Members answering roll when Chairperson N. "Enright called the meeting to order,
were: Enright, Trued, Lovelace, Christoffers, and Lange. Members Nelson and Lamont
were absent, but Nelson arrived later in the evening.
N. Enright had attended a meeting with Council and Planning Commission members,
at which time the City, Planner discussed the Metro Systems Statement. She received
a proposed work schedule for the Lakeville planning program from Jan 17th -May 28th.
Included was policy plan and development framework.
77.9 Motion by Trued, second by Lange, to approve the meeting minutes of Jan. 19th.
Motion carried.
77.10 Motion by Lange, second by Trued, to approve the meeting minutes of Feb. 2nd.
Motion carried.
The P R Committee received and reviewed the Council minutes from January 1977.
The Park Director gave his report. There was a brief discussion concerning Mpl.
Birdwatchers who want to use Ritter Farm Park from time to time in the summer.
The necessity of a policy as to how to handle such requests was discussed.
The Woodbridge plat is not ready for park dedication discussion at this time.
An examination was made of Concept Plan #385 for land development between 35W
and Hwy 50, north of Orchard Trail.
There will be a meeting on Regional Trails on March 3rd. S. Michaud may attend.
Mr. Farrell is checking into ownership of Independence Park, Valley Park 8th Addn.
S. Michaud has presented a -talk and slide projection on vandalism at both Orchard
Lake Elementary and All Saints School. Some work has been done at Middle School, i
with talks planned for both the High School and Kennedy School. There'was' interest I
and good reaction expressed from all ages.
A reviewal was made of the Park Dedication Ordinance written by C. Trued and S.
Michaud, with corrections and additions which had been made. Discussion now centered
on determination of "fair market value and establishing a policy to determine same.
Final copy of ordinance will be sent to Committee members for reviewal and will be acted
upon at next meeting.
A suggestion was made by S. Michaud that Bill Larson, president of men's softball
league, attend our meeting and give his ideas for use of Aronson Park.
An annual report for '76 will be sent to Council, along with a letter. Members are
to compile lists of sub committee meetings, etc., which they attended during the year.
77,11 Christoffers motioned to send the recommendation on the policy of flooding
private property /tax delinquent land, as typed immediately below -this sentence.
2nd by Nelson. Motion carried. "The Park Rec Committee recommends that
Council adopt a policy of not flooding private property, nor tax- delinquent land,
for the purpose of creating rinks for pleasure skating, for the following reasons:
1. The City of Lakeville provides adequate park land for the purposes of
establishing pleasure skating facilities. i
2. There would be potential banility for the City.
3. The indefinite status of tax delinquent property ownership might
impair continued use of the property by the City."
77.12 Motion by Nelson -Trued was made to send the Committee members on Bike Trails
a ldtter of commendation. Motion carried. (This letter is to be submitted to
local papers.)
77.13 Motion by Lange and Lovelace to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Future agenda items were briefly discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Dee Christoffers, Secretary mek