There was not a quorum when Secretary Jenice Lange called the meeting to
*order at 7;30 P.M. Answering roll were- -Lange, Christoffers, and Lamont; Nelson, Enright,
Trued, and Lovelace were not present.
The Council meeting minutes of February l7th were reviewed. Valley Park
swimming pools' ownership was discussed. Nothing more is forthcoming at this time.
Alan Alich was presented by Park Director S. Michaud. Alan has a plan for
planting seedling trees in Ritter Farm Park. He has studied the area and has taken soil
samples of various types found there to determine which kind of tree would grow the best
in all corners of the park.
Park Director spoke saying that the tenant farmer here is no longer going to
farm. He is owing the City a sum of money and it is proposed that the farmer plant
oats as a nurse crop for grass. When the oats is cut, the grass will flourish.
Through FFA program, Alan is obtaining 1,500 seedlings of seven tree varieties.
Scott Kraft accompanied Alan at this meeting. A one -sheet report, calld "Artificial
Reforestration" was presented to Park Rec Committee. It lists purpose, the volunteer
workers, and requests of the City to make this urk possible. A copy is on file with
these minutes.
Park Director gave his Report. He told of; (1) a new edging for tennis courts
that may be considered. Curbing that has been done in the past is quite expensive, (1)
a MRPA seminar on trails will be conducted at the U of M, St. Paul Campus, March 11th.
•S. Michaud is going and would like two or three others to accompany him, possibly N. Enright
J. Lange, as they are on trails sub- committee. The cost is $7 each, (3) women's soft-
bail league has been meeting. There are five teams at present, with possiblity of a sixth.
They are requesting the use of two fields, (4) warming houses closed the 25th of Feb.,
because of the warm weather. It has been a very successful season this year. Steve is
in the process of preparing a detailed evaluation, and (5) a report was made on playground/
bleacher equipment quotes. It is possible to get what was needed in two of the categories
needed, at a lesser figure, but permission ana recommendation is asked to obtain oleachers
at a $40- increased figure.
At 8 :15 P.M. Howard Lovelace, who had been at another meeting, arrived. This
making a quorum, Lange called the meeting to oraer, officially.
'(d.10 Motion by Lamont- Christoffers to recommend that approval be given for the expen-
diture of an additional $40 to the budgeted items previously recommended, to
adjust the figure $2,886 upward to $2926. This will allow the purchase of larger
bleachers for Valley Park and double the capacity of portable oieacher space
available to the City. Voting "aye" were Lange, Christoffers, Lamont, and
Lovelace. Motion carried.
76.11 Motion by Lamont-Christoffers to recommend approval of the concept of artificial
reforestration proposed by plan Alich. It would use vianteer help and City
equipment to plant 1,500 seedlings of seven varieties in predetermined sites in
Ritter Farm Park. Voting "aye" were Lange, Christoffers, Lamont, and Lovelace.
Motion carried.
J. Lamont wished to commend Alan Alien, and the other volunteers, for their
S tork done in preparation for the reforestration ro'ect. l other m
P J All P R sabers Joined him.
76.12 Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held Feb. lath was made by Lamont-
Christoffers. Motion carried.
(l) P R Minutes 3/3/76
S. Michaud spoke or the commendable work being done by the Bike Trails
0 Committee. They have done: (.L) a conceptual map for the entire City, (2) a plan for
contacting the land owners to get needed easements, etc., C3) on the agenaas "for the
Planning Commission and Council to discuss their material with them. A time -table has
been worked out so that the trails may be begun as soon as possible, if approved. The
next trail meeting is March 23rd.
Vandalism of small trees at Parkview Park was reported. They have been broken
in h"f. An insurance claim has been filed in the amount of $*100.
A written report of summer projects to oe developed was presented and is on
file with these minutes.
M. Klotz said that there were seven dwellings in Jackson Heights 2nd ,Addition
at this time, according to the riles in the Building Inspector's office.
The Committee and the Park Director desire a report on the status of the fishing
bridge, so that formal proceedings can be begun.
Chr.stofters asked that the Tennis Club be put on the agenda for the next
meeting, March 17th.
It was determined that 7s3v Fig[ would again be the starting time of the meeting
March 1`(th.
J. Lamont will contact the LAA and find out their needs for the coming season.
(6.13 Motion to adjourn the meeting by Christotters- Lamont, at 9 Y.M. Motion
Respectfuily submitted,
Jenice Lange, Secretary mek,