Meeting was called to order by Chairman Len Nelson at 8 P.M.
with members Nelson, Enright, Lange, Trued answering roll call.
Absent were Lovelace, Lamont, Christoffers. Park Director Steve
Michaud was present. Minutes of meeting March 12, had been
received by all committee members.
Motion should be changed to read: Motion by Nelson to
accept for study the proposed plat for Dakota Heights 7th addition
as presented to the P R Committee.
Motion to approve the minutes of the March 12th meeting as
amended was made by Enright Lange. Motion carried.
Chairman Len Nelson welcomed new member Pastor Clifton E.
Trued, 16699 Gladiola W., Rosemont, Minn. 55063. to the Park
Recreation Committee,
Enright suggested the committee should have new copies of
the Goals Responsibilities of the P R Committee.
Park Director S. Minhaud presented his report:
1. Lake Marion Zoning' Area zoning, time zoning, protective
space zoning and speed control.
Mr. Larry Juneman, resident from Lake Marion area, was present
and recommended a top speed limit of 30 miles an hour on the lake.
S. Michaud will recommend this speed limit of 30 miles an hour.
Mr. Juneman would like the water skiing hours extended until sunset.
There was discussion of a citigen's deputy force to help
patrol the lake.
78 Motion by Nelson to table the lake zoning report and place it
on the agenda for the April 9th meeting. Enright seconded. Motion
2. Michaud did not get a time line on the Capitol Improvements
plan from Springstead Associates, when he discussed it with them.
3. S. Michaud discussed the director's fund and the summer
programs planned.
A group was present from the Women's Softball League. They will
need one field three nights a week or three fields one night a week.
S Michaud will be chief administrator and schedule fields. Michaud
was asked by Chairman Nelson to contact the L A A about purchasing
softballs together with the Women's Softball League and the Men's
Softball League. S. Michaud will bo- ordinate all groups for Aronson
Park a total program.
79 Motion by Pastor Trued to recommend that the proposal of the
Women's Softball League as presented by Park Director Steve Michaud
be approved by City Council.- Enright seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Bob Laddusaw, present, presented plan for park land
in Dakota Heights 7th addition.
80 Motion by Nelson that we 'recommend acceptance of the
proposed Dakota Heights 7th Addition plot dated 3 -1 -75 and
accept the proposed park dedication of 9 acres more or less,
except any dedications for outlots A B. Enright seconded.
Motion carried.
Enright called several community leaders in Valley Park on
the naming of parks in the Valley Park area, and she received
some suggestions from them. Judy Brisky organized with the school'
a park naming contest. Enright brought 30 names to the meeting.
Pastor Trued will study the names and come to first meeting in
April with preferences.
8L Motion by Enright to recommend that coucil approve the
Park Recreation Director's expense fund, as he has specified in
his proposal dated March 25th. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Lange and Enright moved and seconded motion to adjourn the meeting.
Time: 10:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
Jenice Lange, Secretary