Following a tour of proposed Cedar Highlands development of property located ,just
south of Valley Park, the regular meeting of Park Rec Committee began at 8:00 P.M.,
with Vice Chairperson N. Enright calling the meeting to order. Answering roll call were:
Enright, Lamont, Trued, and Christoffers. Lange, Lovelace, Nelson were absent--but Lange
and Nelson arrived within a few minutes and Nelson chaired the meeting from that time.
76.31 Motion by Trued- Lamont to approve the minutes of the May 19th meeting. Motion
4 carried.
S. Michaud began his Park Director's report. It contained information on:
(1) fishing bridge, (2) City -owned beaches and pools, (3) recreation programs for the
summer, (4) oiling of roa (5) Ray Skelton proposal for a County -owned park, Lac La
Lon, (6) land trade and proposal at Ritter Farm Park with the Ramberg's, (7) an up
coming MRPA tour, (8) sheriff patrolling City lakes enforcing zoning program, (9) cost
of land at possible Orchard Lake softball site near Sea Girt Inn, (10) park dedication
to be expected at Cedar H.ghlands, cash or land, or both, (11) status of budget, (12)
policy manuals and procedures for Lakeville, and (13) report on Antlers Park/downtown
bike trail progress, (14) installation of playground equipment in Lakeville Hills.
76.32 Motion by Trued- Christoffers to approve the purchase and installation of a radio
for Steve Mi.chaud's car in the amount of $800. Motion carried.
76.33 Motion by Trued- Lamont "that we go on record as favoring proposal of Mr. Ray
Skelton and that we recommend to the City Council of Lakeville that they endorse
concept of proposed County acquisition of Lac La Lon as an addition to regional
open space park system. Voting nay were: Nelson, Enright, and Lange voting "yes"
were Lamont and Trued. Motion failed Reasons for voting "nay" were: "I would
dike to have more information on the ultimate impact on development and respective
Cities" shares and "cannot vote without analysis on costs
76.3+ Motion by Lamont, 2nd by Nelson, that "we recommend to Council that, in our opinion
the pnposed Ritter Farm land trade, adjacent to Ritter Farm Park, is not acceptable
to the Park and Recreation Committee. Motion carried. (This proposal has basicall;
been reviewed by this Committee, and we d* not see much material benefit here.)
Concerning the installation of playground equipment in Lakeville Hills at this time.
a letter from PW Director Robinette was read in which he recommended not intalling it
until after W/S has been made, completion date August 15th, because of the children in
the area being drawn to the construction site and the safety factor involved.
7 Motion by Trued -Lange regarding future park donations: "we should have a minimum
of ten acres for park land, possibly twelve acres, if the land within the area of
is for park improvements -in Cedar Highlands would ask a site described as lots 1
through 20 in the vicinity of the wooded area of the proposed streets, as shown on
attached portion of plat. Motion carried. The developer of Cedar
Highlands is to be asked to attend P R meeting on J une 16t to discuss his propos;
On Wednesday, June 30th, there will be a special work session for the P R members an,
Park Direc 8 PM. This will deal with reviewing policies for park dedication, and 1"
Ii.chaud.will make a list of what should be included in surveys' policy manual; L. Nelson
will bring guide lines.
C. Trued gave a progress report on bike trail plans, Valley Park Tom Thumb Store, a
north. One landowner is quite unhappy as work has begun on new school without proper
papers being signed. N. Enright will write letter concerning bike trails in Antlers Park
area. 76.36 Motion to adjourn Nelson Enright. Time 11:25 PM. J. Lange, See. mek