Council. The revised annual report,..together with the Nelson cover letter, will be
sent to Council.
J gnice Lane announced that a "Litter Week" will be proclaimed in Lakeville.
The Natural Resources Committee would like the P and R Committee to cooperate with them
in this endeavor.
a suggestion was made that members of Natural Resources Committee, Planning
Commission, Council, and others, might be invited to P R spring tour of the City's
parks, with plans and objectives to be outlined to the guts� eryone is to put their
ideas together and bring to the next meeting. C. True v Zun ee ed to outline a program
in this respect, for next meeting.
77.27 Motion to adjourn the meeting by J. Lange and C. Trued. Motion carried. Time;
12 Al
Respectively submitted,
D. Chri stoffers, Secretary mek
(3) P R MINUTES 6 ,APRIL 1977