Following an tbn site" tour of proposed park designation of Dakota Hgts.
7th Addition, which began at 7 :15 PM, Chairman L. Nelson called the meeting to
order at 8 :45 P.M. Nelson, Enright, Lovelace, Lange, and Trued were in attendance.
Lamont and Christoffers, absent. Present on the tour were PW Director Robinette
and Park and Rea Director Michaud. Mr. Michaud also attended the meeting.
The correction of the May 28th minutes was Motion No. 95 was made by L. Nelson.
Enright, Nelson motioned to approve the minutes of the June llth meeting. Motion
There was a reviewal of Council meeting minutes of June 9th, 16th, 23rd
and also the joint meeting of Committees and Council with Planner, Engineer,
Attorney, and Administrator, held on the 23rd.
In connection with the June, 9th Council meeting minutes, Director Michaud
wishes to make the statement that at the time he is quoted in these June 9th
minutes, he was not aware that Dakota Heights 7th Addition was being split into
two pieces, also he did not know about the multiple housing at this time, nor
know of the development phases.
Mr. Wm. Sime, developer of proposed Parkside Plan of Housing for the Elderly,
was present. He said that he would enter into an agreement with the City to cut
weeds and grass (on the triangular piece of land containing 1 -plus acre across
the wet area from the proposed building. This is what is proposed to be suitable
for gardens, or whatever, for the residents), for a period of 10 years.
107. Recommend to Council to accept the proposed land for park designation
as specified by the developer of Parkside Plat, with the stipulation
that the maintainance be done by the developer for ten years after the
first occupancy; motion by Earight- Trued. Voting %ye" were, Nelson,
baright, and Trued, voting "nay's were Lange and Lovelace. Motion to
accept proposed land carried.
Reasons for voting "nay Lange- -felt the drainage ditch running
through this area would be a problem, and Lovelace would rather have
the park consideration be money.
Park and Rea Director Steve Michaud gave his report on Lots 14 and 15,
Forest Hills! lights that are needed in toilet facilities at Antlers Parks Director
and Committee should begin work on next year's budget; the present budget allocations
should be dealt withl report on concession, parking, activities, etc., at Antlers
Park*, recommended equipment for Jackson Heights Park from Playtime catalog, and as
many benches as money allotment will allow; the fishing bridge at 35W and Old No.
654 application for LAWCON funds for Lakeville.
FOREST HILLS residents have been calling wanting to know when these
lots will be cleaned and developed; also wishes the City to buy and plant trees,
preferring Poplar. They have enquired when next Council meeting was and have
been told it was July 7th.
108. Nelson made motion, wondering if it was necessary to make the motion,
that the authorization be given the P R Director to pursue the matter
of installing and wiring electric lighting in toilet facilities at
Antlers Park. Enright 2nd. "Aye Nelson, Enright, Lovelace, Trued,
Lange. Motion carried. (l) 6/25/75
WORK ON NEW BUDGET Chairman Nelson asked that in the matter of working
on the upcoming budget, it would be helpful if the Administrator would give the
P R Committee some background on budget determinations.
ALLOCATED MONIES- -for the year of 1975• (See `Motion #112)
REPORT ON ANTLERS PARK -even in this short period of little more than
one week, the attendance at the park has been equal to last yearls, despite the
cold, wet weather. There has been one teen dance which was successful in terms
of attendance and enjoyment. The parking fees in this shorn period of time have
come to almost $265. Both Lake Marion and Orchard Lake have had copper sulphate
treatment. Comments from people using the park at Antlers are very favorable-
Antlers Park looks better than ever before, etc. The concessionaire reports
doing ,a good business. There are about ten CE'TA employees now working.
plans for equipment Plan A was for a set of 4 'swings, heavy duty) and an
Eagle's Perch, and an 8 -ft. slide, for the price of $1,217. Plan B was for
a couple of Middle Ards to cost $837. The cost of park benches is $75 each.
It was suggested that Plan A was more desirable, and substitute the Eagle's Perch
for a Middle Arch, plus as many park benches as can be bought and stay within the
FISHING BRIDGE AT 35W and HWr 65.- almost ready to go. Report has been
received from State of Mn. which determines what is expected of City of Lakeville
in this project. There are still legalities that require settlement.
LAWCON FUNDING .Land and Water Conservation funds can be applied for.
A meeting concerning this, LNR level, will be held July 2nd. Both S. Michaud and
L. Nelson plan to attend. The application for this money has to be made before
July 38th. Mentioned as possiblities for use of these funds were a trail system
for Ritter Farm Park to be developed, hiking trails, bike trails to link the
schools, etc., to make it definitely a development program whatever is chosen.
It may be that a preferred and an alternate program should both be made.
#109 Motion by Nelson that Park Recreation Director should pursue the
application for LAWCON funds for Item No. ,5, Ritter Farm Park, of
Comprehensive Improvement Program of 1975, for trail improvement and
development, parking, road work, and building construction, in the
amount of $10,000. Enright 2nd. "Aye" Nelson,' Enright, Lovelace,
Trued, Lange motion carried.
When asked about' condition of ballfields at LHS, Park Rea Director
said that he had spoken to- Community- School Coordinator and that these fields
are dragged occasionally, the school has no money for this purpose., PW Director
said, when asked, that he has no authority to do it. It was reported that the
fields have had some attention recently.
#110 Motion by Trued to recommend to Council that J. Robinette be authorized
to negotiate with Mr. B. Berres, to have the land that Mr. Berres rents
adjacent to Aronson Park, plowed and disced, for seeding; purposes this
Fall. 1hright 2nd. "Aye's, Nelson, Enright, Lovelace, Trued, Lane.
Motion carried.
The plan of "fill" that PW Director wishes an endorsement, from P A- R
Committee,, will be discussed next meeting, July 9th',
Director Michaud is asked to see what can be done on a cooperative basis
between. Lakeville and Apple Valley to get plans started for a bike trail between
each, with an idea of putting this in our budget. (2) 6/25/75
111. Motion ,by Trued to recommend to Council that they provide chemical
Satellite facilities, one at Parkview Park, and one at Ritter` Farm Park.
2nd by Lovelace. 'Aye Nelson, Enright, Lovelace, Trued, Lange.
Motion carried.
Motion on implementing 1975 budget funds was begun by Earight, then
rescinded in favor of motion by Nelson which appears at f112.
112. Motion by Nelson to authorize Director Steve Michaud to implement the
following budgeted items: (a) Item 54, No. 2, drinking fountains at
Antlers Park, (b) Item 54, No. 4, backstop at`Ba.ssett's Addition,
.(c) Item 54, No. 6, drinking fountain at Bunker Hill Park, (d) Item
54, No. 7, purchase of 6 -ft slide for Fairfield Park, (e) Item 54 No. 3,
in lieu of playground equipment listed for Aronson Park, substitute
"bleachers for Aronson Park. Enright 2nd. "Aye", Nelson, Diright,
Lovelace, Trued, Lange. Motion carried.
Updated report was given by C. Trued concerning cooperative effort of snowmobile
groups and cross- country ski groups, to work out a trails system agreeable to both.
An investigation of an alternative route, instead of Ritter Farm Park, is being
investigated, for snowmobilers. This will go around orchard Lake, west of new
Murphy Hanrehan Park. Use of non Lakeville residents of the trails is a foreseen
problem, once again. Snowmobile groups are asking to be allowed to cross the
ski trail at right angles, in one spot. Their 1st choice would be Honeywell, 2nd
choice, 35W» -for this crossing. The next meeting to try to arrive at a cooperative
plan will be July 22nd.
113. Nbereas changes in the plans for Dakota Heights 7th Addition have been
proposed since the plans were presented to the P A Committee, and
whereas the P R Committee made an on -site inspection of the Dakota Hgts.
7th Addition and found the area which was designated for park use to be
unsatisfactory, we move,therefore, that the Council ask the Developer
and the Planner, to meet, review, discuss, and suggest alternatives with
the P R Committee, before Council approves plans for park land use.
Trued- Nelson made motion. "Aye Nelson, fright, Lovelace, Trued, Lange.
Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Nelson Enright. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Lange, Secretary mek
Chairman Nelson is unable to attend July 7th Council meeting. Lovelace and
Enright will attend,
There may be a tour of boat launch sites before next meeting -time and place
will be announced.