The meeting was called to order by Chairman L. Nelson. Members in attendance during
the meeting were Nelson, Lange, Christoffers, Lovelace, and Trued--Enright and Lamont
were absent. Park Director Steve Michaud was also present.
Motion to approve April 9th minutes was made by Trued, 2nd by Lange. Motion carried.
Council meeting minutes of April 14th were reviewed; L. Nelson said that names suggested
for Valley Park parks were approved at the April 21st Council meeting.
Park Director Michaud made his report: 1. recommends that small "green" building at
Antlers Park be razed, 2. $872 is the probable figure for ski trail park grant for
Ritter Farm Park, 3. review of operational aspects d' Antlers Park,
a. hours for beaches be 12 N to 8 P.M., and b. lifeguard salaries
shall be $210 to $260 per month, c. it would take sizeable amount of
money to bring food concession building up to State standards; non-
poreous floor, walls that can be cleaned readily, sinks, hot and cold
running water, etc.,d. a fee schedule for picnics should be set up,
and, e. what should be charged for parking.
Agroup of between 15 and 20 people were present at this meeting. Mr. Wally Jepson
said regarding parking, "there are three different areas to park with people going
in or out--people will just be swapping parking lots--too much for one attendant."
Mr. Wally POtter wants residents to have first priority in the use of the park.
J.Williamsonstated that "there should be a fee of some kind, perhaps concentrate on
week-ends. Consider boat-launching fee?" J. Doerfler, "fishes lots of lakes in
State and you can not charge for public access"/ This was generally agreed.
D. Christoffers was asked by L. Nelson to look into matter of closing north access,
in view that there are other public access on Lake Marion--do some checking on this
and bring results to next meeting.
#87 Nelson made motion to recommend adoption of program for Antlers Park for 1975
season as recommended by S. Michaud in report dated April 11th, with these
changes: 1. beach hours changed from 12 N to 8 P.M., 2. limit of 400 on
use of picnic grouncb for large groups, and 3. Fee Schedule--(for companies)
10 to 50 people 51 to 100 people $30; 101 to 200 people $60, and
201 to 400 people $100. Christoffers seconded.
A. Upon discussion, Howard Lovelace made motion to amend #87 to read "any reser-
vation use of the Antlers Park Pavilion shall be set at $25. Trued 2nd.
Motion on this admendment carried.
B. Second admendment to #87 was proposed by Lovelace: "parking fees as proposed
in Antlers Park report be charged for seven days per week." Trued seconded.
(These are: Non-resident seasonal parking $10.00
Daily non resident parking, ea.car 1.00
Resident parking, sticker, season
pass 500)
This admendment motion carried.
Original motion, Item #87, was voted upon and carried unanimously.
Suggested for lake zoning for Lake Marion, which had teen tabled at last meeting
was re-opened at this point. Mr. Joe Williamson and Mr. Gordon Lane, both
residents in Bassett's Addition were present and stated their feelings on speeds,
times, and control patterns.
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Mr. Williamson agreed that controls are necessary but wished to be able to pick up
and leave off a skiier from his shoreline and was worried about counterclockwise
proposal allowing this. He was reassured. Mr. Lane wondered about an angle approach.
Mr. J. Doerfler, whose brother is a water safety warden, said that visits to areas
lakes are all logged ahead of time for his brother -in response to voiced complaints
about when and how long these lake visits were.
Large portion of audience, representing four snowmobile clubs in Lakeville area,
who had prepared a map, (as asked of Mr. J. Doerfler at an earlier meeting), presented
and explained their map at this time. (The map is now filed in P R drawer file
Municipal Hall.) This map pretty well criscrosses this area running north and south
from Apple Valley to Elko, and east and west from Orchard Lake to Castle Rock and
Mr. Doerfler expressed the concern that if action was not taken to substantiate these
trails soon, that Lakeville might well be without any marked, sanctioned snowmobile
trails. He further explained that the trails they use are granted each year by the
property owners; that all these snowmobile clubs are working together to get an
established system of trails and these trails will be well- marked and adhered to.
#88 Trued made motion to endorse preliminary -state snowmobile trails plan made
by the four snowmobile groups and that we encourage these groups to continue
spade -work preparatory to applying for State funds and that we be acquainted
with the procedures for such application of funds. Also, that we be apprised
of trails where bicycle trails could overlap. Christoffers seconded. Motion
The snowmobile groups were thanked for their work in preparing the :map and coming
to the meeting.
Proposed zoning for Lake Marion was once again discussed. Mr. Lane "thinks it is
an unnecessary restriction, i.e. the "pattern at least for the northern portion
of the lake, which is smaller.
Trued made motion to recommend that the north end of Lake Marion "pattern"
be eliminated. Christoffers seconded. Lovelace, Trued, Lange, Christoffers
voted "aye Nelson, "nay because "basically, still in favor of the proposal
as a guideline." Motion carried.
#90 Nelson made motion "the hours be changed (for beaches, etc.) to a hour
after sunset." Christoffers seconded. Motion carried.
#91 Item of ice arena in 5 -year program was deleted from original proposed plan
of P R. Nelson moved that "design and construction of a municipal, multiple
sports' revenue producing, recreation facility be included in capital-improve-
ment program for completion by 1978, at an estimated cost,of $950,000. This
facility to be used for skating, tennis, and other sports and entertainment."
Lovelace seconded, Lovelace, N Lange, Trued "aye Christoffers, "nay",
because "too many other things needed before 1980, when I feel it might be
considered." Motion carried.
Trued -Lange moved and seconded motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:55 P.M. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
Jenice Lange, Secretary
mek D A f!L 1