Meeting was called to order at 8 FM by Chairman Len Nelson; answering roll
were Nelson, Lange, Enright, Lovelace Christoffers came at 8 :10 FM, and Trued
at 8 :20 FM Lamont was absent.
Mr. Pat McGarvey was introduced to the Committee by L. Nelson. The Administra-
tor them explained a report sheet for P R, which he plans on a monthly basis.
P`& R budget is a $197,000 figure -this does not include.bonding -if that were
included the figure would be $210,000. The last sheet of this report, which would
be 'maintenance$, is being pepared, and will be ready next time.
*137.Correction in the Oct. 29th minutes--in motion #135, insert word 'director',
two times. Enright- Christoffers then motioned that these minutes be approved.
Motion carried.
Park Director Michaud presented his report. Items were tennis courts; at Valley
Park are on park dedicated land; security light for Ritter Farm Park would cost $100
and operate on $7- monthly charge; MICA is asking to use Orchard Lake bathing beach
next season for their 100 1150 people who will be udmg the Huddleston Lay Camp. They
offer to come at S. Michaud's setting of time at non -peak hours, and will furnish
their own lifeguards desire one hour per day, Monday 'through Friday;, warming house
attendants have been hired for the ice skating rinks, and Rev. Trued has a list of
people who will act in a chaperon capacity at Valley Park; salary negotiations are
underway; many ideas came back with Steve from the Minnesota State Parks conference
which was held Dec. 3 -4 -5; meeting of those interested in a broomball league had
been held evening before and there are 4 teams for are, with a possibility of 2 more.
Christoffers reported she had been asked to suggest a couples' league; and bleachers
have been purchased to be placed in Aronson Park, with three sets of two each to be
placed at ballfields within that park. (question was raised by N. ,Enright about
ascertaining who is liable for accidents, if any, at Orchard bake Beach, if used
by the YMCA, as they plan. It was the thought to check with the Administrator on
this question. It was also brought up that the Committee would like to commend
the Park Director, S. Michaud, on his work in Lakeville the past lz years, and
support his salary -raise application.)
Christoffers reported that time for promoting tennis courts at Middle School,`
in conjunction with the Public Schools, was opportune.
*138 Motion by Christoffers -Trued to recommend to Council that ,.they.cont ueuw;:th
plans of possible joint construction with Lakeville Schools of tennis courts
at Middle School, as time is an important factor. Motion carried.
Christoffers will be P R's representative to Council at their meeting on
Dec. 15th.
C. Trued reported that interest in pleasure skating rink at Dodd Trail Park
is being polled by neighborhood letter. He will notify S. Michaud of the results
of the poll.
A check in the amount of ,$35.11, made in favor of the City of Lakeville, had
been received by Chairman Nelson, and a letter explaining that this was fund re-
mining in Marianne Curry Volunteer Election Fund, and was asked that the money be
s used for something in litter Farm Park.
*139 Motion by Nelson Enright that checx amounting to $35.11, contribution, has
been received from the Curry for Council Volunteer Committee, and is acknow-
ledged with thanks; in accordance with their request, recommend that this money
be applied to materials for signs in Ritter Farm Park.' Motion carried.
(1) P R 12/10/75
S. Michaud offered to plan "package deal" for members of Dakota Co. Municipal
Parks Commission who have expressed an interest in touring ski 'trails in Ritter
Farm. Park. Possible date of January 24th was discussed.
*140 Motion was made by Enright to recommend to Council that they re- appoint Rev.
Co Trued and Jason Lamont. as members of Park Recreation Committee, as their
terms are expiring. Lange seconded. Motion carried.
There will be no meeting of Park Rec Committee Christmas Eve, the evening of
Dec. 24th. The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 14th, 8 PM, at the Airlake
Municipal Building.
Motion was made, seconded, carried, to adjourn the meeting at 11;20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenice Lange, Secretary mek