At 6:00 P14 members of P R Committee, Park Director Michaud, and representa-
tive from Dakota County Tribune, met at the Municipal Building to make a tour of
Lakeville's City Parks, in the school van.
The tour began with the five parks in the "Old Village", proceeded on to
Antlers Park, Lakeridge Addition and Bassett's Addition, and Ritter Farm Park.
At Ritter Farm Park the sightseers viewed the work high school students had done
during Interim Week, when they had torn down an old building, etc. At Orchard
Lake, the park, the beach, and Wayside Park were seen, and possible site for a
ballfield for the children at what has been known as Hrkal-Weisner Additions.
Lakeville Hills was toured next, and a ball game was in process at Oak
Shores Park. In Valley Park, the lake on the north side of the development was
viewed, Parkview Park, Bunker Hill Park, and Fairfield Park--with special note
being made of the Swimming Pools. Woodbury Addition was next on the schedule,
then the parks in Dakota Heights.
The tour ended at Aronson Park, where several games of softball were
in progress, and the flagpole and its setting were viewed with interest. The
tour was right on time, ending at 8:15 PM.
At 8:25 PY Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order, the meeting taking
place in Council Chambers. Answering roll were: Nelson, Trued, Enright, Lange,--
Christoffers came at 8:40 PM. Lamont and Lovelace were absent.
Reading of minutes will be deferred until next meeting.
There was a discussion on attendance, and chairman will contact members.
S. Michaud began his Park Director's report. It consisted of, (1) plat
procedure. The plat will go first to City Administrator, then staff meeting;
staff will take plats to respective committees, P R first, then to Planning.
From this point, plat will go to Council. (2) Valley Park Pools' fees:
family membership $25-00, and single membership $10.00, single entry will be
student, 250, adult, 500, and family, $1.00. There are approximately 200 families.
(3) a walkway from pavilion to bathrooms is being discussed, (4) lake zoning has been
finalized, (5) storage of hockey equipment will take place providing there is room,
(5) tennis courts are proceeding well.
Golden Leaf Forest plat development was discussed. It was the suggestion of
both S. Michaud and L. Nelson that cash contribution be accepted as park contribution.
76.25 Motion by Christoffers-Enright to recommend using the formula for a
cash contribution of $3,000 for park donation at Golden Leaf Forest.
Upon discussion, it seemed to be Committee opinion that formula used previously
is not not adequate. It was thought that this could be rectified by "amendment by
substitution". Motion No. 76.25 was withdrawn, and motion No. 76.26 made:
76.26 Motion by Trued-Enright, "whereas our formula does not meet the needs
for requiring cash contributions for the Golden Leaf Forest Plat, and
whereas the maximum potential of Golden Leaf Forest far exceeds present
plans, we therefore recommend a cash contribution of $'3,000 be made in
lieu of park land contribution. "Aye"= Nelson, Trued, Enright, Lange,
Christoffers. Motion carried. (Nelson spoke of his vote as being a
'qualified' "aye".)
P R minutes 5/5/76
P R meeting minutes (2) 5/5/76
Pastor Trued gave a report on bike trails especially as concerns travel
from Valley Park, north, to Apple Valley. This is where the largest concentration
of travel is in this area. Marge Penner and S. Morette are two citizens who have
been working on these plans. There is to be a new school on 160th Street and Cedar
Avenue, and this will tend to accelerate planning, more than likely.
76.27 Motion to adjourn the meeting by Trued Enright. (Time- -10 :20 PM)
Motion carried- -all voting "aye
Respectfully submitted,
Jenice Lange, Secretary mek