8:00 PM
N. .aright, Vice Chairperson, called the meeting to order. Answering roll
were: Enright, Lovelace, Lamont, Lange. Absent were: Nelson, and Trued-- Christoffers
came later in the evening. Meeting was attended by Park Director Steve Michaud.
76.48 Approval of the minutes of the July 7th meeting was a motion made by Lange
Lamont. Motion carried.
Mr. T. Anderson and Mr. B. Carrick, Lakeville J.C.'s, were present with a
building plan proposal for Aronson Park which would contain lavatories, storage area,
and kitchen facilities, and covered picnic area. Materials for their proposal will
cost approximately $12,000, which will be a JC enterprise, and the labor donated.
They were told they would be on the agenda for the next meeting, August 4th, to enable
Committee and Park Director to study plans.
Acknowledgement was made of the receipt of plans for buildings of the JC's.
Fishing areas report of Lakeville lakes was presented by Steve Michaud.
(Orchard Lake area by Nancy Enright.) This report was based on what public lands
were available, what spots were most used, and any land that was for sale adjacent
to these spots where public lands were not available- -also parking facilities for
these areas.
Steve reported that most popular spots for fishing were near Ramberg Pit,
along. Highway 65, and Antlers Park, L.inge's Boat Rental area, along Juno Trail
near the spawning bed, and the area known as "high bank" from Potter's down to Ole's.
Other areas in Ramberg Pit area are not feasible for family fishing, however
twenty yards to the south is land that would be termed 'fishable', if cleared of brush.
This is owned, now, by the City.
At Antlers Park, all areas south of the beach are good for fishing -all land
that the City has purchased can be cleared, but it is recommended to provide a "T"
dock in this area, which will eliminate the fishing from Co. Rd 64 here, and the
desire for peop9eto park on 64. There is some 'fishable' land here, at a`Mtlers Park,
that could be purchased. To the north of the beach there is a lagoon where people do
fish. There is a dead -end road, here, that abuts City park that could be developed
on the lake shore.
Along Juno 'frail there is nothing available.
At Ritter Park it is possible to park in the parking area and walk to the
lake shore and fish.
There are no public lands available on Lakeville -side of Crystal Lake.
At Orchard Lake, N. Enright reported there is no land for sale, except one
small lot, but fishing can be done from Orchard Lake Park. S. Michaud said there is
a 'spot' available at Orchard Lake Beach.
The above material will be co-ordinated by S. Michaud and presented to Council
to comply with their request in their July 6th meeting minutes.
Deputy Water Patrol Al Kraft was'present. He wished to speak for enforcement
adding to ordinance, if necessary safety measures for water skiing. These would be
r "t?RK R.EC C0' ='A=LT .E TEETI TG ""ILLvtTTES 21 JULY 1976 P' GE 2
for the welfare of both the people skiing and others using the lake. He asked that
"anybody that is water skiing on Lake Marion, that as quick as somebody drops a ski,
they shouldn't leave it on open water -but recover it immediately "if they leave
the shoreline with skies, they should come In with skiis immediately bring rope and
pick up the dropped ski
Mr. Kraft further said that Minnetonka has a good ordinance governing this
It was Mr. Kraft's belief, also, that hours for water skiing should be set
from 10 AM to 5 PM -at least no longer than sunset.
Question of airplanes landing on the lakes was discussed. There have been
two incidents recently where planes have landed amongst many boats and people.
Mr. Kraft said "planes have right of way, unless 'no wake' zone is established for
the whole lake, then they cannot land except in complete emergency
Pdting of buoys in the three fishing areas, 150' apart, 200' from shore, was
asked by Mr. Kraft, to establish a 'no wake' zone.
Mr. Kraft thanked the Committee for listening to him and the Committee thanked
him for taking the time to visit and talk to them.
The Park Director furthered his report. He asked if Committee members would
look over budget proposal and see if they have any priorities. Budget will be an
agenda item for next meeting, August 4th.
There will be a change in hours for swimming pools and parking beginning
Saturday, July 24th, because of seasonal drop in usuage. There is a possibility of
using a "punch card" system for swimmers next year.
A presentation of Park Director's salary adjustments was given members. This
had been prepared with the help of Member Trued, who was unable to attend this meeting.
The salary request from the Park Director was accepted by the Committee for further
Revised copies of 'Completed Improvements Statistics' of Parks Dept. was given
to Committee members, and copies of grant received.
Playground equipment has been installed in Lakeville Hills Park located on
L 167th St. Residents would like to call their park "Lone Oak Park
76.49 Motion by Lamont that "park on Lower 167th St., previously known by that name,
be named 'Lone Oak Park' Christoffers 2nd. Motion carried.
S. Michaud showed plan of Dick Sullivan's for developing approximately 3 acres
of land, first of all, with 40 acres at some future time, further west. This is the
area directly west of the dirt road immediately west of Clay's Acres. This plan is
just in a beginning discussion stage at this point. Committee reaction was that if
only a few lots were to be developed along the dirt road, as a starting point, then
money could be kept in escrow for park development when remaining forty acres is to
be developed.
Four concept plans for development at Antlers Park, prepared by Midwest Planners,
were shown and explained by S. Michaud. The plans were impressive. Need for more
trailer parking than what had been provided was voiced by Steve. The Davis property
which had recently been purchased, is a possibility for more parallel parking, also
strip of land on east could be purchased, with the idea of developing Elm Avenue and
possibility of closing Indra t -day.
P Re R �)T T„1 -1 074
A meeting for working on park dedication formula was disussed. The meeting
is to be at 7:00 P.M. August 11th- -which is a month from today. Committee members
are asked to please do their 'homework' in preparation for this meeting.
Sub- committee on Bike Trails will be'meeting at 7:00 P.M. on July 27th.
D. Christoffers reported that the new tennis courts at Middle School are in
use. The sodding on the one side is good, but there has already been some erosion
on the north side because no sod has been laid there. A picture of opening the new
courts is suggested. S. Michaud stated he would be meeting with officials tomorrow
about the tennis courts.
N. Enright suggested that members come with some ideas of the things the
Committee should be directing their attention to, such as a possible work chart of
what to do each month, so many meetings to developing park plan, etc. By the end
of August, policies and ordinances completed for budgeting items, was a recommendation
by Steve. The meeting of August 18th will be on budgeting.
76.50 Motion to adjourn,at 10:15 PM, by Lamont Christoffers. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Lange, Secretary mek