Meeting was called to order at 8:10 PM, with sufficient quorum, consisting
of Chairman L. Nelson, N. Enright, J. Lange, and Rev. Trued. (Lamont arrived from a
prior commitment" at 9 P.M.-- Christoffers and Lovelace were absent.)
76.6 Trued- Enright made motion to accept the minutes of the January 28th meeting.
Motion carried.
The February 2nd Council meeting minutes were reviewed. It was noted th t an
ice skating rink should be established at the Orchard Lake School. Because of the
unseasonable warm weather, Director Michaud said it would be done next season and will
be located between the two softball fields.
Chairman Nelson, and several board members, complimented S. Michaud on the
good job he had done at the hosting of the Dakota Co. Municipal Parks Assn tour of
Minnreg and Ritter ski trails and presentation of how these trails had been made,
last January 31st. A list of those attending this tour is attached to these minutes.
Park Director Michaud began his report:
(1) 3 reports re Valley Park swim pools were circulated to members.
(These are labeled I, II, and III and are filed with these minutes.)
(2) Report on his recommendation for 1976 Development Fund also circulated.
(On file with these minutes.)
(3) In going over priorities for parks, Lamont suggested that horseshoe
pits at Antlers Park be made standard size and renovated, plus the
addition of a tetherball set.
Chairman Nelson made the recommendation to accept the series of reports
presented to P R Committee by S. Michaud.
(4) A diagram of what seemed a good plan for developing Bassett's Addn
Park was drawn on the board by Michaud.
(5) Request was made for approval and concurrence from P R members
for purchasing equipment and materials for Lakeville's parks, at
present time, as follows:
76.7 Motion by Trued, 2nd by Lamont that the P R Committee <does concur with
the P R Director's recommendation for 1976 Development Fund, for purchases
in the amount of *$4,569.00, for equipment, bleachers, and wood products,
and so advises the City Administrator. Voting "aye were Nelson, Lamont,
Enright, Lange, Trued. Motion carried.
*Equipment, etc., as designated for named parks, Motion #76.7, is:
Fairfield Park -1 Buckabout, 2 Saddlemates, 1 -6' slide; Antlers Park Saddlemates,
1 -6' slide, 1 Eagle's perch, Bike racks, 2 benches, and $300 of game equipment S.
Michaud has planned; Kenreel Park -2 fire grates. Amount $2,886.00
Bunker Hill Park. Dodd Trail Park. and Aronson Park bleachers Amount 930,00
Bunker Hill Park and Lakeside Park, material for batterboards picnic tables 753.00
Grand total of equipment, bleachers, and wood materials, as listed on Page 1, is
M. Klotz is directed to obtain the complete information on park designation
status for Krause's developments.
D. Christoffers has sent the information that she has nothing to recommend
for parks' priority at tis time.
N. Enright gave an extensive report on what the sub committee has done so
far on planning for bike trails. Park Director Michaud has helped this committee
extensively, All members are working on copies of Lakeville maps now, drawing what
each considers priority greatest- -most believe trail from downtown Lakeville to
Antlers Park should take precedence. Next meeting of this committee is scheduled for
Thurs. eve, Feb. 26th, 7 P.M.
L. Nelsons gave a report on his meeting with Midwest Planners. First priority
r4ting should be given to implementation of Capital Improvements Program primarily
major development of 20 -acre site in Orchard Lake area. The number one priority
was stressed, the development of comprehensive plan for the parks.
The election of officers was
76.8 Trued- Enright made motion, "move that the encumbents be elected to their
respective offices for 1976. Motion carried -all present members voting "aye
(This results in Chairman- -Len Nelson, Vice- Chairman- -N. Enright, and
Secretary-- Jenice Lange.)
76.9 Motion to adjourn the meeting came at 11 PM, by Lamont- Nelson. Motion carried,
NOTE The next meeting of the P R Committee will be March rd at 730 P.M.
(Please note time change.)
Respectfully submitted,
J. Lange, Secretary