MAY 14, 1975 TUESDAY
Meeting was called to order at 8 P M by Chairman L. Nelson, with all members
present and answering roll. Park Director Steve Michaud was also present.
In the minutes of the meeting held April 23rd, there are two changes to be
made: (1) No. 87, the hours should read, 12 N to 8 FM, and (2) No. 91, Dee
Christoffers did not vote "nay" to ice area proposal. With these changes, Trued
Lange moved and seconded approval of April 23rd minutes. Motion carried.
Council minutes of Apr. 21st and May 5th were reviewed.
#92 Trued made motion, "Park Director be appointed as liason to meeting concerning
Dakota Heights 7th Addition. This meeting will be the second meeting in ,Tune."
Lamont seconded, and following phrase added: "if it affects park dedication
Motion carried.
Mr. Toga Smith, one of Lakeville's cross country ski -era, presented a report
and request, concerning ski trails here. There were three points he wished to bring
forth: the need for more ski trails, protection for present ski trail, and more youth
participation in the ski program.
On a map of Lakeville he had prepared, Mr. Smith pointed out the proposed
and present cross- country ski area, which he had highlighted in yellow. This area
is 3 ssq miles in area and comprises Ritter Farm Park and Honeywell Club- -which will
be the center of a proposed cross- country ski program for Lakeville.
The present ski trail is 5 kilometers -and Mr. Smith expressed the need for
at least two more, longer trails. "A fair distribution of land" for ski interests,
as well as other interests is Mr. Smith's plea. He also read to the Committee
approximately six illustrious "ski" enthusiasts and instructors who live nearby and
will help in this program.
#92 Trued Lamont motioned "proposal submitted by Lakeville Ski Touring Club be
endorsed in principle and that the Chairman appoint a member of our Committee,
or a sub committee of members, to call a meeting with and to meet with represen-
tatives of the LSTC, with the snowmobiling groups, and work out problems of
overlapping trails -then report to our next meeting. Also that a plan be
presented at our next meeting to cover expenses of converting existing buildings
on Ritter Farm Park to meet the needs of the LSTC." Motion carried.
The people appointed and volunteered for Item #92 were Park Director Michaud,
D. Christoffers, C. Trued, and Mrs. L. Hammer. They, in turn,are to ask three or
four representatives form each of the interested groups. They are asked to meet and
bring information to the next P R meeting, May 28th.
S. Michaud presented his Park Director's reports
A. Zoning map for Lake Marion has been sent to INR.
B. There has been a request for a swing set to be placed in Hershey Park.
D. Christoffers, who is the P R member assigned to Hershey Park, will look
into this and report at next meeting -also consider the possibility of placing
on the 1976 budget.
C. In matters at Antlers Park, Director recommends that concessionaire of last
year be given another year's contract. When concession "shack" is updated,
he recommends inexpensive, smooth, washable -type walls, sanitary sinks, and
there is a hot -water heater already on the grounds which can be used.
D. He recommends that revenue sharing funds for 1976 can be used for operating
expenses of City parks.
E. Because of lack of time to now get a parking lot ready fencing, etc.- -and
because Public Works is now getting ball fields ready for this season, S.
Michaud recommends cancellation of parking fees at Antlers Park. (He has
written a memo to Council concerning this.)
F. Copies of program Burnsville is using to tax industrial developments were
handed to members by S. Michaud from Administrator Hogan. Members are asked
to study and discuss at next meeting with question in mind, '"does Lakeville
want to initiate this type of program, too
G. Due to wetness, one of the fields at Aronson Park will not be able to be
developed at present time. They will try to develop one of the others which
had been scheduled for developing at a later date. Concern about parking
of spectators who are not able to walk the far distance to men's fields was
expressed. Michaud is trying to find a solution which will not mean a road
or thoroughfare through north -south direction of park. Traffic through the
park is not desireable.
H. Question about Director's fund was raised. If an event is held where a
profit results, it is wished that this money would be put into a fund to
further develop the parks.
Member D. Christoffers reported on boat access at Lake Marion. Because it
was felt that this needed legality, she had contacted City Attorney P. Farrell and
asked that he mail her an opinion about closing this particular access. Descrip-
tion of this access is "platted road that ends in the lake" and is undesireable
because of the amount of trash and debris left here by the public. The question
was raised as to what has been designated as public accesses at Lake Marion? A
member of the audience, Mr. Wally Potter, volunteered to ask DNR for infoxYmation
on designated boat accesses at Lake Marion, as he has other business there also.
#93 Concerning revenue sharing which is on Council's upcoming agenda, Lamont
made motion "recommend that the Council appropriate the estimated $48,488,
revenue sharing money, to the Park Recreation budget to replenish a portion
of the approximately $70,648 which had been expended from P R budget for
payment of park land acquisition. We request these funds because such land
acquisition monies were not previously included in our annual budget."
Christoffers seconded. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 P.M. by Christoffers- Lamont. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Jenice Lange, Secretary mek